From natural athleticism to drugging himReally Stein. Fucking really
Geez, Stein just Shanghai'd him.
Damn, Stein's actually rather savage.
Rory upgraded after his time with the Doctor.
Damn, Stein's actually randall savage.
If it isn't bigger on the inside...
It's not a pun.There's a Randall Savage pun in here. But I'm not clever enough to put it together.
You're not the time boss of me.
What's the difference?
A Black Ops 3 commercial this far post launch? Bizarre
Rory upgraded after his time with the Doctor.
That was delightfully shady of Stein.
A ton of Blackops commerical have been played I swearA Black Ops 3 commercial this far post launch? Bizarre
Seeing him do one stop shopping for his team, makes me wish he did a "heroes through time" thing.
You should, it's fantastic!I should really get to watching the 100 at some point