I'm terrible with Akira no matter what game I'm playing. I'm also struggling to adapt to Hayate on stick. I did run into our friend from the other night...
HermitArcader said:Found a copy of the PS3 Collector's Edition on sale on, used my playpoints up and got it for a decent price. Not going to use the download code myself will see about selling the 12 swinsuits (is there a buy/sell thread on NeoGaf?) to anyone who want it for less than the asking price on PSN.
I'm terrible with Akira no matter what game I'm playing. I'm also struggling to adapt to Hayate on stick. I did run into our friend from the other night...
I'm terrible with Akira no matter what game I'm playing. I'm also struggling to adapt to Hayate on stick. I did run into our friend from the other night...
What the hell is up with that framerate?
I'm not so sure. The guy is legitimately good at the game - I don't think he'd need to cheat.Look at the Connection counter. Dude abused lag switch because he got bodied twice in extreme lag.
I'm not so sure. The guy is legitimately good at the game - I don't think he'd need to cheat.
So then why is his connection 3-1 sporadically. Dude is lagswitching/torrenting to cheat. Otherwise his connection would be a solid 1-2 if lagging 3 if not for the majority of the round.
I thought Lopedo mains Jann Lee.I think it's just that transition in the stage and Team Ninja's shitty net code. It could have been someone in my house causing the lag as well. The guy is legitimately good and there isn't some switch next to your console you hit to make it lag like that. Kneeing in lag is a bitch though. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy was actually Lopedo.
Nah he cheats. He lag switched the fuck out of me. He'll make it so that he can mash a string regardless of safety and continue infinite pressure. Then if you break out of it, he'll mash his parry and rinse and repeat.
It just got all laggy during the current match I'm spectating. No way that guy libra is playing is lag spiking...right?
Yeah, I don't mean you- I'm talking about our friend who keeps owning everybody. He's too good to need to cheat though.
Nah he cheats. He lag switched the fuck out of me. He'll make it so that he can mash a string regardless of safety and continue infinite pressure. Then if you break out of it, he'll mash his parry and rinse and repeat.
That's normally how this game plays. He posts on FSD apparently.Nah he cheats. He'll make it so that he can mash a string regardless of safety and continue infinite pressure.
Hm, thankfully I don't really do any of the pervy shots, but I don't see why if they can do a FB upload we cannot just export screenshots to XMB.
That TN company stuff on the bottom of those PS3 photos, seems like an unnecessary annoyance.
I'll likely play for a bit, once the beach stage becomes available on XBL.
That TN company stuff on the bottom of those PS3 photos, seems like an unnecessary annoyance.
I'll likely play for a bit, once the beach stage becomes available on XBL.
Is DoA5 a controller friendly game? I've got choice between the regular 360 controller which I am used to, and a street fighter 4 fight pad.Stick's always going to be an uphill battle. It depends on if you find it more comfortable to continue to use it or going back to a controller.
I'd love to take it. $20 PSN good for you? (I'd essentially be overpaying but that's about how much the Collector's edition was. $80, wasn't it?
Is DoA5 a controller friendly game? I've got choice between the regular 360 controller which I am used to, and a street fighter 4 fight pad.
Try and redeem this terrible game. Please.
Just tweeted this to TN:
If you think redemption is possible for the problems you see, might as well be specific in pointing out the issues - doing that and being funny don't have to be mutually exclusive.
We already know what he wants: DOA 3.1.2-3-4...
But he isn't going to get that, and it's been obvious with DOA4/4portable/5/5portable.
So he'll sit here in these threads and whine about it instead of playing Virtua Fighter 5 (you know the game he oh-so-has-fun in) instead of posting here.
Like I said: Shticks gotten old.
Oh... and I thought the "KoF peaked in 98" brigade could be counterproductive in promoting their fave series - so what's the problem with VF5FS that keeps someone here instead?
Even if DoA5 isn't the peak in the series, I figure it can't hurt for Team Ninja to at least experiment a bit, if the different things they did for 5 don't quite work out - I favor KoF over this series, bit even if I don't like all the games in that series, I at least respect the balls old and new SNK had in messing around with the formula once in a while, the stuff that doesn't quite work out eventually dissapears in later games, there's no reason why it can't happen here too.
That being said, for all the praise DoA3.1 gets, might as well be specific about the things that one got right that DoA5 is missing, all I see is different game iterations being mentioned, not features, so something about the fan criticism isn't being as well communicated as it could, and if I hang around here and don't get it yet, what are the odds of Team Ninja getting it, considering the language and geographic barrier?
Just tweeted this to TN:
:trolling image:
Team Ninja has been consulting with FreeStepDodge and top tournament players in America. Dr. Dogg suggested lots of things that would make DoA5 a better competitive game, but he was pretty much ignored. It's not a language barrier. Team Ninja and the competitive fan base have different ideas about what make a game good.
Team Ninja has been consulting with FreeStepDodge and top tournament players in America. Dr. Dogg suggested lots of things that would make DoA5 a better competitive game, but he was pretty much ignored. It's not a language barrier. Team Ninja and the competitive fan base have different ideas about what make a game good.
Maybe a case of TL;DR and not enough people mentioning the same things?
Even not being too immersed in the smash world, it's clear that for their series, if there was one thing that could be changed to automatically improve the experience, random tripping would be the natural choice (with a possible 2nd feature to adjust being the ability to trigget quick recovery on landing from jumps, IIRC) - for DoA(5), what would it be?
A focused message could help, I think.
I think DOA has always been a game for non-competitive players like myself, and DOA5 is no different. Fighters are pretty much either competitive or non-competitive, and as much as they try, I don't think anyone has really catered to both (Maybe Smash Melee? I dunno).
Maybe a case of TL;DR and not enough people mentioning the same things?
Even not being too immersed in the smash world, it's clear that for their series, if there was one thing that could be changed to automatically improve the experience, random tripping would be the natural choice (with a possible 2nd feature to adjust being the ability to trigget quick recovery on landing from jumps, IIRC) - for DoA(5), what would it be?
A focused message could help, I think.
The thing is, there aren't very many changes needed to cater to both. The glitch right now that prevents struggling out of sit down stuns is the best thing to happen to the game, but they're going to remove it.
I don't agree with the assessment, though. Community is what makes a game competitive. If enough people showed up for DoA as is, that would be enough. The changes that I and many others want would probably be more to bring other competitive players to DoA, as opposed to bringing in more DoA players who want to get better.
If that makes any sense. haha
Sure, but that's arguing semantics. I mean, it's relatively easy to find a ranked match online right now, so is the game competitive?
Obviously when I say a 'competitive' fighter I mean one which practices balance and technique over accessibility. By bringing in more competitive players, you'd be leaving out more casual players. No online fighting commmunity has both.
We have received a lot of feedback, and details of Ver.1.03A content will be made available soon. #DOA5
But surely struggling out of stuns isn't your only problem?
And you might not care about online, but game developers sure do. How many sales do they get by being a hit amongst the hardcore tournament going crowd? I have no idea what the attendance numbers for EVO are, but I'd guess it's a few thousand?
Not to mention that previous DOA games haven't been aimed at the hardcore of the FGC. It's not so simple as "Fix the balance and people will play it". Just look at Persona Arena.
EDIT: But anyway, my meaning is that whilst DrDogg may have suggested ways to improve the game as a 'proper' fighting game, TN aren't going to implement them if it hinders the experience for their established audience.
I think DOA has always been a game for non-competitive players like myself, and DOA5 is no different. Fighters are pretty much either competitive or non-competitive, and as much as they try, I don't think anyone has really catered to both (Maybe Smash Melee? I dunno).