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Dead Or Alive Ultimate 39.99 at Best Buy!! *Unconfirmed*


I work at Best Buy and was checking my discount price on a few games that are coming out next week. My discount price was the exact same for DOAU and Outrun 2. The REGULAR price for outrun 2 at BB is going to be 39.99. It just dawned on me today that DOAU must be 39.99 aswell even though alot of other places online are charging 49.99! As soon as I get confirmation I'll report back! :)

P.S. 49.99 games are usually discount priced ten bucks higher than what I'm getting these two games for!
^^^ That made me laugh too hard..

Seriously, can we change the topic to "CONFIRMED- FALSE!" or something.. I keep seeing this thread and getting excited.. then my brain kicks in and I'm like.. shit.

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