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DC Universe Online |OT| The next legend is YOU!


Grinchy said:
I really love my controller and I'm getting very bummed out to find that it's pointless to get my vitalization and dominance any higher than it is already (with only 2 T1 pieces).

I'm reading that many controllers respec so that they don't use any skill points on VIT or DOM bonuses. They just get enough gear for ~600 VIT and ~350 DOM and then go into what is basically damage spec.

I like being in a support role. I do not want a damage dealer. I just want a character that can debuff and stun better when I increase the stats relating to those abilities.

I get the feeling that futures raids will start demanding ever more amounts of domination, but hum, I really don't know, if only trash in raids couldn't just break a stun like they were a character, I'd say the more dominance the better because you would slowly be increasing the amount of damage a mob can take before getting out of stun.


Just wanted to let you know that I havent been around lately not because i quit or anything... just taking some time to play something else... currently killing ff13. had to take a lil break from dcuo is all. should be back around soon =)

ps. i really like ff13, gaf lied to me.. its pretty awesome lol


Sblargh said:
I get the feeling that futures raids will start demanding ever more amounts of domination, but hum, I really don't know, if only trash in raids couldn't just break a stun like they were a character, I'd say the more dominance the better because you would slowly be increasing the amount of damage a mob can take before getting out of stun.
Yeah that's where I'm getting frustrated, I guess. I don't want to get any non-controller gear and then find out I need my controller gear for new content.

I want to just keep getting my controller stuff, but after getting a new piece I have around 700 VIT and just under 400 DOM. I keep wondering if I'm going to be less useful than other controllers who buy DPS gear.


So, we tried something against Brother Eye today that kind of worked, looked more controlled and stratege-y than the usual.

Everybody group on the monitor, kill adds, all lasers will hit there, everybody roll out, wait laser go away, roll back in, keep killing adds and the monitor.

The hardest part was to follow batman around, since everyone was grouped, to move across the room as a group with everyone successfully dodging everything was hard, but staying on the monitor was surprisingly not-overwhelming.


Hopped in yesterday after not playing for awhile. Sad to see they didn't make menu navigation any better, still laggy as all hell. Good to see they put a "go back to dashboard" option for when you time out, Jesus that was annoying.

Other than that, man the world seems kind of sparse compared to three weeks ago or so when I put it aside for other games. I still haven't done a lot with the instanced stuff (outside of missions) so I really still want to dive into that. Does anyone on GAF still play at all?
My league did the Brother Eye raid the night it came out and after hours of trial and error we beat it around 130am. I say we, but they did all the work. I just hit 30 on my dd and a few of the players had to drop out, so they picked me up with all green gear and maybe 20 skill points.

My first try I lasted about 15 seconds. Second try I lasted about a min. When we finally beat it, I made it to when he was about 50% before I died. We came up with a strategy where the healers and controllers stayed behind the console underneath brother eye and they popped out every so often to heal. I haven't done the raid since, but I am sure they have revised the strategy a little.


I banged my head against the brother eye quest last night and just that was fucking hard, can't imagine what the raid is like!


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Sblargh said:
Sooo, march update isn't really coming in march, is it?
My guess is next week since they like rolling out updates on Tuesdays and it doesn't look like the update will be ready by tomorrow. This was posted earlier today:

RadarX said:
I hope to have an update for you soon. It's currently in final approvals and we will roll out as soon as possible after that.

At this point I'm not sure if I'll be renewing my Legends plan when it ends. These bug fixes are taking way too long and I think the parity across all versions bullshit is to blame. The major reason I even bought the game at launch was because I was impressed with how fast they were able to pump out updates during the N.A. PS3 beta, now that they're holding back updates until both SCEA & SCEE certification is complete everything is crawling.

I can understand why they wouldn't want one version to have new content while the other two are in certification hell, but the solution shouldn't be to hold everything in limbo until everything is cleared. Bug fixes should be separated from the almost monthly content updates and released ASAP. PC version should get them first and then roll them out for the PS3 versions as soon as they pass their respective certification. This parity bullshit is not working and makes no sense considering the servers are all separated.
Sblargh said:
*uncrosses fingers... walks away*
Sorry dude :(

Killthee said:
At this point I'm not sure if I'll be renewing my Legends plan when it ends. These bug fixes are taking way too long and I think the parity across all versions bullshit is to blame. The major reason I even bought the game at launch was because I was impressed with how fast they were able to pump out updates during the N.A. PS3 beta, now that they're holding back updates until both SCEA & SCEE certification is complete everything is crawling.

I can understand why they wouldn't want one version to have new content while the other two are in certification hell, but the solution shouldn't be to hold everything in limbo until everything is cleared. Bug fixes should be separated from the almost monthly content updates and released ASAP. PC version should get them first and then roll them out for the PS3 versions as soon as they pass their respective certification. This parity bullshit is not working and makes no sense considering the servers are all separated.

Yeah, SOE makes a pretty great game very tough to enjoy with the bugginess of the current state of affairs. These massive "monthly" updates are a bad idea. Get the bug fixes and refinements out weekly/ bi-weekly and deal with the new content separately.

I'm sticking around for now, though, despite the issues as I started my own hero league out of frustration over on TKJ. We now have about 15 members and it's going well so far. Finally having regular people to play with is a shot in the arm for me to like the game, but without that I'd be letting my sub lapse right now.
Yea I probably wont be back after my first 3 month legends plan is over unless major changes show up to the game with the first content update. The core game I think is great, but lack of content is killing it. I usually give it a rest and come back to DCUO and have fun with it, but it's not something I'm comfortable paying for at the moment. The games problems just keep floating to the top and the updates are taking too long. Bug fixes should be happening all the time and not once a month.
They should stop with the holiday content until they get the major bug fixes and when they can get caught up and actually release the content before the holiday. Bug fixes, new duo and new raid is all we really need every month.


I'll be staying probably, having great fun with the game despiste ocasional rage with bugs.
But I do think they are making it more stable between patches. I been having almost no problems lately, but then again, maybe it's just me.
(don't want to sound like those douches on the official forum that create threads to say "who never had a freeze?", like, everyone else is lying and they will expose the farse)


I feel like the last major patch, although it introduced new problems, made the game significantly more stable.

That said, the way they are doing bug fixes is the reason I probably will not be renewing. Exploits and bugs should not be left as they are for months at a time in an MMO with a heavy PVP side just so that they can introduce small bits of new content simultaneously worldwide.

I completely understand and sympathize with the team when it comes to the bullshit certification process across multiple regions. But the point is that they should do whatever they can to fix bugs and exploits in the present, while allowing the new content take place when it's ready in the future.

I don't care if I am playing Saint Patrick's Day content in May if it means that I'm not freezing 6 times per day or getting put into bugged duos or watching the game go into near-crash mode just from pressing the start button to bring up the menu.

The game has now been out, officially, for 2 months and you still can't even change your skin color without it screwing up the colors of your gear. That's not the end of the world, but it's just another piece of evidence showing that they are ok with things being broken for long periods of time. Well, I'm not.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
New article over at MMORPG:

Michael Bitton said:
When DC Universe launched in January, the team was already hard at work on the game’s first update, so its contents were more or less settled on. Update 2 offered the team their first opportunity to react to the situation on the ground in the live game as well as player feedback, and one of the first things they realized is that four man content is king in DC Universe Online. Chris explained that while eight man content is well and good, four man content has gotten the most mileage (due to the coordination involved and weekly timer), and so they intend to add more (in addition to new raids and such). Update 2 serves to wrap up a lot of the stuff they had planned for launch (such as the Batcave), and going forward they want to focus much more on adding much more four man content.

Speaking of raids, if you’re familiar with the DCUO storyline you’ll know that Brainiac is attempting to digitize everything and in order to do so he needs to control the different aspects of Earth. Being a technological being, the tech aspect is the easiest for him to control, and that is represented by the Batcave content. In the months ahead the team plans to explore the meta and magic aspects of Brainiac’s invasion, and Chris took this moment to let us know that the new raid content will also be accompanied by entirely new tiers of battlesuits, which is sure to excite the phat lewt hunter in all of us. Unfortunately, Chris was coy on exactly where they’ll be taking us next between the two, but if you’re looking for some hints check out the latest CG trailer as Chris notes the location featured in the trailer should offer some pretty telling hints. Considering that the trailer takes place in Superman’s Fortress of Solitude headquarters, I think you’d be pretty safe putting your bets on Metahumans as the next aspect of Brainiac’s invasion to be explored in the game.

Compared to other superhero MMOs in the space, DC Universe Online launched with a fairly pared down variation of powersets for players to select from, most notably, a lack of a “natural” powerset. In beta, testers referred to this as the “Might & Mastery” powerset, and it got a lot of traction on the forums. Chris noted that while they may have less powersets than some other games, they focus on the quality of their powersets as opposed to the quantity. New powersets have far reaching impact on the game and they are never simply a matter of doing a particle effect swap. With that said, Chris understands that the “Might & Mastery” type of thing is something other games have done, but they are really focused on doing something different than what other games have done or are doing, and to that end, it turns out that more players are looking for something more iconic (*coughlightpowerscough*), but ultimately it has to be different and it has to work within the scheme of their game and be included for the appropriate gameplay reasons. They’re working on a new power, but they simply aren’t ready to talk about it yet.

Wrapping things up, Chris took a few more questions, with some noteworthy topics including PvP exploits (Update 2 will feature the largest set of PvP exploit fixes to date) and the backlash stemming from missing their target release dates for updates, more specifically, launching Valentine’s Day content after Valentine’s Day, and now St. Patrick’s Day content after St. Patrick’s Day. I’ll let Chris explain it as only Chris can: “I think overall it’s interesting because there’s very few MMOs, in fact, I don’t know of any, that released content updates that fast after they launched, and the reason I say that is because it’s a very technically and creatively challenging thing to release true monthly content, right, not just fixes or tweaks, or every two months something else, right, and on a roughly monthly basis we’ve done it once, we’re doing it again here. Like I said, roughly we tried to hit with, in the Valentine’s Day case, it was part of the plan, that we thought, hey, we would hit, we would have it there, and it didn’t happen because of how complex these things are.

So, our options are to go more general with it as some other games have done and not try to hit those holidays, right, or to try to actually just present the stuff as we have planned. So, Spring and some of the other content updates that we have going out are a little more generalized and not tied to a holiday. The St. Patrick’s Day thing is more of a play on the flavor of the month and it’s more about Myxyztplk than anything else, and so, I mean, honestly, if, for players if the backlash is, no, you should be able to, a month after you launch launch a February update and have everything there and be good, I’d be like, cool, I think we got closer than anybody ever has and we’ve delivered more than anybody ever has immediately after launch in the series that we’ve done, and we’re going to continue to do that and we have done that, and so backlash or no I would ask them just out of sheer comparison, right, instead of saying, well, I mean I would love to get things instantly and to have updates every week, but unfortunately that’s not the reality of making these games and pushing it forward. We’re doing far better than the competition and doing real well for ourselves, so we want to keep doing that and keep that setup.”

No release date for Update 2 has been set, but be sure to stay tuned here at MMORPG.com as we’ll let you know as soon we find out!


It's funny, because I remember how neat holidays were handled in Everquest. I think I spent one christmas playing EQ and it was like "Hey, we saw a troll dressed as santa?" "wow, really, where?" and then people would flock to the location just to see what this was all about.

Maybe they hit the spot with st. patrick, stuff, but something that would give them a lot less work and would be a lot more nice and cute would be just having Guy Gardner doing drunk shit on St. Patrick's day itself.

I think the nicest way to celebrate real world stuff on a virtual world is to say "you're not out there, but in here there is a party going on too".

I don't like to propose entirely new concept to stuff, but just tossing an easy, well humored reminder that the holiday exists sounds so much better than the trouble they are having.
Holiday stuff was neat in early MMO's but really I got sick of it with every other MMO that does it. It often is pretty crappy grinds with some games putting lot of work into it, it often feels really odd and breaks world immersion. I prefer if games stay away from holiday content all together to concentrate on the core game and permanent content.


I don't mean to go on a rant again, because I actually do still like this game, but saying "largest set of PvP exploit fixes to date" is such a cute and positive spin on the fact that there are only so many exploits because they did not fix them properly the first time and they've let it go this long.

My run-on sentence is complete and I have fully vented so next time I won't come to this thread being such a downer.

edit: oh, and
so, i decided to jump back in again. and i stumbled upon an error that i encountered (by getting a different router) before. "unable to download key configuration files..." anyone getting this right now? how do i fix it?


I am sure updates will be affected with the announced SOE layoffs in Austin. Wonder if this is why they had delayed for so long.

Does not bode well for this game.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Official announcement regarding layoffs:

To Heroes and Villains alike,

We wanted to share this information with you all in our forums, rather than sending you to read about it on another site. The DCUO player base has been very supportive and engaged from Beta right through launch. Metropolis and Gotham City have come alive with your stories and shared experiences and we look forward to a long future together with all of you. We want to reassure you that DCUO will continue with full support and development, including the largest Live team we have for any project at SOE. You can look forward to a Producer’s Letter next week outlining what lies ahead for the game’s development in 2011.

For those who wish to comment, please use THIS thread. It will remain unlocked as long as conversation remains constructive and polite. Our CMs and Mods have been asked to redirect all other related posts to this one as well.

~Linda “Brasse” Carlson

Director, Global Community Relations, SOE

Following is the official notice that you may see on other sites:

As part of a strategic decision to reduce costs and streamline its global workforce, SOE announced today that it will eliminate 205 positions and close its Denver, Seattle and Tucson studios. As part of this restructuring, SOE is discontinuing production of The Agency so it can focus development resources on delivering two new MMOs based on its renowned PlanetSide and EverQuest properties, while also maintaining its current portfolio of online games. All possible steps are being taken to ensure team members affected by the transition are treated with appropriate concern.

This strategic decision will have no impact on SOE’s current portfolio of live games; additionally SOE will transition development efforts for the Denver and Tucson studios’ suite of products to its San Diego headquarters. This strategic alignment of development resources better positions SOE to remain a global leader in online gaming and deliver on its promise of creating entertaining games for players of all ages, and servicing the 20 million players that visited SOE servers in just the past year.


Hope the people find other jobs.
RIP Agency, I was almost looking forward to you.
I really like SoE, even if they seem somewhat disorganized, their games always have heart.


Just done all three raids in a row, brother eye is no longer the supermonster that he was, but still takes some work and can all still fall apart if a portion of the group isn't at it best. We wiped two times because me, the dumb healer, got killer for dumb reasons. It's always painful to know everything went to shit because you decided to roll right in the face of a neuromac.
But yeah, we died twice and third time everything went smoothly, I never thought that fight would, one day, be smooth and predictable; so yeah, I'm ready for the third part. =)


“I think overall it’s interesting because there’s very few MMOs, in fact, I don’t know of any, that released content updates that fast after they launched, and the reason I say that is because it’s a very technically and creatively challenging thing to release true monthly content, right, not just fixes or tweaks, or every two months something else, right, and on a roughly monthly basis we’ve done it once, we’re doing it again here. Like I said, roughly we tried to hit with, in the Valentine’s Day case, it was part of the plan, that we thought, hey, we would hit, we would have it there, and it didn’t happen because of how complex these things are.

So, our options are to go more general with it as some other games have done and not try to hit those holidays, right, or to try to actually just present the stuff as we have planned

I think its interesting because just about every other MMO pushes out bug fixes and hard exploits way more regularly (or at least enforce some punishment for constant exploiters). The backlashes aren't over the updates, but the lack of acknowledgement on fixing exploits. sigh. They don't want to release fixes or tweaks regularly because they want a roughly big monthly content update? c'mon, fix your game Sony!

I still play because I like my league, we raid, hma/duos, and pvp can be fun, but it usually just ends up being 1 team rolling over the other because a healer didn't join or they have 2 healers and we have no controllers etc.. Of course then when the pistol or bomb exploiters come on, its just suicide so we can get the losers reward. Oh and for the moon, a villain just stood on our rock and took it but became invulnerable. He said afk, just so we wouldn't be able to win that way (as we were mounting a huge comeback by capturing).


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
USA Today is saying the patch comes out next week:

Mike Snider said:
3D Voice comes to 'DC Universe Online' on Sony PlayStation 3 and PC

3D is all the rage now. Nintendo's 3DS handheld is in stores. Games such as Crysis 2 and the upcoming SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy Seals are playable in 3D on compatible TVs.

Now coming to games: 3D voice.

Voice technology company Vivox, which already provides 3D voice to virtual worlds such as Second Life and games such as APB and Bloodlines Champions, is bringing the technology to DC Universe Online on the PC and, for the first time, the PlayStation 3.

Three-dimensional voice features were quietly added to the game on both platforms recently, with some additional functions due in a software update next week.

"What it means is people inside the game have an ability to talk as if in real life, meaning if you are physically closer to someone in the game you hear them louder, and if you are farther away, they are softer. And if they are far enough away you just don't hear them," says Sony Online Entertainment CEO John Smedley.

Vivox, which also supplies high-definition voice chat technology to other games, uses advanced proprietary IP voice systems to match the position of characters in games with voice position in the soundscape to "make sure the voice experience is as realistic as if you were in the real world," says Vivox CEO Rob Seaver.

So when your DCUO superhero confronts other characters, "you hear them based on their location relative to you," Seaver says. "If one is on your left, you hear them on your left, and if another is on the right, you hear them on the right."

Players who don't like the feature can turn it off. But Smedley doubts that players will opt out. "It gives the players the ability to easily converse," he says. "What separates a massively multiplayer game from normal games is a lot of people can interact together. On a console, that is hard to do because there is no keyboard. This lets a lot of people talk at once, and they can talk just (like) they were in a crowded room. It's really the most efficient way to communicate."

icechai said:
I think its interesting because just about every other MMO pushes out bug fixes and hard exploits way more regularly (or at least enforce some punishment for constant exploiters). The backlashes aren't over the updates, but the lack of acknowledgement on fixing exploits. sigh. They don't want to release fixes or tweaks regularly because they want a roughly big monthly content update? c'mon, fix your game Sony!

I still play because I like my league, we raid, hma/duos, and pvp can be fun, but it usually just ends up being 1 team rolling over the other because a healer didn't join or they have 2 healers and we have no controllers etc.. Of course then when the pistol or bomb exploiters come on, its just suicide so we can get the losers reward. Oh and for the moon, a villain just stood on our rock and took it but became invulnerable. He said afk, just so we wouldn't be able to win that way (as we were mounting a huge comeback by capturing).
They didn't seem to have an issue releasing bug fixes for the PC & N.A. PS3 versions during beta, the only version that was always lagging behind was Euro PS3. My guess is the stockpiling of bug fixes/tweaks is being done to minimize the amount of times they have to go through certification and their parity across all versions rule combined with Euro certification is causing the big delays.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!

Update 2 is Coming Next Week!

Folks we know many of you are all anxious for Update 2 and we are too! Not only do we have some amazing content planned for you but some bug fixes and general game enhancements we know you will enjoy. We wanted to let you know about a few things you'll be able to see in next weeks patch:

  • A number of exploits have been corrected. As usual we can't get specific on these.
  • A number of tooltips have been added to the Broker including "Already collected" for collectible items.
  • Many Feats have been fixed!
  • Matchmaking has been improved! Instances with no one in them will now be closed. Also instances do not automatically open when a player leaves. Players can vote to re-open it if necessary.
  • A large number of UI changes including an overhaul of the Social UI.
  • Numerous Nature and Mental powers have been fixed.
  • Dozens of Mission bugs have been squashed!

This is obviously not an inclusive list and a summary of the full patch notes will be available early next week!


Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Good to hear they are going to be fixing broken feats and exploits. I'm finished with raids. I've had full tier 2 for nearly a month and I just got my last epic ring that I needed so now I have epic everything.

Going to be feat hunting full-tilt now. 66/67 skill points and counting.


A number of tooltips have been added to the Broker including "Already collected" for collectible items.
Matchmaking has been improved! Instances with no one in them will now be closed. Also instances do not automatically open when a player leaves. Players can vote to re-open it if necessary.
A large number of UI changes including an overhaul of the Social UI.

That fixes about all my complaints.
Finally I can delete those stupid glitched mails. Also I noticed it mentioned re-entering missions after completion. Can anyone tell me if the first Superman mission is on that list? I can't remember what it's called.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
SuperSonic1305 said:
Finally I can delete those stupid glitched mails. Also I noticed it mentioned re-entering missions after completion. Can anyone tell me if the first Superman mission is on that list? I can't remember what it's called.
I believe it's this one:

What Luthor Wants… - Players may now re-enter this instance after having completed the quest.


The patch notes look great. It took forever to look through all of those...

Since you guys are talking about controllers, I was wondering something. Does VIT and/or DOM have something to do with the effectiveness of debuffs? A gadgets controller has a sleep dart that debuffs attack plus a grenade that debuffs defense.

Are people saying that after a certain amount of VIT and DOM, your abilities no longer get more effective?

Baron Aloha

A Shining Example
Grinchy said:
Are people saying that after a certain amount of VIT and DOM, your abilities no longer get more effective?

It has to do with diminishing returns. VIT starts to plateau at around 600. Once you get to 700 you need to get another 100+ VIT to notice any sort of a difference (and it is very slight). So basically 800 VIT is the same as 700 VIT.

DOM for a controller should not go past 400. You want to make sure the tanks can pull the threat at all times and at 400 you have just enough to throw around trash and affect bosses so you really don't NEED more.
Varna said:
Meh. Still no attempt to balance dominance and vitalization for controllers. Canceling my sub.

From the forum it sounds like SOE really sees no problem right now with dominance so I doubt we will see any changes any time soon for that.


helped a brotha out on multiple separate occasions!
Patch is live for N.A. PS3. 123MB Title Update, 1755MB client download.

ToS has also been modified. Looks like they just replaced SCEA with SNEA.


Just went in to see how everything was and logged out because of stuff to do, but the social stuff does seem a gazillion times better. Checking the friend list/nearby players/league and changing audio channels is so much easier now.
Last version of social stuff looks like a placeholder in comparison (and maybe it was).
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