Mar said:I finally picked this up a couple of weeks ago and have been making my way through. I think I'm just about finished (chapter 13?).
I'm not sure I like it. Besides the raptor like monsters I'm having trouble seeing a difference between it and the first game. To the point where I'm convinced certain sections are carbon copies. While the first game was fantastic, it was never a 'play twice' sort of game for me (which is common for games that I love, DOOM 3 for instance). So playing through Dead Space 2 is like playing a game I've played before and didn't see a need to play again, yet I am.
One of the best aspects of this series is the sound design. Yet in DS2 there have been multiple occasions where the sound breaks up when there's a lot going on, which ruins a lot of the atmosphere.
I thought I was finally getting into it when. It had a unique style (Condemned used it to good effect too), but unfortunately soon started doing all the same things that previous levels did, and then the game regressed to the same drab levels of before anyway.back in the big ship from the first game
And it's too long. Seriously. I'm 13 hours in and that's a really long time to be walking down linear paths shooting the same guys over and over. The scares are old, none of the tricks work anymore. I honestly think it should have been half the length (but then I feel that way about most games actually. And yes, half the price too).
The game still impresses me. The level of polish is ridiculous and the amount of work involved must have been massive. I have the utmost respect for the people who created this. But I'm sorry to say that it's just not doing anything for me, and I'm really hoping it ends soon... It just keeps on going!
This sounds pretty awesome. It'd be nice to have something replace the Nicole visions, and "shadow Isaac" would suffice I think.
NooooooooooooooooILOVEASIANS said:
This sounds pretty awesome. It'd be nice to have something replace the Nicole visions, and "shadow Isaac" would suffice I think.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Noooooooooooooooo
I fucking hated the constant Nicole bullshit in DS2. The more she blathered on the less interesting and suspenseful it all was. Honestly, she should have never actually spoken at all. The opening scene where she crawls up on the table is terrifying and awesome, but the whole thing starts to lose steam from there. By the last 1/3 of the game it reaches a point of absurdity with all the cheesy rambling and armchair psychology. I kid you not, that shit pretty much killed what replay value the game had for me. I will be pissed if they bog down the next one with anything remotely similar. Christ.
Part of what made the original Dead Space stand out to me compared to other games this generation was its minimalist presentation and sense of restraint. Aside from a few NPCs running around the experience is pretty desolate, and even when the the story moves along Issac remains under your control and in a gameplay context. There's never really any specific point where the pace is dragged down by overwrought cutscenes or obnoxious character banter. Then I played Dead Space 2, and realized all those tasteful design choices might have been a fluke.NotTheGuyYouKill said:I liked it, but I can see where you're coming from.
But hopefully this is different, especially is Shadow-Isaac is just a sarcastic prick who keeps bugging the shit out of Isaac instead of a manifestation of the Marker going like "KILL YOURSELF YOU GUILTY BASTARD".
I remain optimistic. I think it'll be neat.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Noooooooooooooooo
I fucking hated the constant Nicole bullshit in DS2. The more she blathered on the less interesting and suspenseful it all was. Honestly, she should have never actually spoken at all. The opening scene where she crawls up on the table is terrifying and awesome, but the whole thing starts to lose steam from there. By the last 1/3 of the game it reaches a point of absurdity with all the cheesy rambling and armchair psychology. I kid you not, that shit pretty much killed what replay value the game had for me. I will be pissed if they bog down the next one with anything remotely similar. Christ.
ILOVEASIANS said:I agree with you for the most part here. The beginning of the game was definitely the height of the Nicole creepiness. By the time I got to theit lost all its affect on me. I would even melee her during her little speeches out of boredom. But I did enjoy the little moment between her and Isaac afterpreschool.Isaac sets Ellie off on the ship
I have faith in Visceral that they can do something new with "Shadow Isaac," if that turns out to be true.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Noooooooooooooooo
I fucking hated the constant Nicole bullshit in DS2. The more she blathered on the less interesting and suspenseful it all was. Honestly, she should have never actually spoken at all. The opening scene where she crawls up on the table is terrifying and awesome, but the whole thing starts to lose steam from there. By the last 1/3 of the game it reaches a point of absurdity with all the cheesy rambling and armchair psychology. I kid you not, that shit pretty much killed what replay value the game had for me. I will be pissed if they bog down the next one with anything remotely similar. Christ.
GrotesqueBeauty said:Noooooooooooooooo
I fucking hated the constant Nicole bullshit in DS2. The more she blathered on the less interesting and suspenseful it all was. Honestly, she should have never actually spoken at all. The opening scene where she crawls up on the table is terrifying and awesome, but the whole thing starts to lose steam from there. By the last 1/3 of the game it reaches a point of absurdity with all the cheesy rambling and armchair psychology. I kid you not, that shit pretty much killed what replay value the game had for me. I will be pissed if they bog down the next one with anything remotely similar. Christ.
catapult37 said:I had an awesome Dead Space 2 moment last night. We know from the outset of this game that Isaac is losing it and seeing things. I'm in Chapter 6, just after a lengthy enemy encounter. I'm in an elevator, having a weird conversation with that crazy guy (can't think of his name).
The elevator door stops and opens to... empty space. Nothing but stars. The elevator button is active; I could go back up and see what happens, but I think hey! Cool insanity effect. Then I walk out and fall to my eventual death. My checkpoint reloads.
Next time: the elevator opens into a normal room. The whole thing was just a glitch. So far, it's been the coolest moment of the game.
catapult37 said:I had an awesome Dead Space 2 moment last night. We know from the outset of this game that Isaac is losing it and seeing things. I'm in Chapter 6, just after a lengthy enemy encounter. I'm in an elevator, having a weird conversation with that crazy guy (can't think of his name).
The elevator door stops and opens to... empty space. Nothing but stars. The elevator button is active; I could go back up and see what happens, but I think hey! Cool insanity effect. Then I walk out and fall to my eventual death. My checkpoint reloads.
Next time: the elevator opens into a normal room. The whole thing was just a glitch. So far, it's been the coolest moment of the game.
ILOVEASIANS said:![]()
That does sound pretty neat.
overcast said:This game is still my GOTY. Fantastic stuff.
slider said:I haven't even started this even though I've had it since launch. C'mon slider you lazy bum.
Mind you I didn't finish the first. Hmm. Is it ok just to dive into the sequel and leave the first one unfinished? I mean does it matter story wise? (I never got anywhere near far enough in the first one to start paying attention to any "story".)
Agreed. But if it hasn't already been forgotten by most people, it will when this slew of big-name games come rolling in here soon.Grisby said:Still one of the best games this year for me. Top 5 definitely.
Luthos said:Agreed. But if it hasn't already been forgotten by most people, it will when this slew of big-name games come rolling in here soon.
Grisby said:Still one of the best games this year for me. Top 5 definitely.
AwakenedCloud said:Looking to start this game up tonight. I played through the first DS and only used the plasma cutter and had a blast. Is that gonna fly this go round?
AwakenedCloud said:Looking to start this game up tonight. I played through the first DS and only used the plasma cutter and had a blast. Is that gonna fly this go round?
AwakenedCloud said:Looking to start this game up tonight. I played through the first DS and only used the plasma cutter and had a blast. Is that gonna fly this go round?
chandoog said:Yeah its easily possible, i've done it in-fact. If you only use one weapon you get waaaay too much ammo for it because that's all the enemies drop besides money, so it's kind of easier if you specialize one weapon.
That's all the reason you need.Ken said:Thought about picking up Dead Space 2 on Steam while it's cheap, but I already have it and beaten it and Severed on the 360.
Not a whole lot of reasons to double dip on the PC besides graphics and convenience though, right?
Right behind Arkham City for me.Luthos said:Agreed. But if it hasn't already been forgotten by most people, it will when this slew of big-name games come rolling in here soon.
U n i o n 0015 said:LTTP:
I actually bought DS2 on Day 1 but haven't played it until this week. Just finished it on Normal difficulty.
My feelings are mixed, especially after hearing so much praise in the press and in this thread. My initial conclusion is that the first is actually a slightly better game.
I think DS works best when it creates tension and places you in battles with a one or a few enemies. There were times, especially in the last chapters, where you're just absolutely swarmed with enemies. It requires Halo levels of coordination to handle, but the handling and inherent perspective of DS don't give you Halo speed to deal with it.
There's also a lot of frustrating instanta deaths, like scenes that suddenly went to cutscene but it was unclear to me as a player what to do. I felt these were much more distinct in the first one, and that in the goal of seamless presentation, they muddied the waters a bit. I died instantly in the last battle simply because I thought I had vaporized the boss, but it turns out there is a more distinct vaporization on your second shot. Well, how about not making it seem like my first shot had killed the boss? Make the effect more distinct or just plain get rid of it.
Story-wise, it felt the whole first half was filler; I was going from location to location just following a marker. At least in the first one, each chapter had a goal--you felt that every one was vital to your survival or to save the Ishimura, but in 2, the goal would span several chapters and you're pushed out of the story because of that.
Overall, really great game, though. I'm going to attempt Hard Core difficulty but I don't know how I'm going to do it. I didn't die during some of the infamous scene (got the Eye Poke on my first attempt), but I died a lot when enemies would just spawn behind me or clusterf**k me.
I'd say it's 10% less of what the first game was.
Nirolak said:Well, as this thread lacks a horrendously inaccurate title, it is probably the best place to keep putting small, but not thread worthy updates for what Visceral is doing.
1.) They have moved from having five studios down to having three. Their 21 person Australian studio was shut down, and Visceral Los Angeles as mysteriously disappeared while BioWare Los Angeles has mysteriously appeared with a new game that sounds very similar to what we thought Visceral Los Angeles (the remains of Pandemic) were making, but changed into a new IP.
2.) Despite this, they still seem to working on at least one new IP. Job postings in both Visceral Redwood Shores and Visceral Montreal mention new IPs, but I can't tell if they're the same game or not. The new IP (or at least one of them) is some kind of shooter.
:lol I was ready to throw a grenade at my tv when he did that to me. I was already way on edge and I thought I was safe and them BAM! Fucking dead. I was so pissed off I turned my game off and didn't touch it for a week :lolThey ran out of interesting gameplay ideas and these last two chapters are just stupid. Throw everything at you... plus this thing that you can't kill, all while you have to hack panels and doors. That save station, haha yeah... nope. Asshole followed me through the door.
Everytime this thread gets bumped I'm filled with a warm feeling thinking about how much I love this game.
Everytime this thread gets bumped I'm filled with a warm feeling thinking about how much I love this game.
These bumps gave me nightmaresNot about necros but about DS3 development being outsourced haha.