Sumio Mondo
Ghost in the Shell (lol)
Blade Runner 2049
Altered Carbon
Cyberpunk 2077
Snow Crash
Things are certainly looking great for cyberpunk fans recently for sure!
Never knew Altered Carbon and Snow Crash were in production.
Looked it up and Altered Carbon is a TV series? Good. Could do with a nice cyberpunk TV series like that, was a good book. Fingers crossed the rest are good.
There's also Battle Angel Alita being directed by Robert Rodriguez; considering how damn good OG Sin City, here's hoping it's of that quality.
Then there's Duncan Jone's (Moon, Source Code) upcoming film - Mute, which looks like a mystery cyberpunk film.
Concept art:
On the subject of cyberpunk games there's also the System Shock revivals (remake of 1 and System Shock 3 both in development) and that cool looking indie cyberpunk game called Observer starring Rutger Hauer.