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Deadly Premonition |OT| first real survival-horror for X360

Okay, I've viewed most of the story now, but (The zombies)
WHY ARE THERE ZOMBIES?! Jesus, the dungeon segments are so far removed from the actual story, it's like a parody of the monster presence in Silent Hill (at first("OMG monsters!" then you keep encountering them and no one gives a shit about them). Even York never acknowledges them! Or that he actually meets the raincoat killer several times...

It does seem that York gets transported to some other world,a la Silent Hill (Red Tree World?). The zombies themselves could be the victims from the 1957 riots/massacre, where everyone was hyped on the gas made from the red seeds. Then if you mix the New Raincoat Killer Ritual in (Eat seeds, kill someone who eats seeds, become immortal), and if they all killed each other, they're all zombies now by performing a diluted form of the ritual?And the Old Raincoat Killer killed the most, so he's the most powerful now? And perhaps the Raincoat Killer you run into in these dungeons is the Old one, not the New one?
Ah, that's a shame. I think it's really one of the greatest story-based games I've every played on console...or PC. Just pure entertainment on a level only a video game could serve up. Still, since a good chunk of the story experience is just watching and listening, it's one that can be mostly had through video.
How About No said:
Okay, I've viewed most of the story now, but (The zombies)
WHY ARE THERE ZOMBIES?! Jesus, the dungeon segments are so far removed from the actual story, it's like a parody of the monster presence in Silent Hill (at first("OMG monsters!" then you keep encountering them and no one gives a shit about them). Even York never acknowledges them! Or that he actually meets the raincoat killer several times...

You must have missed the scene where Emily runs into them.


Has there been any first had experiences of the Asian PS3 version actually being in English?

I have the Asian version ordered, and according to PS3 HK it's in both English and Japanese. Just wanted to see if anybody has seen anything relating to the PS3 version, don't want to waste $80 on a game I can't understand :p


TotallyEpic said:
Has there been any first had experiences of the Asian PS3 version actually being in English?

I have the Asian version ordered, and according to PS3 HK it's in both English and Japanese. Just wanted to see if anybody has seen anything relating to the PS3 version, don't want to waste $80 on a game I can't understand :p

ditto. Crazies like you and I are willing to spend 80 dollars on a twenty dollar game. and we want to make sure it's worth our efforts.
PepsimanVsJoe said:
Would you want to admit to everyone that you see ghosts? Would probably screw the investigation up I imagine.
York already seems open to the townsfolk with his mental problems
Isn't that right, PepsimanVsJoe?

That's right, PepsimanVsJoe,
so why not add some possible supernatural hallucinations to his list, like talking to his friend and his (deadly) premonitions?


jaekwon15 said:
ditto. Crazies like you and I are willing to spend 80 dollars on a twenty dollar game. and we want to make sure it's worth our efforts.

Ah, you ordered it too?

Where did you order from? Japanese or Asian version?


TotallyEpic said:
Ah, you ordered it too?

Where did you order from? Japanese or Asian version?

i havn't ordered it yet. like you i want confirmation that it has english.

when i do order the game, i will order it from play-asia.com. it seems that they sell only the japanese version. i wrote to the site, and they couldn't tell me if it included english.


jaekwon15 said:
i havn't ordered it yet. like you i want confirmation that it has english.

when i do order the game, i will order it from play-asia.com. it seems that they sell only the japanese version. i wrote to the site, and they couldn't tell me if it included english.

I ordered from YesAsia, the asian version.

According to the official HK site for Playstation, it's in English and Japanese, same as most games released in that region (Demon's Souls for example).

EDIT: Here's the link to the copy I ordered, it's gone up $3 since I ordered.

EDIT 2: The game has just been released, and my status was set to backordered. 7-14 days apparantly. Hopefully that speeds up a bit.
Beat the game last night. Holy fuck are the last few chapters crazy.

Clocked in at just under 30 hours, beat all sidequests except Wesley's final card gathering one since I have no interest in replaying some of the dungeons.

Definitely a serious GOTY contender, although I'll be trading it in because I can't imagine replaying such a heavily twist-oriented story based game when I already know what happens.

I dislike how all the game's bosses are stacked pretty much back to back in the end. They were all ridiculously easy too, although visually pretty awesome.


Beat the game last night. It went from a pretty straight up story with zombies in levels that I didnt understand but was ok with to a indigo prophecy game in 5 seconds. I had alot of fun with this game and the fucking review magazines are prooving more and more they don't know how to review games. I will say this really did have moments where I felt like was playing a game by Quantic Dream.

I also feel like this is going to be one of those games that won't sell well and this company deserves some fucking sells. Sorta gives me hope on what alan wake will be like. I mean its coming soon but I sorta think alan wake will be similiar with just better everything(dialogue, animation, story, controls, camera)

The sad thing is i beat it on hard and I have to do 2 more play throughs to get achievements on easy and normal. I mean come on. But thats just the achievement whore in me complaining.

Does anyone know if we will see more of agent zach?
Yeah, I mean, giving this game a 7 or so is one thing and completely understandable if you're weighing it's visuals and janky mechanics more heavily than it's story or gameplay.

Giving the game a 2 just proves you either didn't play it or have no business reviewing games.
Bought this on Monday, played it Monday night.

Then on Tuesday I got distracted by Yakuza 3.

I still find myself thinking about Deadly Premonition- I'll be back.
I'm in SF for GDC, and I've encountered an overwhelming amount of support for Deadly Premonition from friends, industry professionals, and passersby.

A random guy in the elevator asked, "are you the Deadly Premonition guy?" to which I proudly replied, "Yes."

I think the thread title should be changed to

"The Deadly Premonition Official Thread of having F.K. in my coffee"

The game is overly ambitious and extremely weird. I love the music. It definately is inspired by Twin Peaks. It greatly reminds me of the PS2 games of 7-8 years ago because of the graphics and game design. I think it proves that you can still make games that are fun, even though they don't have AAA budgets. Even if they did have the budget to increase the production values, would it have really made much of a difference?
Ahh, so LiquidSwords is Shane. Gotcha.

Makes sense now- I imagine the name is based off the GZA album.

Shane, if you're reading this- thanks for bringing this game out here, and double thanks for the great price. Hopefully it'll be successful enough that you can bring out more weird japanese shit in addition to whatever projects you guys have cooked up at Ignition.


It's been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely lonely lonely lonely lonely time.
19 hours in and just got to episode 3. The story is getting better and better.

I'm also glad the word is getting out - this game is pure fun


thehillissilent said:
I think the thread title should be changed to

"The Deadly Premonition Official Thread of having F.K. in my coffee"

The game is overly ambitious and extremely weird. I love the music. It definately is inspired by Twin Peaks. It greatly reminds me of the PS2 games of 7-8 years ago because of the graphics and game design. I think it proves that you can still make games that are fun, even though they don't have AAA budgets. Even if they did have the budget to increase the production values, would it have really made much of a difference?

My only complaint and I dont know maybe it my xbox or my tv? But the roads looked blurry as fuck on my screen. It was distracting. I loved the story and I thought the graphics were fine. Its just the roads and shit were a little blurry. Maybe it was my tv though who knows. I'm not bitching at 20 bucks this game is the fucking shit. I would buy a sequeal day one at 20 bucks and not think twice.
quickwhips said:
My only complaint and I dont know maybe it my xbox or my tv? But the roads looked blurry as fuck on my screen. It was distracting. I loved the story and I thought the graphics were fine. Its just the roads and shit were a little blurry. Maybe it was my tv though who knows. I'm not bitching at 20 bucks this game is the fucking shit. I would buy a sequeal day one at 20 bucks and not think twice.

The grass textures murdered my eyes, but the roads where fine. The game definitely uses a weird bloom effect a lot though, makes everything look washed out instead of sleepy/dreamy like i think they were intending.


TotallyEpic said:
I ordered from YesAsia, the asian version.

According to the official HK site for Playstation, it's in English and Japanese, same as most games released in that region (Demon's Souls for example).

EDIT: Here's the link to the copy I ordered, it's gone up $3 since I ordered.

EDIT 2: The game has just been released, and my status was set to backordered. 7-14 days apparantly. Hopefully that speeds up a bit.

thanks for the info. i just placed my order.

i went with free shipping, so i wont get mine until April 6th.


Hey guys I got a question (awesome game by the way)

I'm only on Chapter one and I'm having a Hard time figuring out why every time I decide wandering on my own, instead of driving to to the next investigation scene (to continue the story) the Police keep saying I was Rude to keep them waiting but the thing is, I directly walk up to them to start the mission yet somehow the mission cutscene depicts it as though I DID just ignore them.

What the hell is going on? Or does that happen every time you decide to go on your own for a while.
I think there are two spots you can go to on those particular trips.
One is closer to the actual entrance while another is closer to your partners.

They'll find a way to bust your balls either way. There's really no penalty for ignoring them and running off on your own.*

Oh and if you're ever worried about food there are a handful of spots with infinite food lying around. Just chill out in the middle of nowhere and eat nothing but cans of pickles.

*Oh wait you did walk up to them? Well yeah they'll bitch anyway. Bunch of whiners.
Just my luck, I was having a great time in episode 4 of this game and my damn Xbox decided to give me an E74. :(

I've seen people reference the "a passionate man" line and I'm wondering about it because I don't remember it. I must have missed it? or am I not to that part yet?
so whats the deal with this game theres a lot of talk around it but why is it bad but in a funny way like rouge warrior, is it just strange or is it a good game?
terrdactycalsrock said:
so whats the deal with this game theres a lot of talk around it but why is it bad but in a funny way like rouge warrior, is it just strange or is it a good game?

i won't say it's a "good" game in the same way that i would say darksiders or god of war is a good game. it is an incredibly entertaining game if that makes sense. the interactions and the characters are really what is great so far. i also like the side missions and little extras (cards). the gameplay is not great, but it's not awful.

the game is $20 and if you are going off entertainment value its probably worth double that.
FrenchMovieTheme said:
i won't say it's a "good" game in the same way that i would say darksiders or god of war is a good game. it is an incredibly entertaining game if that makes sense. the interactions and the characters are really what is great so far. i also like the side missions and little extras (cards). the gameplay is not great, but it's not awful.

the game is $20 and if you are going off entertainment value its probably worth double that.

okay cool i don't mind if the gameplay is avearge if the characters are cool and its 20 bucks. I just didnt want to buy it thinking it was going to be good but then turned out to be a crappy game
terrdactycalsrock said:
okay cool i don't mind if the gameplay is avearge if the characters are cool and its 20 bucks. I just didnt want to buy it thinking it was going to be good but then turned out to be a crappy game

like i said, don't go in expecting much from the gameplay. but i would be surprised if you were not incredibly entertained by the dialog, characters, and settings in the game. then again i don't know you personally so maybe you play it and says the game sucks dick! i was apprehensive about buying it too but so far it has been enjoyable and well worth the $20.


Rabbitwork said:
this game is seriously one of the best i've ever played. i'm loving every SECOND i spend in greenvale.

sequels plz.

Ditto. It's always a treat to come across these kind of games. Makes me want to go back to play D2 or has me wishing there was a sequel to D2. If you don't know what D2 is, it was a REALLY good survival horror game for Dreamcast. It didn't have the best production values or anything but it had decent graphics, hunting deer/rabbits and RPG leveling up, in the snow, with a crazy cast of characters.


From ignition forums moderator Mad Max:

We intended to release the PS3 version alongside the 360 version but that was changed due to reasons I can't talk about. Though with the 360 version going over so well maaaayyybe that will be rectified. No promises though.

So there's a little bit of hope I guess. Maybe PS3 owners like myself will get to see what the fuss is all about soon enough. I just know I'm not paying $80.00 for an imported Asian copy.


I wanted to pop into this thread to say this game is awesome and it's a steal for 20 bucks. I'm up to the beginning of Chapter 2; it's pretty crazy and the voice acting's pretty good. Hell York's probably one of my favorite characters this gen. I can't wait to see what happens next, also the side quests are pretty sweet.
F.K in the coffee was actually Forest Kayle; I thought it was a joke only!


Porridge said:
From ignition forums moderator Mad Max:

We intended to release the PS3 version alongside the 360 version but that was changed due to reasons I can't talk about. Though with the 360 version going over so well maaaayyybe that will be rectified. No promises though.

So there's a little bit of hope I guess. Maybe PS3 owners like myself will get to see what the fuss is all about soon enough. I just know I'm not paying $80.00 for an imported Asian copy.

I'd buy the PS3 version in support. Hopefully it happens.
Ditto. It's always a treat to come across these kind of games. Makes me want to go back to play D2 or has me wishing there was a sequel to D2. If you don't know what D2 is, it was a REALLY good survival horror game for Dreamcast. It didn't have the best production values or anything but it had decent graphics, hunting deer/rabbits and RPG leveling up, in the snow, with a crazy cast of characters.

Yeah, I have much love for D2. That game was great.


Yeah, so I sorta stumbled onto the game while out of town on a trip. Just played the very beginning last night and I can already tell I'm gonna have a blast with this one. It just seems so zany!
That D2 comparison is on the money, right down to the janky-ass combat :D . Still can't get over how shite the survival horror parts are compared to the rest of the game, argh. Being one of the 11 people who played Spy Fiction, I enjoy the nods to it here and there (Lysander Park, Kaysen).

Also Ignition, please do some better text editing next time. I'm seeing an alarming amount of grammatical errors in the text. And sometimes the text doesn't match the voice-acting either.
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