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Deadly Premonition |OT| first real survival-horror for X360

a Master Ninja said:
-When it's raining, pick one of the white flowers that appears on the map to give to George when he is at home.

Do this before completing the key quest in chapter two at the police station. I recommend going out to find the flower before going to the police station. Once you do that, go to the station and look for one of George's dumbbells. Once you find it, find George and give it to him. This will unlock a quest in which you give George a flower at his home and in return you receive a radio which allows you to instantly travel to any previously visited location.
Bought this game months ago, and slowly got around to finishing it two days ago. I loved the game, but lordy...the boss fights and the gunplay just needed to go or be heavily redone.
George and Kaysen
was the ultimate test in patience. And I've beaten NG2 on Master Ninja....multiple times. And about halfway through the game, I just started running past the enemies. Didn't even bother fighting them.
oatmeal said:
Really? I put it on Normal...bad idea?

Enemies can take a bit more damage to go down(I think York also has slightly less health or something...not that it matters, I only died on a couple QTEs).
This can be annoying for certain piss-easy enemies with a ton of HP. Be sure to grab the hidden weapons when they become available.


I'm finally started my Hard run after almost a year after putting it down;
I'm up to the part where you have to go the police station early in the game. I'm trying to get it to rain so I could get the flower.
I know that I need to get the radio, the infinite flamethrower, magnum, SMG, the inventory expansion, and
the pink suit that increases York's health after collecting 30 cards.
That planetredwood website is pretty good and the all the things that they analyzed and found about the game was pretty cool and fascinating stuff. The Shadows still give me a creepy feeling every time I encounter them. Unfortunately, I'm not gonna play it until I get a new controller because my analog stick tends to move by itself and its very annoying.


PepsimanVsJoe said:
Enemies can take a bit more damage to go down(I think York also has slightly less health or something...not that it matters, I only died on a couple QTEs).
This can be annoying for certain piss-easy enemies with a ton of HP. Be sure to grab the hidden weapons when they become available.

Thanks Pepsi.

Question, what's up with the QTE's? Prior to the town, in the first chapter...or whatever it was, there was one with the killer. And no matter what I did, it took like 5 attempts to get it right even though I was pressing the button (and wiggling the stick) at the right time.

I was getting super frustrated, until I did it correctly (without changing my approach).

Is there a secret to them?
The QTEs get me way too nervous so it always take 3-5 tries for me haha. The chase scenes and hiding sequences make my heart race, some of the best parts of the game.
Small Mailman said:
The QTEs get me way too nervous so it always take 3-5 tries for me haha. The chase scenes and hiding sequences make my heart race, some of the best parts of the game.

That sequence in chapter five was intense.
Can someone explain the rain doll you receive from the memorable cooking side-quest? I see that you can flip it upside-down, but I don't know what effect that has because the description is in Japanese.


RadioHeadAche said:
Can someone explain the rain doll you receive from the memorable cooking side-quest? I see that you can flip it upside-down, but I don't know what effect that has because the description is in Japanese.

I think it changes the weather, not really much use for it unless it's raining and you need to get some shopping done.


RadioHeadAche said:
Can someone explain the rain doll you receive from the memorable cooking side-quest? I see that you can flip it upside-down, but I don't know what effect that has because the description is in Japanese.

EDIT: beaten
krakov said:
I think it changes the weather, not really much use for it unless it's raining and you need to get some shopping done.

I figured that, but will turning it upside-down stop or bring forth rain?

disappeared said:
Maybe discussed already but Deadly Premonition hit the PS3 in Japan in full english.

English dialogue, yes. English text, not really. Some things are in English such as a few things in the menu, but non-spoken dialogue, map locations and various descriptions are all in Japanese. Unless it was re-released with a full-English option in which case I would be incredibly pissed.
This game is making me really want to go back and play Shenmue.

Never played it, but I got a hunch this is what it was like. DP reminds me so much of Dreamcast era Sega games.

I heard that Shenmue 2 will play on a 360. Can anyone verify?
tetrisgrammaton said:
This game is making me really want to go back and play Shenmue.

Never played it, but I got a hunch this is what it was like. DP reminds me so much of Dreamcast era Sega games.

I heard that Shenmue 2 will play on a 360. Can anyone verify?
Shenmue 2 does work on the 360 and is worth whatever dirt price it currently sells for.
when i did my hard run a few weeks ago, i ran through just about everything. you can skip almost all enemies, just get the infinite SMG and go to town when you need to.

buy a magnum for the wall crawlers, and for the bosses.
RadioHeadAche said:
Can someone explain the rain doll you receive from the memorable cooking side-quest? I see that you can flip it upside-down, but I don't know what effect that has because the description is in Japanese.
As mentioned before it changes the weather. The ironic thing is that Emily's quests are one of the very few weather dependent events in the game, so you'll never use it once you've got it.


tetrisgrammaton said:
Never played it, but I got a hunch this is what it was like. DP reminds me so much of Dreamcast era Sega games.?

DP was what I wanted Shenmue to be honestly. I felt more a part of my surroundings in DP thanks to the more involving sidequests, missions, and meters like hunger or shaving. The plot was far more engaging than the first Shenmue's as well. Still the games are worth playing though.


RadioHeadAche said:
I figured that, but will turning it upside-down stop or bring forth rain?
It should do both, I think. Not sure if it works particularly efficiently though. I had some issues with it responding, iirc.
Lijik said:
DP was what I wanted Shenmue to be honestly. I felt more a part of my surroundings in DP thanks to the more involving sidequests, missions, and meters like hunger or shaving. The plot was far more engaging than the first Shenmue's as well. Still the games are worth playing though.

I'm sure DP is better, but Shenmue feels like one of those important games I missed out on.
ninj4junpei said:

I got to the end of the game and gave up during the final boss fight. I tried to finish it, I really did.

The entire game was a complete and utter waste of time. I am glad that I only rented this. I thought the story was trying to be parody of Silent Hill, but at some point it forgot that and ended up becoming far, far worse.

I agree with this for the most part, although I will admit I did derive some enjoyment from the game early on, when it was content with being a Twin Peaks rip-off and not much else. I liked all the mystery surrounding the murder, coupled with the offbeat tone and healthy dollop of laughs that punctuated the cut-scenes. But in the end it really reminded me of Fahrenheit, where the story goes all to shit and it starts branching out in ways that aren't remotely gripping, while in DP's particular case all the humour prevalent at the beginning dissipates and proceedings start to get more and more serious in tone even as they get more ludicrous. Those last 4 hours...
the sheriff transforming into Blanka, the female protagonist dying a protracted death from a killer plant, the drawn-out flashback segment, the immortal giant fat man as a last boss and worst of all, the most pointless twist since the ending of that Japanese film Versus
...it was agonising to get through. And that's without even mentioning the nightmare sections, featuring some of the most braindead, tiresome combat I've ever encountered in a game.

I never thought I'd see myself writing this, but I really wish I had listened to IGN when it came to this game. I purchased it for a number of reasons that appealed to me: that it was a survival horror (which are a rarity these days), that it was like Shenmue, that it was so-bad-it's-good. Truth is...it's none of those. It's just flat-out shit.
Azure Phoenix said:
As mentioned before it changes the weather. The ironic thing is that Emily's quests are one of the very few weather dependent events in the game, so you'll never use it once you've got it.

The Sygourney quests and one for finding Carol at the Tree of Anna are weather-dependent as well as visiting several shops. Generally, I think sleeping until you get clear weather is the best way to handle those quests.
I doubt most care, but for those whom want to see the "sinner's sandwich" cutscene, you need to go to the A&G Diner before late afternoon. If it's too late, Harry and Michael won't appear. Going around the time the diner opens is better.


So I just picked this game up. What is the best way to play this? What I mean is, are their certain items I should get to maximize the experience I get from this game?
Maybe it's because I'm playing on easy, but the infinite wrench is surprisingly effective. Most of the time, it takes out boogens in a single hit and it's very fast to use.

Also, if you're not overly concerned about achievements, play on easy. The combat sucks, and playing on easy will make it go away much faster.
Is there a way to move or destroy barrels? I found some of those red medals but they are surrounded by rocks on one side and barrels on the other, I've whacked the barrels until my weapon broke but it doesn't seem to be working :/
PumpkinPie said:
Is there a way to move or destroy barrels? I found some of those red medals but they are surrounded by rocks on one side and barrels on the other, I've whacked the barrels until my weapon broke but it doesn't seem to be working :/

Try shooting them.
I finished the game. I clocked in about 42 hours with all trading cards and sidequests completed. Definitely the easiest platinum trophy ever despite the amount of time it took. It never felt that long, though. I was surprised when I saw that I had been playing for fifteen hours because I thought only about 5-7 had elapsed. Overall, I had a great time. The plot did lose a lot of the humor in the last few chapters as the story became even more ridiculous, but the ending was sweet. I really enjoyed the game despite having to import it for $55 and not being able to read most of the text. I feel like I got my money's worth out of it.

Also, I don't understand people saying that it's trying to be a parody of Silent Hill. That doesn't make sense. The otherworld is the only similarity the game has to Silent Hill, but the explanation for it is not even close to being like SH.
tetrisgrammaton said:
Just had my second crash. This one after a full in-game day of sidequests. :(

Was there something that caused it? I heard that the game could crash if you enter those portals to start missions. I don't recall encountering such a thing, but I know it happens.
I think triggering the first zombie by walking around back outside the art gallery did it. Another time it froze up during the loading screen.

And after I get back to the gallery. I get to the scene where that guy comes out of the vent, turn around, and now he's stuck halfway inside the wall! Can't shoot him. Can't go anywhere. Jeez-us. Luckily, I learned my lesson the first time, but still...
I'm so close to dropping $80 to import this from Japan on PS3. Don't own a 360 and really miss this game. But $80 is so damn expensive for a game that is $20 in the States.

The text is totally mistranslated. The weather doll needs to be oriented to a certain position (right-side up or upside-down) based on whether it's rainy or sunny, at which point you'll automatically regenerate health. It's essentially a health regen perk for York.
EmCeeGramr said:

The text is totally mistranslated. The weather doll needs to be oriented to a certain position (right-side up or upside-down) based on whether it's rainy or sunny, at which point you'll automatically regenerate health. It's essentially a health regen perk for York.

Are you kidding me ???

I'll still pretend I was playing as Francis York Morgan - FBI special Agent - Cook - Sun and Rain CO.


listen to the mad man
EmCeeGramr said:

The text is totally mistranslated. The weather doll needs to be oriented to a certain position (right-side up or upside-down) based on whether it's rainy or sunny, at which point you'll automatically regenerate health. It's essentially a health regen perk for York.

Hahaha. I did the weather doll quest last, after having already finished the game, so I never needed to use it, but that's a comically bad mistranslation!
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