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Dead or Alive 5: Last Round |OT| Bouncing on new systems.


I saw it on SEN website while dling all my outfits.

Also it was a joke because the men aren't going to get any outfits. :p lol

Oh ok. The price is extremely disappointing then. Was hoping for 60$ max, couldn't see them do less than 50 as well due to other season passes prices...

Who's working on all that dlc they have planned though, that's a lot of bikinis at the cost of black market prices in our future.

Seems like team Ninja have found a way to scrounge out profit from their main game, but it's hurting their output. There is no reason why this game should be on the PS3/XBOX 360 to be frank. These consoles already had several versions of the game including the f2p game, by spreading what was suppose to be a last gen port to new gen across so many consoles (including the old ones), you're just spreading your resources too thin and squandering on quality. The PS4/XBONE ports would have been much better if they only concentrated on those platforms.

I think they're doing a disservice to DOA6 by ushering the franchise on new-gen is such a haphazard manner, in the same way Saints row get-out-of-hell did nothing positive for the next saints row.

It doesn't take many people to work on DLC really, even less when it's just costumes
there's obviously more than that, for planning/production/balancing purposes
Team Ninja is a big team, and got bigger since Hayashi got promoted and the Tecmo restructuration. Most guesses are that there may be 3-4 teams of different sizes at TN (1 big, 1 smaller project, 1 DOA support, and 1 helping other projects at KT, like Hyrule Warriors for example).

For the PS360, again, it's a difficult situation. They're only getting balance and Raidou/Honoka. Costume support is over pretty soon as well.
As said before, it's even more difficult for japanese publishers to abandon the old userbase of those platforms. You shouldn't have expected some sort of remake, but obviously, better stage textures and AA should have been a given.


I'm not sure why there a disappointed people in regards to the visuals. If they even watched a few seconds of footage of this version of the game in the lead up to release, they'd have known it was a basic port of the previous gen version.

Yep but sort of surprised by the lack of AA and the fact the discrepancy between stages is still there. Some look vibrant, others like Hot Zone and Lost World and the fighters within it still look like shit. This game has like the worst lighting ever.


Haha okay awesome. Throwdown is the easiest way I can get matches online. Gives me that practice mode before a match starts like it does in TTT2.
This was the same for me all throughout vanilla, plus, and ultimate. Doing throw downs was the fastest option to get a match.
So how do I accept a throwdown on ps4? I see the invite in the corner but when I press the option button it opens the menu... I'm feeling real stupid right now.


Are the included costumes all ready to use right away, or do they put them behind some kind of unlock progression system?


Are the included costumes all ready to use right away, or do they put them behind some kind of unlock progression system?

You have to unlock a lot of them, but in vs. mode you can do exhibition and everything is unlocked.

My save from PS3 version worked perfectly.
What does Sony have to do with this? Lab Zero said they can give it any developer that wants to use it for free.

Yeah but can Tecmo then get technical support from Lab Zero when it doesn't work right or breaks something in their game? Probably not, and Sony sure isn't going to support it. That headache is simply not worth it to many developers.





Why shouldn't it be on PS360? There are still lots of people playing on those consoles. Seems silly to cut them off.

I mean, I couldn't say for sure, but I doubt that it takes many people to make costumes, lol.
Well all the crashes and network issues speaks volumes, you remember that throwdown issue, you know long that has been a problem? It continued even when the vita version launched, now there's a new gen port, nothing's changed really. So what exactly are Tecmo's resources being spent on?

PS3/360 is done, I mean how many iterations of DOA5 will these guys really play? They included them because they wanted to get more sales for their future dlc, but how much dlc are they really expecting to sell from this old game on last gen systems? enough to be profitable?

Nyoro SF

Yeah but can Tecmo then get technical support from Lab Zero when it doesn't work right or breaks something in their game? Probably not, and Sony sure isn't going to support it. That headache is simply not worth it to many developers.

Tecmo can do their own technical work on it no problem.
It's a free driver after all, they can test and see if it suits their needs.

This is honestly the best advertisement for the PC version of the game, pretty much any controller and adapter will work with it lol. No need to worry about this simple controller compatibility nonsense.


My save from PS3 version worked perfectly.

Sorry if this has been explained before, but how does this work? I have the PS3 DOA5U and would be pretty happy if my stuff could come over. I know with Diablo 3 I had to upload it from the PS3 to a blizzard server, then download that on my PS4. Is there now an upload option in DOA5U PS3?


Sorry if this has been explained before, but how does this work? I have the PS3 DOA5U and would be pretty happy if my stuff could come over. I know with Diablo 3 I had to upload it from the PS3 to a blizzard server, then download that on my PS4. Is there now an upload option in DOA5U PS3?

from their FAQ:

1. Install the title update for the PS3™ version of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (or Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate) scheduled to be made available from February 17th.
*Applying the title update to DOA5U will change the game title to "Dead or Alive 5 Last Round."

2. Select "Options" from the main menu on Dead or Alive 5 Last Round for PS3™ and press the □ button to upload your save data online.

3. Start up Dead or Alive 5 Last Round for PS4™ while it is connected online.
Carrying over your save data will enable you to keep items such as your game progress, and any titles you have obtained.
*You cannot import your save data if you have already created save data for DOA5LR on PS4™. In this case, you will need to delete your save data and follow the procedure described above.

link: http://teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/us/info_faq.html


What are the extra 4 characters in the xbox upgrade to core fighters? Looks like the trial is like the PS4 core fighters (4 characters), but at the moment MS have the upgrade at $5 so depending which characters that includes, that could be a better choice than getting the PS4 version and individual characters as DLC


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Yep but sort of surprised by the lack of AA and the fact the discrepancy between stages is still there. Some look vibrant, others like Hot Zone and Lost World and the fighters within it still look like shit. This game has like the worst lighting ever.

Previous gen versions of the game didnt have AA either. I dont know what they thought, maybe they figured they didnt need to put AA cause the basic resolution upgrade would solve the AA issues(which it does to a certain degree)...but the textures of the levels, the lighting, the actual assets, everything really needed to be fixed up...but again, i dont know if they were willing to invest so much effort on a cross platform game.

I don't really care that much cause the aliasing was my only real major issue that i thought they could actually adress, but they really do need to overhaul a ton of things for DOA6, Hayashi said they are going full next gen for their next game, so they've gotta either use UE4 or invest in their engine to bring it up to acceptable standards.


Sorry if this has been explained before, but how does this work? I have the PS3 DOA5U and would be pretty happy if my stuff could come over. I know with Diablo 3 I had to upload it from the PS3 to a blizzard server, then download that on my PS4. Is there now an upload option in DOA5U PS3?

Log into PS3, should be an option with the title update to press square to upload your save data to the server.

Log in to PS4, it must be the first time you've played LR on PS4, so if you've already started, you'll have to go and delete that save. But after you've logged in, it automatically checks for a save and downloads it after a few prompts.

Well all the crashes and network issues speaks volumes, you remember that throwdown issue, you know long that has been a problem? It continued even when the vita version launched, now there's a new gen port, nothing's changed really. So what exactly are Tecmo's resources being spent on?

PS3/360 is done, I mean how many iterations of DOA5 will these guys really play? They included them because they wanted to get more sales for their future dlc, but how much dlc are they really expecting to sell from this old game on last gen systems? enough to be profitable?

I don't think network issues and crashes have anything to do with PS360 versions still existing. /shrug

I'm not a developer or whatever. Not a publisher. Don't really care about that. I just know quite a few people who don't want to move on to PS4 or XB1 yet, don't want to buy new sticks, don't want to pay for online, etc, and see no reason that they shouldn't be able to play DoA5LR, when there's really nothing new aside from a couple characters, outfits, and stages.

I also would rather they didn't waste too much time on what is now the 4th version of a 3 year old game making it shinier for a new generation. I'd rather they spent that time on DoA6.

That's imo imo imo.


I'm not sure why there are disappointed people in regards to the visuals. If they even watched a few seconds of footage of this version of the game in the lead up to release, they'd have known it was a basic port of the previous gen version.

I've watched from the very first reveal. I was disappointed then and disappointed now. How is this in any way contradictory? I love this game, and I'm disappointed they didn't put more effort in. It would not have required a huge amount of work to replace a couple of floor textures and add AA. Sorry, it just wouldn't have.


irresponsible vagina leak
Sorry, I did check the OP but on iPad that link only shows the title 'core fighters' and doesn't load anything else. Could someone write them down?

On Xbox One paid core fighters
Jann Lee

Xbox One Trial

PS4 Core Fighters
Ay-ooooooo. lmao

One sitting on photoshop. Somehow that one sitting was more optimized than Xbox One port.


Serious question here: What setting should I put the breast motion in? It's on Natural by default but one of them says LR. I'm assuming this means Last Round's enhanced soft engine on the PS4?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I've watched from the very first reveal. I was disappointed then and disappointed now. How is this in any way contradictory? I love this game, and I'm disappointed they didn't put more effort in. It would not have required a huge amount of work to replace a couple of floor textures and add AA. Sorry, it just wouldn't have.

My point is, you don't buy this game and then act surprised when its what they've been telling you it was from the beginning. People should have known what they were getting into when they bought the product. I say that about a lot of things


I'm not sure why there are disappointed people in regards to the visuals. If they even watched a few seconds of footage of this version of the game in the lead up to release, they'd have known it was a basic port of the previous gen version.
Hey, don't set your standards so low. A next gen port should not look the exact same as a last gen game even if it's a basic up-port. These games were already 720 60fps. They didn't have the best textures then, they didn't have AA then. 1080 60fps on the new systems is pie. Ok, the developer is not too invested, perhaps they don't have the funds, but yet, all they had to do was; touch up the texture filtering and ADD some AA, hell, even the crappiest kind (FXAA) in a low standards type of way.

If that's asking for a lot in the wake of TLOU-R, METRO REDUX and TOMB RAIDER_DE, then thay's saying something about what you accept, because that's not even asking for even half the quality and upgrade of what these ports offered from their last gen versions.

Team Ninja is a big team, and got bigger since Hayashi got promoted and the Tecmo restructuration. Most guesses are that there may be 3-4 teams of different sizes at TN (1 big, 1 smaller project, 1 DOA support, and 1 helping other projects at KT, like Hyrule Warriors for example).
Their main teams have not had a new release since DOA5, even ultimate was just an upgrade from an existing game as it stands. A team as big as you've mentioned should have handled this much better by and large. I've seen much better output of up-ports in less time than DOA-LR had and with much smaller teams too.


Any reason why the Core Fighters 30 Character Set cost more than the full digital game on psn? ($50.99 vs $39.99)

Apart from having paying $8 more for Honoka and Raidou, you would still end up with better value buying the full game since you get the story mode + music tracks.


Serious question here: What setting should I put the breast motion in? It's on Natural by default but one of them says LR. I'm assuming this means Last Round's enhanced soft engine on the PS4?

Yes, they didn't want to use this term (and its logo) in the western version. Try every setting, some prefer DOA
, off, etc.
I prefer LR from what I've seen, but normal is good too.


from their FAQ:

1. Install the title update for the PS3™ version of Dead or Alive 5 Last Round (or Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate) scheduled to be made available from February 17th.
*Applying the title update to DOA5U will change the game title to "Dead or Alive 5 Last Round."

2. Select "Options" from the main menu on Dead or Alive 5 Last Round for PS3™ and press the □ button to upload your save data online.

3. Start up Dead or Alive 5 Last Round for PS4™ while it is connected online.
Carrying over your save data will enable you to keep items such as your game progress, and any titles you have obtained.
*You cannot import your save data if you have already created save data for DOA5LR on PS4™. In this case, you will need to delete your save data and follow the procedure described above.

link: http://teamninja-studio.com/doa5/lastround/us/info_faq.html

So this is for save data only? Nothing for costumes? Great, i dont need to bother with it then.

Do you get ANY bonus unlocks from doing this? What about character unlocks???
Glad this is out. I loved the ps3 version but I'm not sure if the ps4 upgrade is worth $40. I'll download the free version to see.

Now... they can finally announce DOAX3 or DOA6 :D


So this is for save data only? Nothing for costumes? Great, i dont need to bother with it then.

Do you get ANY bonus unlocks from doing this? What about character unlocks???

Well, if you unlocked everything on ps3, you wouldn't need to do it again.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
First impression of the PS4 version: This is DOA5 HD...HD'd edition. Reminds me of how it feels playing some PS2 HD game port on the PS3. Not very impressive by current-gen standards as they basically left the backgrounds untouched. The models still look pretty good. They should have spent more time on the backgrounds instead of improving the titty bounce.

Need to try online and see if that's been improved. As it stands, this is still the best 3D fighting game out on PS4/Xbone...because it's the only 3D fighting game out on these platforms. :p
"Anyone know what's preferred more - single or tag?" Someone I know on Facebook asked that, so I was wondering if I could get an answer around here. I usually played single in Ultimate, but did do tag with a friend sometimes.


Man I don't know what's going on here. PS4 version, both times I tried to start arcade mode--once with throwdowns enabled, once disabled--the game immediately crashed as soon as I picked my character.

I try doing training instead, and it worked. So, I exit to go back to main menu, and the spinning icon in the bottom right hand corner for saving has been spinning for five fucking minutes. Why is this shit happening?


"Anyone know what's preferred more - single or tag?" Someone I know on Facebook asked that, so I was wondering if I could get an answer around here. I usually played single in Ultimate, but did do tag with a friend sometimes.

Single is competitive standard. People play tag for fun. It's pretty broken, though.


"Anyone know what's preferred more - single or tag?" Someone I know on Facebook asked that, so I was wondering if I could get an answer around here. I usually played single in Ultimate, but did do tag with a friend sometimes.

Most people like singles. I love tag myself.


irresponsible vagina leak
Lol PS3 version of Last Round the best version confirmed. Crash reports on the PS4/XBO. Cant wait to see the mess that the PC version is.
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