Finished it last night, basically playing it from start to finish.
Haven't played such a sloppy, mismanaged game in a while. The last level is atrociously unbalanced and I ended up just running through it and brute forcing my way to check points.
Up until then it was just tedious, but that level sent it from a mediocre game to a terrible one for me. Gameplay was OK, but again balance was an issue. Too many enemies, far too much padding for what is essentially a barebones story and a handful of locations to fight in. And weirdly enough, sometimes you can just skip sections which are clearly laid out as "destroy this enemy to continue" areas.. And vice versa, sometimes an empty room can be filled with guards and locked doors in a matter of seconds.
Humour-wise, some of it was OK, but the crass, juvenile moments far outweighed the witty, well written stuff. I know some of that is part of Deadpool's character and that's fine, but it came off as desperation to me. The pay off to the
was hilarious though.
Overall, if you want an action game, I'd recommend Metal Gear Rising. Better soundtrack, better gameplay, and it doesn't feel like stretching a four hour game into a 7 hour slogfest.