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DC Universe Online |OT| The next legend is YOU!

Downloading now. Wonder if there is a bunch of stealth changes like in the last patch where they added in some currency conversions and the general improvements to the PS3 versions performance.


BattleMonkey said:
Downloading now. Wonder if there is a bunch of stealth changes like in the last patch where they added in some currency conversions and the general improvements to the PS3 versions performance.

Menus seems less laggy on the PS3, but again, I only just got in, looked around, got out.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sblargh said:
Menus seems less laggy on the PS3, but again, I only just got in, looked around, got out.
Menu's do seem a little bit less laggy, but flying over the overworld (especial with the new social quickchat menu up) seems to be taking a bigger performance hit.
Killthee said:
Menu's do seem a little bit less laggy, but flying over the overworld (especial with the new social quickchat menu up) seems to be taking a bigger performance hit.

Hmm that sucks, the overall flying over city stuff was smoothed out quite a bit in last patch, hate if they lost performance again.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
BattleMonkey said:
Hmm that sucks, the overall flying over city stuff was smoothed out quite a bit in last patch, hate if they lost performance again.
Yeah and it's worse this time, you get a big fat black loading screen when speeding through the city.


Baron Aloha said:
It has to do with diminishing returns. VIT starts to plateau at around 600. Once you get to 700 you need to get another 100+ VIT to notice any sort of a difference (and it is very slight). So basically 800 VIT is the same as 700 VIT.

DOM for a controller should not go past 400. You want to make sure the tanks can pull the threat at all times and at 400 you have just enough to throw around trash and affect bosses so you really don't NEED more.

Ok thanks for explaining that. I think I understood this without being sure I understood it.

So basically this is why everyone stops putting points into DOM and VIT after earning enough gear pieces. I guess it's pointless not to put points into other stats like crit attack then...

It's just such a weird way to look at it after being a healer for so long (more resto is always better AFAIK)


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
First hints at what update 3 will contain:

Wes Yanagi said:
The first three months of DC Universe Online have been very exciting for the team. We are thrilled by the community’s response to the game and are very stoked about where we are going in the future. As much as you play and test a product before launch you never know what you really have until you launch. Will players like PvP? Are the Raids challenging enough? Will people enjoy being in Leagues?

Based on what we are hearing and seeing, the PvP is badass and one of the most popular aspects of the game. The Raids seem like they are the right balance of risk vs. reward. And Leagues are growing fast in both size and number. No doubt we still have a lot of feedback to address but the feeling everywhere is that we have something special and we really appreciate the great support, thanks! In the coming months we have a ton of cool things heading your way, from a new series of Raids in the Fortress of Solitude, challenging new Alerts, the addition of new Duo missions, new gear and items, and of course the chance to fight with and against a number of your favorite characters from the DC Universe to make your life interesting… and dangerous.

But, we know what is foremost in your minds, where the heck is Update 2 – Heads or Tales??? Unfortunately, this update took us longer to develop than we would have liked. However, I’m happy to say we are all set for releasing the US PS3 and PC update on 4/5 with the EU PS3 to follow soon after and it will be well worth the wait. Why did this take so long? In short, this is a fairly substantial update. In addition to new game content, this update contains some major system upgrades, balance changes, and bug fixes. We’ll have detailed update notes posted soon, but here are some highlights.

A lot of you have asked for communication/social improvements, so we spent a good chunk of time working on these issues. The social UI has been revamped to be more usable, and we’ve added functionality like ‘vote to kick’ and ‘vote to re-queue’ to instances. Proximity chat, which was previewed in an earlier patch, has full functionality and is fully enabled. We’ve also added custom voice and text channels.

On the content side, Batcave 3 is live and the Avatar of Technology which some of you may have seen at the end of beta, is ready to deal some pain. Two-Face, Penguin, and Mxyzptlk appear in cool new missions themed around chance & luck… btw, be very wary of the coin toss. You’ll also be able to play as Two-Face in Legends PvP. With a flip of a coin, take your enemies situation from bad to worse.

What about the future and Game Update 3? Update 3 is well underway, but doesn’t have a target release date yet. However, I can say that Ra’s Al Ghul, Swamp Thing, and a very intimidating version of Chang Tzu will make an appearance. We’ll definitely provide more info over the upcoming weeks.

Finally, some of you may be wondering how the recent SOE news will affect DCUO. Yes, the team was impacted and we lost some great developers and friends, but rest assured that we will still deliver *super awesome* new content and updates on a regular basis. And, we appreciate your support!

Wes Yanagi,

On behalf of the The DCUO Dev Team
Well, the update is pretty cool, though as mentioned above it seems like there are some new problems.

But the good:

-Green Lantern duo is fun and sort of a quicker run through that culminates in a big mess of a brawl at the end. Fun!

-Penguin mission is fun and a real challenge and not only do you fight Penguin, you also fight Hush who's a mini-boss here!

-The stealthed in a new lvl 23 story arc that heroes pick up in the Diamond District PD from the Question. The story follows the Batwoman/ religion of crime story that Rucka created not too long ago.

-The social UI seems much better though I haven't dug into all of the refinements yet.

-The Myxlplyx (sp?) content is light and kind of fun, a stark contrast to the abortion that was the Valentine's day content.

-The Oblivion Bar is now open if you've already run that quest and want to go back for a feat or just to beat up on Circe or Wonder Woman.

-Some feats are fixed and a couple kicked in for me automatically when I logged in.

The bad:

-Still laggy in some areas. I talked to one league member who was having a slideshow in Metropolis.

-Had a new type of freeze that took me to the disconnect screen.

-One of my undoable side quests (Playing With A Full Deck) is still not available for me to do.

-Menus are improved but still not as snappy as they should be.

The bonus:

-I used my Kryptonian Phantom Zone trinket and found that they'd changed the look and it's much cooler (if a little less weird) now.

Oh and Killthee, thanks for posting the note. Totally psyched that Swamp Thing is going to be featured!


Done the third raid, gave up on the last boss, but group wasn't all that up to it, we only wiped 3 or 4 times, seem easier than brother eye.
I like it less than the other raids, pace seems weird, you advance a little, it's like you are always inching forward, almost like you are standing still and the wave of enemies are rolling on your direction.
It doesn't have any shenanigan like pushing buttons at the same time or neuromacs. It is very straightforward. Enemies are numerous, they hit hard, you gotta keep it together and keep pushing forward.
There are only two bosses (booo).
The first one is simply about taking down adds, indentify when he is doing a big attack and keep away from him - with the trick being that what is the add and what is the boss change on the fly and since they look almost the same, it is hard to identify that this is the guy you should be running away from.
Second boss I got to the second phase of three, but seems easy once people get used to, will not spoil what the forms are, but a group that knows how to act shouldn't have a problem, you don't need to wait for shields or kill 4 guys at the same time. He is a big dude, there is a health bar, drop it to zero and the gold is yours.
And that's it.
I liked the graphics tho: it is a batcave in name only, it's actually a brainiac cave and it *really* felt like we are finally taking the fight to the enemy. Last boss look great, first time I saw him I really thought it was a menacing enemy worth of a good fight.
And the fight is fun, wish my group (PUG, argh, damn anxiety) had more mind into it, we could have beat it if people weren't anxious to get the investigation icons from the mentor quests that are replayable now.
How many marks of distinction does the new raid give? (Im guessing either 4 or 5 per boss?)

Any new loot thats higher powered than T2 or the previous raids gear?


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
kyo_daikun said:
How many marks of distinction does the new raid give? (Im guessing either 4 or 5 per boss?)

Any new loot thats higher powered than T2 or the previous raids gear?
I don't remember how many marks the bosses drop, but I do remember some of the loot. There's a new DPS style that's styled after the Avatar of Tech and called Brainiac. Stats were T1.5, but slightly better than the previous raid gear. He also drops new neck pieces that come with unique buffs. DPS neck supposedly offers "Each time you attack gives you a chance to increase your precision by 50 for 20 seconds" while the Healer neck piece offers a chance to reduce power cost for abilities for 20 seconds every time you are hit with a beneficial supercharge.
Yow, people are posting on the official forums that their leagues have been disbanded! Apparently anyone can disband a league that they're in and one accidental click of that big red button in the new league tab will do it.

SOE's amateur hour continues :p
Mercury Fred said:
Yow, people are posting on the official forums that their leagues have been disbanded! Apparently anyone can disband a league that they're in and one accidental click of that big red button in the new league tab will do it.

SOE's amateur hour continues :p

Yea and they better fix it quick because this will probably destroy the game. So many leagues are going to fall apart because of dumbasses or douche bags who will disband them, and putting the leagues back together is not an easy thing. Can see ton of people quitting when their big leagues suddenly are gone and they can't get it back together.
Sblargh said:
First boss dropped 3 marks.

Jokes, so were looking at 7 marks total from this raid?

Very weird stuff, I get the feeling there was supposed to be a third boss but it wasn't working out and was delaying the whole update so they nuked it and left it as 2 bosses, maybe why you said the whole raid feels a bit odd?


kyo_daikun said:
Jokes, so were looking at 7 marks total from this raid?

Very weird stuff, I get the feeling there was supposed to be a third boss but it wasn't working out and was delaying the whole update so they nuked it and left it as 2 bosses, maybe why you said the whole raid feels a bit odd?

It sounded like from their announcement that you were going to battle brainiac himself at some point, but unless something happens after you beat the last boss, you do not.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sblargh said:
It sounded like from their announcement that you were going to battle brainiac himself at some point, but unless something happens after you beat the last boss, you do not.
Third phase is Brainiac.


Did the new duo. Very very cool. I like everything about it. And the last fight, with the guests arriving one by one, very nice.


I liked the new Duo too.

I haven't gotten to play much yet with the new patch (a few hours or so) but my initial impressions of it are pretty positive. I absolutely love the way the new quick menu works. Inspecting, inviting, checking your friend list, ect...it's all so incredibly easy and it works quickly, unlike the awful social menu we had to use before.

The Auction House updates are very welcome. I still haven't seen if there is a way to scroll between pages with button presses, but at least it is much more functional now.

I'm really happy (theoretically) with them turning push-to-talk and proximity chat on by default. Now the people who didn't know they were annoying everyone to death will no longer annoy everyone to death. Also, no one was ever going to use prox chat if they didn't turn it on by default.


And it's far easier to circulate between chat channels too, so I can totally see going near a group, switching to proximity and then back to league after conversation is done.


darkwing said:
lol are bows the rage now?
I've been using the bow since the game came out, and it's been relatively broken since then.

One of the abilities did not add to the hit counter. It was the only move in the game that would break your combos. Now, bow users finally have a move that can rack up the combo meter quickly the way that the other ranged weapons do.


I'm at lvl 21 and have a bunch of alerts to do but the Redemption server is practially deserted. I queue up but nothing ever gets going.

If anyone wants to hook up for some DCUO add me...

PSN: FinFan-


FinFan said:
I'm at lvl 21 and have a bunch of alerts to do but the Redemption server is practially deserted. I queue up but nothing ever gets going.

If anyone wants to hook up for some DCUO add me...

PSN: FinFan-

Hero or villain?


FinFan said:

Villain side is the empty one on Redemption, but I'll add you, see if I can get you in my league. They are mainly heroes, so there is a bunch of powerleveling going on the villain side.


I have just played about 18 straight PVP matches (mostly Legends) without a single hiccup or freeze. That has to be the most I've ever been able to do without an issue ever.

I've also won every single one of those. People I used to face who used glitches all day now stand no chance against the people who spent that time learning to play.


What in the name of fuck have they done with the inner batcave? The first boss is unbeatable now. Group with everyone almost full T2 and we can't beat him. If a full T2 tank isnt blocking, he is instakilled. What have they done?


That's not good to hear. I've never even completed the inner as it was.

Have you been noticing any improvements though? Have you been freezing less?


Yeah, but stability has constantly been improving since launch for me. But man, I'm pissed. one hour banging head against a boss that I used to run over. It is like a much worse version of my problem with brother eye: Entire game is easy, then *boom* difficulty spike, now it is impossible.
But even Brother Eye wasn't that bad because I could see that fight making more sense as it went along, now ARC, the first boss of the raid, is harder than Brother Eye, according to people on the forum that actually got through him.
He is hitting me for more damage than I would have health even if I had full T2 and all the health upgrades (which would never happen, because I need to put skill points on restoration). How they break something that worked like this?

And now I'm feeling the full weight of their silence. Something changed, it's not on the patch notes, no one knows what it is, but a lot of people are getting screwed over and while the forums debate if and where the trouble is, the official position is just dead silence.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Anybody still reading the comic?

Future Lex has gotten his hands on a shitload of Yellow Power rings and the Central Yellow Power Battery.
Hmmm, i wonder where this is heading...... *cough*
Future Lex bringing power rings from the future to the past!!!!!

Here's the cover for the next issue and it looks like issue 7 will have
Future Batman join Future Lex and probably start off the Fortress of Solitude/Fractured Future storyline.


I am not freezing anywhere near as often as I used to. That's anecdotal, as I play with my brother a lot and he has frozen a couple times. It's just that I haven't had a freeze in the last 3 days I've played (typically when I get on it's a LONG play session).

I can't believe how many alerts and PVP matches I've been able to do without any issues since the patch came out.

The Group Loot is bugging me, as the option has a tendency to give you a hard time, but that's such a small issue compared to freezing in the middle of an instance.


I'm taking a break from the game. My league just got dramatic lately; I never played and MMO before and didn't know stuff could get so tense. Peoples are peoples I guess, but urgh, need to stay away from that enviroment until stuff hoplefully chill.


lol! That's why I don't really do leagues or clans. I joined Onslaught on my Healer, then my brother got the game and I started a character with him so I haven't really been a good, active member. I just never can do organized leagues like that in games, and I've seen a couple of them break down the way you described.

At least you can get a ton of stuff done in this game without a league if you don't mind being the person who sets up groups.


Anyone in the Omaha, Kansas City or Des Moines area: Nebraska Furniture Mart has DCUO for the PS3 for $25! They had tons of copies at the Omaha store I was just at. Not sure how long the sale lasts, and you can't buy it online.
Haven't played in a over month, since I last maxed my Hero on Redeption.

Starting back tonight, I want to start a villain on a PVP server, so which one has the best balance hero vs villain? Redeption was almost hero-only, I want a server that's more balanced this time around...


chesspieceface said:
Haven't played in a over month, since I last maxed my Hero on Redeption.

Starting back tonight, I want to start a villain on a PVP server, so which one has the best balance hero vs villain? Redeption was almost hero-only, I want a server that's more balanced this time around...
I can only speak for No Man's Land, but I feel it's an awesome server all around, but especially as a villain.

People even use the versus chat to coordinate huge 1v1 "arena" matches. Heroes and Villains meet on the roof of Star Labs, and everyone in the outer ring is not to be touched. The 1v1 fights happen in the inner ring. I have yet to be attacked by a hero while I was standing in the outer ring (and I've never attacked a hero who wasn't willing to fight).

It's so odd seeing everyone play by the rules in that one, tiny section of Metropolis while the rest of the city is gankville.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
The day we've all been waiting for is finally here!

RadarX said:
The US servers will be brought down April 14th at 4AM PT for a brief update. Downtime is anticipated to be less than 90 minutes. Players may notice the following changes:

  • The Gadget Bomb ability should no longer cause some players to crash.
  • Warping to the Vault should no longer cause some players to crash.
  • Abilities which would sometimes sometimes not activate properly now should.
  • The walk animation for characters using the Flirty personality has been revised.
  • Arrow Storm should no longer display excessive visual effects when used. Please note this does not affect damage.
  • When using Full Auto the visual effects should now always properly appear.
  • Under the Sea Feat - The waist and hand appearance for female characters will show correctly in the UI when collected.
  • The tooltips are now scrollable when using a controller or mouse wheel in the Group Loot UI.
  • Long item names in the Group Loot UI will now marquee instead of shrinking.
  • Caging Penguin: Pengbot Maximus should properly display his special attack tell before he starts his attack instead of after it has already started.
  • Rescinding the Clowns should now be available from the quest NPC Sergeant Tarkanean.
  • When pressing up on the d-pad the selection focus should no longer default to the menu category.
  • PS3 users should now be able to edit chat channel colors using the virtual keyboard.


Knowing nothing about programming, it is always kind of cool to see what features are actually server-side instead of client-side.

Unless they do updates on the client side that they don't enable through the server until later with a hotfix. I don't know how this stuff works, but it's interesting that fixing the Group Loot issue is actually a server-side fix.

Killthee said:
There's actually a ~40MB client side patch plus the usual 123MB Title Update that was also released today.
Oh I see, thanks for the info. For some reason I thought it was only a hotfix today.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Grinchy said:
Knowing nothing about programming, it is always kind of cool to see what features are actually server-side instead of client-side.

Unless they do updates on the client side that they don't enable through the server until later with a hotfix. I don't know how this stuff works, but it's interesting that fixing the Group Loot issue is actually a server-side fix.
There's actually a ~40MB client side patch plus the usual 123MB Title Update that was also released today.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
brucewaynegretzky said:
So I accidentally let my sub lapse. Did I lose my characters? Just happened yesterday and I don't want to renew if my characters will be gone.
Nope, they reserve the right to delete them but they probably wont ever do that cause they want to make it as easy as possible for people to jump back in.

Foxix Von

Bajan32 said:
Just wanted to let you know that I havent been around lately not because i quit or anything... just taking some time to play something else... currently killing ff13. had to take a lil break from dcuo is all. should be back around soon =)

ps. i really like ff13, gaf lied to me.. its pretty awesome lol

I know the feeling lol, I've been letting it sit on the backburner a bit till they add some more stuff/make it a little more stable. I keep meaning to pop it back in though to give it another whirl.
So what does a typical play session look for you guys lately? Log on -> Raid -> Leave? I've been going back to try and get feats lately and it can get a little boring. Might be cuz I'm a healer but the challenges take so long. I feel like collecting styles and races are probably the best way for me to get the most points fastest. How do you go about getting style feats?


brucewaynegretzky said:
So what does a typical play session look for you guys lately? Log on -> Raid -> Leave? I've been going back to try and get feats lately and it can get a little boring. Might be cuz I'm a healer but the challenges take so long. I feel like collecting styles and races are probably the best way for me to get the most points fastest. How do you go about getting style feats?
Style feats are pretty easy. Go to every vendor at all the nightclubs to easily pick up all those styles first. Then go on the AH and fill in the ones you don't have. There will be styles you can't really buy, though. And there are definitely ones that are quite expensive. I typically try to find out where those drop and farm the areas.
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