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Dead or Alive 5: Last Round |OT| Bouncing on new systems.


I just bought this on PS4 from my local GameStop because I didn't have it preordered. I have not opened it yet though. I think I'll hang onto it for just a bit longer just in case. I'm not liking the things I'm reading here about the crashes.

Has Team Ninja said anything about this stuff yet? I saw them tweet something about working with the mad Catz ps4 stick being an issue but that's from earlier and I've been just able to pop in here from time to time.


Bought the $39.99 version on X1 and it is murdering my system. At least I think that's the culprit, all of the items queued up, dash is moving super sluggish.

Off to watch The Flash then.


What a giant pain in the ass to upload 360 - X1...put in DOA360 update it...now download these packs...ok...oh I have to scroll through 446 DLC to find them individually...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu


What a giant pain in the ass to upload 360 - X1...put in DOA360 update it...now download these packs...ok...oh I have to scroll through 446 DLC to find them individually...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Yeah the number of dlc packs makes me nauseous
Hmmm. All these reports about bugs and crashes have urged me to not buy the full version for Xbox One immediately. I'll give it some time; hopefully those issues get ironed out in the future.
It's been so long since I last heard it I forgot how terrible the rap that plays on the online menu is. Thank goodness we can have custom soundtracks now.


Yes it is. Don't lose hope!

Anyways, I want to buy this game on the X1. Are the problems that people are having widespread or is it limited to just a few unlucky people? I don't want to buy a broken game right now as much as I love DOA.

If bandwidth isn't an issue for you, download the f2p version and see if you run into crashes or not.


I microwave steaks.
Having a hell of a time here, I made the mistake of downloading core fighters on the ps4 today, launched the app before I got my game disc, and now all of my dlc is associated with the core fighters version, which I can verify by looking at my add ons for that version and it shows up there but not for the disc version of the game. I've tried restoring licenses, the only next step imo would be to completely format the damn system, but I think this is a licensing issue, or maybe i'm just overthinking this.

Scratch that, the game pauses the USB music player. WTF TN? I was looking forward to not having to listen to the terrible soundtrack anymore.


After updating DOA5U on X360 it deleted my save. :(
And on Xbox One it crashed twice in less than 3 minutes!
I can't even download the old DLCs that I downloaded on X360, I bought almost all the DLCs. :(

Is there anyone having problems downloading X360's DLC to Xbox One?


What a giant pain in the ass to upload 360 - X1...put in DOA360 update it...now download these packs...ok...oh I have to scroll through 446 DLC to find them individually...fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
From where? The marketplace? It's still showing prices to me, do you mean the history?


This game gives me that fighting itch again. Love it. Makes me want to get back into this and TTT2 now. Man I need to relearn this game though. Playing on pad works pretty well with this game. The DS4 is pretty comfortable.

Again if anyone has any extra pre order DLC codes, hit me up in PM.


What is with the "Hot Getaway" swimsuits? They were first available on the vita and later regular doa5. Then when Ultimate came out they were the only set that didn't carry over and thus I had to buy them again. Now that Last Round is out it shows that I don't own the damn outfits again.


Is anybody getting this bug where X doesn't respond after you finish a mode? I keep getting to the end of Arcade and X doesn't move the menu forward. I know it's the game because the X button works fine when I hit the PS button and play around in the menus with it. WTH?
What is with the "Hot Getaway" swimsuits? They were first available on the vita and later regular doa5. Then when Ultimate came out they were the only set that didn't carry over and thus I had to buy them again. Now that Last Round is out it shows that I don't own the damn outfits again.

I never rebought them on DOA5U since the downloaded DOA5 version worked with it ans transferred like all the other DLC. I'm confused as to why it's not working for LR, though. It's like I don't have a license for the content somehow, even though it's purchased on the store for 5 and 5+ and even downloads just fine.

Tweeted KT about it already to see if they have any clue.

Mike Golf

So just to confirm and maybe it should be added to the OP; is anyone able to download purchased DLC for Ultimate on the PS3 to LR from the PS4's store? All the costume DLC I bought before shows up with a pricetag. How about Xbone players, same issue?


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Hey, in Retail version do you have to download all the included costumes or are they already on-disk? PS4.

All the costumes that are on the disk are the ones that come free with the game. All you have to do is beat arcade enough times and they all unlock.

Besides that, everything else is DLC.

On the costume select screen, i really wished they put the included costumes first, then the DLC tabs after that. It looks so messy as is.

Nyotegu kinda makes up for it. Never seen her on the last gen version. Somebody earlier said all the girls share the same body type? Def not the case. Hayashi directed TN did that far better than Itagaki
So just to confirm and maybe it should be added to the OP; is anyone able to download purchased DLC for Ultimate on the PS3 to LR from the PS4's store? All the costume DLC I bought before shows up with a pricetag. How about Xbone players, same issue?

All of mine from Ulitmate, which is all of it, worked fine except for the Hot Getaway pack. I went through the web store though because holy crap.


Nice that the 360 update is out in EU as well. Small patch where the game won't work until I download the newest 1gb catalog.
Same thing back with Nyo/etc. Will dl tomorrow to see how it is.

Shame Core fighters PS4 still isn't out in Europe.


So first impressions. I'm actually really okay with how it looks. It looks noticeably better and crisper. No crashes on PS4 yet.

One weird quirk is that Online says my NAT is "Moderate" but when i check other games like CoD Advanced Warfare its saying I have an "Open" NAT. So I don't know who to believe on that. Might be nothing, I know Saints Row 3 on PS3 always told me I had a Moderate NAT when every other game told me otherwise.

Played through Arcade with all the characters I hadn't played as yet which was pretty much all the DLC characters from Ultimate and Last Round. Raidou is a fucking BEAST. I really like him and will get into the training room with him soon.

Phase 4 is my next favorite. She has familar moves but enough tweaks to make her stand out from Kasumi in a few ways. Also her Christmas Reindeer outfit is ADORABLE. All in all I'm pretty pleased with my purchase.
downloaded core fighters to tide me over until PC version comes out.

I was hoping I would get the DLC characters I bought for ultimate, marie and nyotengu, but nope...too sad


Okay, this fucking thing is straight up broken.

PS4 version (after uploading/downloading my save/profile), fucking game crashes right when I select a character in arcade mode every single time. I pretty much can't play arcade mode as it crashes every single time I pick a character, and it doesn't matter who. And even though I'm just picking solo play, it keeps asking if I want to try PS+. WTF!
My DLC characters carried over. Did you download them on your PS4? They should come up free.
oh, since my costumes automatically installed I figured that would be the case for all DLC. I will have to check the DLC list once everything finishes installing

is there anywhere to track the install progress of everything after the first 3.6GB?

The End

Just want to clarify this in and sorry if it has already been said. My characters that I unlocked in Core Fighters DID carryover to LR. All the free give-away characters TN gave out are still unlocked for me (including the ones I bought).

Yep, I was wrong. It looked like the DLC was going up in chunks, i posted that when there were a bunch of costumes up but no characters yet.


2 revisions later and I still cant do arcade mode tag team with a friend? seriously...

Mike Golf

All of mine from Ulitmate, which is all of it, worked fine except for the Hot Getaway pack. I went through the web store though because holy crap.

Thanks for the net store tip. This is ridiculously involved, why couldn't this be automatic in some way? Hope they fix the getsway pack, that's one of my favorites.


Everytime I try to upload my 360 save to the One it kicks me off of Live and won't let me complete the process.
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