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Dead Space 2 |OT| The Marker Is Not A Sharpie


Spookie said:
It was kept under wraps.

WONDERFUL. Just completed a chapter, I go to save and the save system is bugged out. Incompetent bastards.

I thought so - I was wondering if I *should* have remembered that scene, but I didn't. =P

I love the way developers mix things up with demos, and as such surprise you when you get to that point. I remember that the same thing was done with Condemned 2 and FEAR2, if I remember correctly.

Anyway, just hit Chapter 6 and am loving it so far. I think the timer is off though, I've definitely spent more than three hours playing this. =/


The Bookerman said:
Need help with chapter 13
The Eye poking thing.... Godamnit, Isaac STOP MOVING. I'm having all the trouble in the world aiming the damn thing correctly. Any Tips? I'm going slowly, whenever I think I got it, he suddenly moves away. Need help.

Take it very slow.
Only move the needle closer to his eye when the color scheme is blue, not red. It gets twitchy near the end but you should be able to do it if you go when its blue.
Nemesis556 said:
I thought so - I was wondering if I *should* have remembered that scene, but I didn't. =P

I love the way developers mix things up with demos, and as such surprise you when you get to that point. I remember that the same thing was done with Condemned 2 and FEAR2, if I remember correctly.

Anyway, just hit Chapter 6 and am loving it so far. I think the timer is off though, I've definitely spent more than three hours playing this. =/
According my timer I have only played the game for 2hours. I'm in Chapter 6, too.

Chapter 5 was really epic. Especially I knew the place from the demo, but the changes...
Ok, EA, I want a game designed solely around the zero-g system. I absolutely love the controls in those situations and would love a ZOE-like that allows you full freedom to move in 3d space.

Loving DS2.
Moving on to chapter 7 now and the combat is really starting to pick up. Some intense fights in the last chapter.

I'm glad they got the
"twist" of that woman being an Andrew Ryan figure
out of the way early. Talk about obvious.


Game looked really good on my PC but the jaggies started to get to me after a bit. I went ahead and got the AMD/ATI 11.1 hotfix drivers for MLAA support and damn yea I'm really happy with the difference.
quinntendopower said:
every combat scenario is the same thing: run into the room, enemies pop out of the vents, run at a ridiculously fast speed to your feet, so you cast stasis while shooting the enemies in your face until they are dead, and repeat for the long trail of enemies that follows behind.
I'm all for leveling criticism but honestly this type of commentary is so frustrating because its pure reductionism. Instead of critiquing the mechanics of the game with some specificity, it's nothing but generalized fluff that could be applied to ANY shooter out there.

"Game x is nothing but a series of rooms where enemy x attacks and I use strategy x to take them out. Rinse and repeat for the long trail of enemies that follow."

Shooters by their very nature are repetitive and each can be boiled down to their very core using that statement. It's how the developer handles and HIDES that repetition through level design, enemy and level variety and the tools are your disposal that sells us on the experience. With a horror title you can add atmosphere and a genuine ability to evoke fear/mood to the equation as well. Personally, I think Dead Space 2 excels at each of these categories.

If you disagree, that's fine but I'm genuinely curious about how you feel the original Dead Space trumps the sequel in terms of presenting better battle encounters and set piece scenarios. I can honestly see how some would prefer the pacing of the original. Especially with the last few chapters being a non-stop gauntlet of enemies, but looking at it from a perspective of providing quality horror atmosphere, combat mechanics, level and enemy variety etc. - it's just no contest IMO, Dead Space 2 is the better game.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
This game is really good. Despite EA's best attempts to sabotage it with their awful marketing and press interviews, it mostly plays just like DS1 but better. Even Brossac isn't too bad. He just feels like an entirely different character. I will send in the inFAMOUS 2 annoying force on that one.
Y2Kev said:
This game is really good. Despite EA's best attempts to sabotage it with their awful marketing and press interviews, it mostly plays just like DS1 but better. Even Brossac isn't too bad. He just feels like an entirely different character. I will send in the inFAMOUS 2 annoying force on that one.


He probably feels like a different character because he's... a character now. I like him way more, I feel like he has a good identity now as a leading role.
Just finished Chapter 6 & 7, some moments of genuine surprise and the level design continues to offer variation to the combat.

It's going to take a pretty special game to surpass this.


I'd be in the dick
brandonh83 said:

He probably feels like a different character because he's... a character now. I like him way more, I feel like he has a good identity now as a leading role.
Yeah, I was curious as to what they were going to do with him but he's actually a very good character with a real purpose behind what he's doing. It really added another layer to the storytelling in DS2.


i felt that the first game has more dread to it, there were some really scary / adrenaline rush encounters (the regenerator/unkillable necromorph comes to mind, the medical facility scenario as well as the stasis necromorphs and their twitching movements gives me the creeps).

dead space 2 didn't felt scary, there were some jump scares but not much dread. You can easily spot the monster closets.


Started the game last night...and damn, that was one crazy start. I like Isaac more in DS2, and voice is pretty fitting, so no complaints from me. Started on normal...but is normal really that much easier this time around, than it was in DS1?

EDIT: Not gonna lie, the steam emission got me :D
daxter01 said:
holy shit this game is good really good:)combat mechanics is much much better than the first game
I don't know about that, it felt the same to me. The only real differences between this game and the original are new weapons, a new and fairly linear locale, a handful of new (and crappy) enemies, the story (naturally), and the fact that it's significantly less scary.

Everything else felt like it was lifted straight out of the first (I.E. the way enemies are introduced to you throughout the game.. you'll see) - it was clear to me that this is no longer the same studio that made the first game, but rather the rebranded Visceral that made Dante's Inferno (-shudders). It felt like more of an homage to the first than actually expanding on it and improving it in new ways.
Not saying it's a bad game by any means - I was just hoping for more originality... and actual horror. There is a bare minimum of actual horror in this game in the form of ambient sounds. The rest of the "horror" in this game is jump scares... and a wholeeee lot of them.


I'd be in the dick
Teknoman said:
Started the game last night...and damn, that was one crazy start. I like Isaac more in DS2, and voice is pretty fitting, so no complaints from me. Started on normal...but is normal really that much easier this time around, than it was in DS1?

EDIT: Not gonna lie, the steam emission got me :D
Normal starts out pretty easy for the first half but gets a lot harder later on since it seems like there are a lot less item drops. I was scrounging for more ammo and health later on than I ever did on DS1.


Y2Kev said:
I will send in the inFAMOUS 2 annoying force on that one.

Ugh. Can't we just punch all those folks in the face instead? If it were up to them, I2 would still be set in Empire City, FF7 would get a remake every year, Dead Space 3 would take place on the Ishimura and Isaac would be silent again, and we'd never see a new IP ever again.

I can't wait to start my second playthrough. I only used the plasma cutter and Kinesis on my first run, so I am more than ready to start going crazy with all the new weapons.

Also, I feel like a chump for always playing on Normal through my first playthrough. Am I the only one who sees normal as the option that developers designed the game around? It felt a little too easy this go around though. This whole generation has sort of felt like that though.


Dead Space 1 wasnt that scary aside from ambient noises, lighting, space silence, and jump scares as well...so i'm not sure what the difference is.
Teknoman said:
Dead Space 1 wasnt that scary aside from ambient noises, lighting, space silence, and jump scares as well...so i'm not sure what the difference is.
A significantly less amount of jump scares. Off the top of my head there were maybe 10 of them, including the ending.

Dead Space 2?

There's at least 10 in every Chapter. It's a really cheap way of making people 'scared' (read: startled).

K' Dash

codecow said:
Top men are on it.

Dude, I just want to tell you, congratulations, I love you all, this is Game of the Generation for me up there with the first DS.

Oh, and
going back to the ishimura made me crap my pants, really well done.


Revolutionary said:
A significantly less amount of jump scares. Off the top of my head there were maybe 10 of them, including the ending.

Dead Space 2?

There's at least 10 in every Chapter. It's a really cheap way of making people 'scared' (read: startled).

after awhile you get used to it, see a vent? good chance somethings gonna pop out.
hteng said:
after awhile you get used to it, see a vent? good chance somethings gonna pop out.
Oh, I know. If you saw the way I played, you'd laugh. Every time I enter a new room, I scope it out for vents where the necros WILL pop out from eventually and keep my eye on them. In the beginning of the game, I even tried to force them to spawn so I wouldn't have to deal with them later... which proved to be a failure of a plan since this game employs random (and completely nonsensical) enemy spawns as well.
Irish said:
Ugh. Can't we just punch all those folks in the face instead? If it were up to them, I2 would still be set in Empire City, FF7 would get a remake every year, Dead Space 3 would take place on the Ishimura and Isaac would be silent again, and we'd never see a new IP ever again.

I'm with you on this.


I'm on chapter 7 now I think..and I'm confident in saying that DS2 spanks DS1 on all fronts. I'm not usually affected by horror games, they never really scare me. It's no different for DS2 but it's definitely made me tense up on several occasions. I'm loving the setpieces so far too.


Prodigal Son
Just finished the game late last night, what a ride on Zealot!

Ending thoughts:
Chapter 12 was quite a slog through the corridors but the eye-sequence, boss fight and ending made fleeing from everything worth it! Isn't Ellie just the coolest? So happy to see her come back, but quite un-Dead Space. :D


I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.
Irish said:
I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.
I'd be okay with it. Necromorphs are crazy buggers and if encounters with them were actually scary instead of just throwing 10 at you when you get in a room with vents that'd be great.

I'd also like to see someplace before an outbreak and watch it slowly go to hell as the game progresses.


Irish said:
I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.

I'm game for that. Could be a great point-n-click adventure game or first person horror. I been playing this on normal because I don't play horror games at all . They spook me very easily so it's been draining on me lol! Any higher difficulty and I'm going to touch it.


I'd be in the dick
Irish said:
I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.
I would love something like that. They kind of lose their scariness since you see so many of them and it would definitely make encounters with them way cooler if they were fewer in number. I really trust Visceral to do a good job with survival horror in any form at this point so I'd be on board with any direction they take this series.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Irish said:
I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.
In Dead Space 3 I feel like it would be a bit of a cop out if they didn't have Isaac vs. some regular humans as he fights to destroy the other markers. I don't want Necromorphs set to the side really, but I would like a nice mix. And it would also be neat to see them at war with each other similar to how you can watch the Covenant fight the Flood and kill each other off.


Irish said:
I wonder how people would feel about a game set in the Dead Space universe where the Necromorphs didn't play as big a role.
This is the one thing that kept both Dead Space games from ever being really scary. The number one rule of horror is: you save the monsters until the end! You have to build to the big reveal. Monsters aren't scary; creepy people are.


Revolutionary said:
I don't know about that, it felt the same to me. The only real differences between this game and the original are new weapons, a new and fairly linear locale, a handful of new (and crappy) enemies, the story (naturally), and the fact that it's significantly less scary.

Everything else felt like it was lifted straight out of the first (I.E. the way enemies are introduced to you throughout the game.. you'll see) - it was clear to me that this is no longer the same studio that made the first game, but rather the rebranded Visceral that made Dante's Inferno (-shudders). It felt like more of an homage to the first than actually expanding on it and improving it in new ways.
Not saying it's a bad game by any means - I was just hoping for more originality... and actual horror. There is a bare minimum of actual horror in this game in the form of ambient sounds. The rest of the "horror" in this game is jump scares... and a wholeeee lot of them.

DS2 racks up the psychological horror element significantly more than the first game, mixing it up with jump scares (which it actually does with a bit of class). These games don't approach Amnesia in the horror/fear realm (very little does), but the second does a much better job of it than the first. I didn't think the first was remotely scary but this one feels slightly more unnerving. The sound design in both games is top-notch.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
LabouredSubterfuge said:
@Those who have played Dead Space Extraction - how long does it take to complete?

I'm looking to breeze through it on easy before I start DS2.
It took me maybe 4ish hours? I accidentally broke a level at one point so I had to restart a level once.

Maybe less, I spread it out over a couple days because I didn't enjoy the gameplay at all.
the combat isn't really like the first game. there isn't any balance anymore. enemies are too fast and they didn't compensate isaac into that equation.

the first time you could make decisions and move from room to room, enemies would use the vents to chase you, building some suspense as to "where the fuck did he go!?".

now you run halfway into the room, hear the vents explode and it's doom 3 all over again. just about every single encounter is just waves and waves of enemies that appear and move so quickly you don't have time or the speed to move anywhere else, or even need to for that matter because you can just pick up the ammo from the bodies that are racking up at your feet.

why not slow things down a bit and let you fight enemies with a brute? the brutes end up being a total stasis time warp and it doesn't even have a chance. instead of being creative with the combat scenarios they just pile on enemy after enemy. the only fights i enjoyed were the ostrich guys who stick their heads out, those enemies are awesome!

dead space has SO much potential, i am just annoyed we end up with a dumbed down version of a game packed with tons of cheap thrills and a tacked on throw away multiplayer. time to play RE4 again.
quinntendopower said:
the combat isn't really like the first game. there isn't any balance anymore. enemies are too fast and they didn't compensate isaac into that equation.

the first time you could make decisions and move from room to room, enemies would use the vents to chase you, building some suspense as to "where the fuck did he go!?".

now you run halfway into the room, hear the vents explode and it's doom 3 all over again. just about every single encounter is just waves and waves of enemies that appear and move so quickly you don't have time or the speed to move anywhere else, or even need to for that matter because you can just pick up the ammo from the bodies that are racking up at your feet.

why not slow things down a bit and let you fight enemies with a brute? the brutes end up being a total stasis time warp and it doesn't even have a chance. instead of being creative with the combat scenarios they just pile on enemy after enemy. the only fights i enjoyed were the ostrich guys who stick their heads out, those enemies are awesome!

dead space has SO much potential, i am just annoyed we end up with a dumbed down version of a game packed with tons of cheap thrills and a tacked on throw away multiplayer. time to play RE4 again.

how far did you play DS2? It's funny because what you're describing happens ONLY in the last third of the game. The combat scenarios and the scares seemed very dynamic in Chapters 1-10 compared to the rest.
RoboPlato said:
Normal starts out pretty easy for the first half but gets a lot harder later on since it seems like there are a lot less item drops. I was scrounging for more ammo and health later on than I ever did on DS1.

I've noticed this. In DS1 whenever I got to a store it was like 'well I'll stockpile the masses of ammo and health that I've got and spend my vast wealth on more power nodes'. With DS2 I've had to give up on buying nodes for now to keep my stock of essentials up.
LabouredSubterfuge said:
@Those who have played Dead Space Extraction - how long does it take to complete?

I'm looking to breeze through it on easy before I start DS2.
If you can play it with a friend in co-op. The game was much more tolerable that way for me at least. Also there is no easy as far as I know just normal and up.
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