When trying to teach your SO the Wonder Woman block pose, for reasons...Stole this off the DC_Cinematic reddit. Gal's first day on set...
When trying to teach your SO the Wonder Woman block pose, for reasons...Stole this off the DC_Cinematic reddit. Gal's first day on set...
Even the critics that gave it a fresh are all huddled around 3/5 rating with a few 4/5, no one is loving this.
This. Early impressions were brushed off as is they didn't matter and shouldn't be counted. "they were wined and dined" "they got in for free so of course they'll be positive"
I mean if you're positive about your first viewing that's a big deal. Now things could definitely change after multiple viewings but still. It's like you're telling those people their opinions are wrong.
Right. I can understand trusting critics over the man on the street, but people acted like the early impressions were coming from people who uniformly had bad taste or couldn't make up their own minds. That's really not fair, and makes me think some folks just didn't want to listen because they weren't negative.
I just can't reconcile the disparity between fans reactions and critics. It's like they're talking about different movies.Impossible to give a unbiased opinion right now, but I liked the movie a lot. The weird thing is that the movie got good reviews in the newspapers around here, but most of the Marvel movies got more mediocre scores.
Right. I can understand trusting critics over the man on the street, but people acted like the early impressions were coming from people who uniformly had bad taste or couldn't make up their own minds. That's really not fair, and makes me think some folks just didn't want to listen because they weren't negative.
I just can't reconcile the disparity between fans reactions and critics. It's like they're talking about different movies.
I feel the next DCEU movies are safe. Wonder Woman has a wonderful director, Suicide Squad has all the right buzz going for it (Ben says he really liked it) and JL is probably Snyder's last shot and firing all cilinders, with all control of the story being in Terrio da Gawd (disregard my avatar). Phase 2 is the big question mark, but I'm betting that Batman movie is coming fast.
Time to do a quick read through of the top negative critics reviews
Lou Leminick:
-feels it's too packed, road to justice league
-didn't care for cgi fight scenes
-no sense of danger
-too serious
+like's eisenberg
Rafer Guzman:
-flimsy motivation for fight
-dislike's eisenberg
-doesn't make sense
Alonso Duralde:
+likes wonder woman
-doesn't like fight scene
+few moments he enjoys like party conversation between Bruce & Clark
+likes the score
-again doesn't care for the cgi fights
anyway you get the point. They don't like the cgi fights, they feel like there's little room for actual story and the film is packed.
I still don't understand the huge negative ratings though, ASM2 & AOU suffered from similar complaints but got higher ratings (so far). I guess movies that take themselves seriously are held to a higher standard, but I can't say for sure until I watch the film. Maybe critics are getting more strict on CBM?
There's probably room here for it to still do well with the audience, who are a lot more receptive to awesome fight scenes.
Suicide Squad looks to be lighthearted and fucked up at the same time. Exactly how it should be.I think squad is looking great, but sometimes I think it may have been better for DC to have done a more light hearted (not necessarily Marvel light) film for 2016 to go alongside BvS, showing that their universe isn't strictly dramatic. A Shazam or Flash movie might have done some goodwill here.
Confirmation bias
Oh absolutely. I'm just trying to give people the benefit of the doubt because pointing out anti biases in relation to this movie tends to get you labeled oversensitive and who has time? lolIt's confirmation bias. Not to mention you have people who actively wanted this movie to fail.
Yeah, that's a good point. I was just way too overhyped for this movie I guess. I'm still seeing it Thursday at 6 though.I think few would love it
I mean there are few movies I love and even fewer of them are comic book movies.
I think Age of Ultron reviewed the way it did because it didn't do anything offensively bad. The problem is it did nothing spectacular, or even great. Just a boring, flat, forgettable film. But not offensive.
ASM2, on the other hand... yikes. Can't defend that one.
BvS reviewing worse than ASM2 is shocking to me.
Suicide Squad looks to be lighthearted and fucked up at the same time. Exactly how it should be.
Same. Aside from The Witch and most of Hateful Eight, the main reason I go to theater is for the big screen spectacle. I can enjoy the dramas and horror movies and whatnot in the comfort of my living room, but if I'm going to spend 10-13 bucks, I want to be entertained and it has to be something worth watching on the big theater or IMAX screen. I'm easy to please.Every person/critic whose opinion I care about has seen the movie and given it the stamp of approval. Well, 3 I care about haven't seen it, but they are likely about an hour into it as I type this so we'll see how that goes.
And like I said in the review thread I haven't heard one word that has deflated my excitement but I'm also easy to please so chances are slim I'll actually dislike the movie. It takes a lot for me to feel that way about a movie and I'd say as far as CBM movies go only Rises, Iron Man 3 and Superman Returns have gotten that from me in the last decade.
Disagree. The trailers leant WAAAAY into the 9/11 imagery.I forgot to mention but there's a lot of 9/11 mentions in the negative reviews. I really don't get that vibe at all in Man of Steel. Just because devastation happens on American soil doesn't mean it's a metaphor for 9/11... People are a bit too sensitive I think.
I forgot to mention but there's a lot of 9/11 mentions in the negative reviews. I really don't get that vibe at all in Man of Steel. Just because devastation happens on American soil doesn't mean it's a metaphor for 9/11... People are a bit too sensitive I think.
Right. I can understand trusting critics over the man on the street, but people acted like the early impressions were coming from people who uniformly had bad taste or couldn't make up their own minds. That's really not fair, and makes me think some folks just didn't want to listen because they weren't negative.
No doubt. What would be absolutely fascinating would be a scenario that played out like this:It's confirmation bias. Not to mention you have people who actively wanted this movie to fail.
Thursday and Friday will be the true tells about all of this. A lot of people are going to see the movie this weekend. If WOM still holds up you'll see it do well in its 2nd week.
Same. Aside from The Witch and most of Hateful Eight, the main reason I go to theater is for the big screen spectacle. I can enjoy the dramas and horror movies and whatnot in the comfort of my living room, but if I'm going to spend 10-13 bucks, I want to be entertained and it has to be something worth watching on the big theater or IMAX screen. I'm easy to please.
Suicide Squad looks to be lighthearted and fucked up at the same time. Exactly how it should be.
Interesting that WW has NOT finished photography, so Gal might be filming both WW and JL together."So Suicide Squad is in post and that comes out later this summer, and Wonder Woman we just finished most of the bulk of principal photography in London. Theyre taking a two-week hiatus so Gal [Gadot] can some and do press, and then we go back and shoot the Themiscyra sections in Italy, and then come back for some pickups in London, just some green screen and some tank work, and things like that. We start Justice League April 11th and that is at Leavesden, mostly on stage and some locations around there as well as Iceland and I think a beat in Scotland at the end of the schedule. And we are working with James Wan on the development of the Aquaman script right now, and Im hoping that sometime first quarter of next year well be in production on that movie as well as working on the script for Flash. So its a little busy."
Where is the official thread? :\
I work in beer sales so I travel to many grocery stores and other places. Everyone was talking about it and saying they are seeing it this weekend. It's gonna be huge.The theater i work at is selling tickets like crazy for this weekend
Well yeah, lighthearted probably isn't the best way to put it. I think it's going be really funny at times, and disturbing at other points when it gets serious.I think people are going to be really surprised when that film comes out and that's not what it is. It might be a dark comedy but I don't think that is going to be lighthearted at all.
I work in beer sales so I travel to many grocery stores and other places. Everyone was talking about it and saying they are seeing it this weekend. It's gonna be huge.
Not a clue because I haven't seen it but it seems to be a movie you leave thinking, "What the hell just happened?" A movie that comes together after repeat viewings. We shall see. If I enjoy it I'll be telling everyone who wants to listen.I'm really curious how it does the second weekend
Well yeah, lighthearted probably isn't the best way to put it. I think it's going be really funny at times, and disturbing at other points when it gets serious.
I'm really curious how it does the second weekend
I'm really curious how it does the second weekend
Spider-Man fans will be on suicide watchWhat if Civil war is bad...
What if Civil war is bad...
Marvel fans will know my pain....and I will weep for them.What if Civil war is bad...
What if Civil war is bad...
It won't be just like BvS isn't but the scores will be drastically different. Yay! There will be zero criticisms about the CGI fights too. Weird...What if Civil war is bad...
Nah. It's just "on to the next one" like the rest of the throwaway MCU movies.GAF will shut down forever
It won't be. I know misery loves company, but don't count on it sucking. Now Doctor Strange is the biggest risk but the cast is stellar.What if Civil war is bad...
Nah, Marvel doesn't make bad movies.What if Civil war is bad...