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Deadpool |OT| Like Batman With Guns

So I discovered a glitch while making a gameplay video. I'm not mad about it since I've been playing the game for at least 8hrs now and it came up suddenly.

Sorry about my amazement when it happened, can't remember the last time I glitched like this in a game.

If you don't want to watch it for yourself the gist of it is that I fell through the earth.
I know I don't have anything to add to this thread since I still haven't played it, and won't for a while since I don't have the cash right now. But I just want to keep this thread going so that people don't miss it.

I watch the GB quick look and even though they complained about it I thought it looked awesome. It looks to be exactly what I wanted it to. Dammit, why aren't there more superhero games? They don't need to have the highest budget or be AAA productions as long as they stay true to the character and isn't offensively bad.
You seem biased though! :p

Couldn't download it on Steam yesterday due to my internet going to hell, so hopefully I can play it after work today.

Haha, I know - hard to come off any other way I guess!

Seriously though, it does great justice to a crazy Marvel character. In the same vein as Wolverine was a good game, Deadpool makes the grade too.

Already about mid-way through my second playthrough. No doubt try for Platinum on this one.


Really disappointed that midway through the game
I was trying to do the stealth segment to kill Sinister. But the thing fucking sucked because everytime I stealth killed a guard another one would spot me during the animation. Kept trying it and was determined, but Deadpool eventually said fuck it and the game skipped me straight to the part where I stab Sinister. It was annoying as fuck but I'm upset that it forced me ahead.
Really disappointed that midway through the game
I was trying to do the stealth segment to kill Sinister. But the thing fucking sucked because everytime I stealth killed a guard another one would spot me during the animation. Kept trying it and was determined, but Deadpool eventually said fuck it and the game skipped me straight to the part where I stab Sinister. It was annoying as fuck but I'm upset that it forced me ahead.

Wow, didn't know it could force you ahead.

Took me a few goes as well, I found that killing the guy in the first room as he's coming around the centrepiece (ie. forward-right of the room), which triggers the next two walking to their respective spots. Head right, and grab the dude while he's looking at the wall and the last guy's easy at the top of the stairs. Has to be done pretty quickly though.

Sucks you don't get to retry though. How many goes do you reckon you had?! I had probably 8-9 tries I think and it was still allowing me a retry.


Wow, didn't know it could force you ahead.

Took me a few goes as well, I found that killing the guy in the first room as he's coming around the centrepiece (ie. forward-right of the room), which triggers the next two walking to their respective spots. Head right, and grab the dude while he's looking at the wall and the last guy's easy at the top of the stairs. Has to be done pretty quickly though.

Sucks you don't get to retry though. How many goes do you reckon you had?! I had probably 8-9 tries I think and it was still allowing me a retry.

Guessing it was at least 10 times. The first two guards were easy, it was getting the last two that was the hard part for me.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Finished the game. In one day. Yep.

Quick review. It started off as a 3/5 game that could have easily been 4/5 for fanservice if they went that route. They did not. There's a couple moments in there, but it's layered in a bunch of problems. I'd probably put it as 2/5 under the category of 'rushes.' There's signs of something that could have been great.

-There's a few really inventive 'levels.'
-When the humor is on, it's one of the funniest games I've played in recent memory. Like
the waterfall segment
and the
-It goes to show that more games should break the fourth wall because it can make for some fantastic visual gags.
-Regenerating skin is back, but it's not as impressive as Wolverine's.
-The character bio things are really cool.
-Teleporting works as I would have expected it to for Deadpool
-The scenes with
are good. It endears you to the characters even.

-When the humor is off, it's cringe-worthy.
-The level design, outside of a tiny selection, is dull. Incredibly dull. Especially given the game's location.
-It feels too much like an X-Men game than a Deadpool game, settings-wise. I guess I would have preferred something based around the Black Tom/Juggernaut days.
-The 'special appearances', both heroes and villains, are fucking LAME. Again, most of the Deadpool stuff. There is ONE stand-out villain, and he's the main one. Then three d-list villains. That's it! Other than that, just a bunch of 'big' dudes. The Spider-Man games did a much better job of a rogues(hehe) gallery than this, and even Batman Arkham Asylum did 'less is more' without making the character selection seem anorexic. Outside of super duper tiny, microscopic references there's no
Siryn/Banshee, Weapon X, Spider-Man, Big Bertha, Blind Al, Taskmaster, Bob of Hydra, Bullseye, Juggernaut.
. Some would argue continuity, but they straight up say in the game something that breaks continuity so it shouldn't matter.
-I finished it in a day. I'm a slow player, and I finished it in a day. Which leads me to...
-The combat is competent enough to get through the story, but if they think the challenges are where the replay-ability is, no. The combat shows signs that it could be great and it's like it just FALLS OFF after that. Like you would think there would be a ton of upgrading paths or something like most action games. Hell, even like Wolverine. Nope. Just more 'stat boosts.'
-There is also a new game+, but by the end, you've got nearly all the maxed options. And I NEVER needed to boost momentum building because I always had plenty.
-Guns are BROKEN by the end. They are far more useful and do way more damage than your melee weapons. Particularly the SMGs. And you find so much ammo that it's no big deal.
-The final boss is LAME. It's literally
fight a bunch of guys. Then fight a bunch of Mr. Sinestros who all do the same 3 moves.

So yeah, starts good. Has some ups, but it overall felt REALLY mediocre. If you like Deadpool, I can see it being a decent experience. But even then, I think you'd be like me and wonder where all the fanservice is. High Moon has proven in the past that they can do fanservice(See the Dinobots reveal in War for Cybertron.) So that's what makes me continue to think this game is rushed. If not, I worry about what happened to them during development.

I'm not much of a modern Deadpool fan, but some of the humor in the game is some of the best I've ever seen in video games. Despite some lame jokes, I laughed out loud multiple times at the game. I just wish the game itself felt less ... lifeless?


A bit disappointed that, so far, the only alternate costumes are found in the infinite rounds of the challenge missions.

Got into the groove of switching between guns and melee mid combos and it looks stylish as fuck. Melee combo, counter, heavy follow-up, gun,gun, gun counter, gun, gun counter, momentum attack, everything dead.


No Scrubs
Yes, he talks to himself in the comics and the game followed that. "White text box," "yellow text box," and Deadpool's regular voice are basically 3 personalities.

In the old run, in this one he has a female shield agent in his head and he sees the Ghost of Ben Franklin (he's actually there, it's just no one else can see him).
Yes, if you hear anything tomorrow about it, let us know! I wouldn't mind paying $20 for this game

sorry for the confusion guys. the $20 game i was referring to is the ride to hell game that was mentioned by slasher thrasher. not deadpool.

Yea, as others have stated, and my source confirmed, nothing special going on at GS for DP. Shame. As for me...my order is STILL showing as "Special Order: Awaiting inventory". Hooray for backlogs...just can't believe I am missing out on all this hot DP action.
So the end of the game level.
Why in the heck would they throw that many enemies at you at the end of the game? Deadpool's healing factor isn't so good, the gunners are hard as is so they don't need to throw like 5 of them at me, not to mention the exploding guys that take off about 1/4th of your health are chasing me too. Worst endgame level ever, ok probably not the worst but it's pretty bad. I think I'm on my 6th continue already.

Btw I'm on normal difficulty.


Yea, as others have stated, and my source confirmed, nothing special going on at GS for DP. Shame. As for me...my order is STILL showing as "Special Order: Awaiting inventory". Hooray for backlogs...just can't believe I am missing out on all this hot DP action.
I can't help but feel this should have been the thread title.


I'd pay $30-40 max. As cool and unique as the campaign is it's still a 6 or 7 hour game. Even if you play it again on new game+, still $30-40 max imo.

Well, I just found out that it's only $32 for the Steam version through Gamefly, so I'll probably just buy the Steam version


Oh man 'Caribou's Boot', good one haha.
Guess I'm gonna be beating 1 stage a day, helps in finishing up my backlog ;)
The boot segment cracked me up, and much of the humor was entertaining to me, even if the gameplay is basic and simple

Man I am having some good contenders for GotY 2013 this year, this one is pretty much gonna tie with JoJo's B. A. as my GotY X3


So the end of the game level.
Why in the heck would they throw that many enemies at you at the end of the game? Deadpool's healing factor isn't so good, the gunners are hard as is so they don't need to throw like 5 of them at me, not to mention the exploding guys that take off about 1/4th of your health are chasing me too. Worst endgame level ever, ok probably not the worst but it's pretty bad. I think I'm on my 6th continue already.

Btw I'm on normal difficulty.

Oh yeah I feel ya, I was having plenty of fun playing the game but then they just through a fucking stupid amount of enemies at the player in order to lengthen the endgame and it's incredibly stupid how frustrating and unsatisfying it is making the ending. I was almost close to having cleared the stupid amount of bad guys in the arena, when I died because I got stuck to a wall and my teleporter wasn't getting me out of there. Lo and behold I go back to the checkpoint where I have to fight the 3 fat guys.

I don't know, game started off with a great feeling and I was loving it, could have been a 7.5 / 10 kinda game. Right now though the end levels are just horrid, really makes it feel like the game was rushed (not all of the character intros are used for example in the game) and hurts my overall view on it. Once I get the sanity to go back and play through the final gauntlet again, I will let my final thoughts on the game be known.
Oh yeah I feel ya, I was having plenty of fun playing the game but then they just through a fucking stupid amount of enemies at the player in order to lengthen the endgame and it's incredibly stupid how frustrating and unsatisfying it is making the ending. I was almost close to having cleared the stupid amount of bad guys in the arena, when I died because I got stuck to a wall and my teleporter wasn't getting me out of there. Lo and behold I go back to the checkpoint where I have to fight the 3 fat guys.

I don't know, game started off with a great feeling and I was loving it, could have been a 7.5 / 10 kinda game. Right now though the end levels are just horrid, really makes it feel like the game was rushed (not all of the character intros are used for example in the game) and hurts my overall view on it. Once I get the sanity to go back and play through the final gauntlet again, I will let my final thoughts on the game be known.

You can't melee through it, so if that's what you were doing, congratulations, you did it the hard way. Is it even possible to beat three fatties melee only? Crazy.

The last stages are basically shooters, and the game tells you this by dumping ammo pickups everywhere and having ranged enemies surround you, forcing you to go ranged or do things the hard way. When one gun runs out of ammo, hit your loadout button and switch to another weapon. You can keep cycling weapons like this forever thanks to the pickups.

The last stages were fucking awesome and hilarious. Come at me.


You can't melee through it, so if that's what you were doing, congratulations, you did it the hard way. Is it even possible to beat three fatties melee only? Crazy.

The last stages are basically shooters, and the game tells you this by dumping ammo pickups everywhere and having ranged enemies surround you, forcing you to go ranged or do things the hard way. When one gun runs out of ammo, hit your loadout button and switch to another weapon. You can keep cycling weapons like this forever thanks to the pickups.

The last stages were fucking awesome and hilarious. Come at me.

Um excuse me? Where in my post did I at all mention I was using melee only, I was using ranged weapons for all enemies it was effective on, but that doesn't change that the game is overly tedious and throwing a billion "tough guy" enemy archtypes at the player at once isn't good game design no matter how you slice it and is the worst possible way I can think of to artificially increase difficulty and game length. I literally killed through so many enemy waves for probably 15-20 minutes, even Deadpool made a joke that he was getting sick of all of the enemy waves, and then I die and get sent a long ass way back so I have to do it all over again.

Why don't you tell me how you really feel about the last stage with some good reasons if you think it is in any way fun or redeeming. It shifts away from the funny setpieces that made the game memorable towards straining the combat to it's absolute limit by having the same process of clearing a room of enemies, going onto the next room, and then rinse and repeat. It is literally all of the worst aspects of the game balled up without any of the fun parts.

Rygar 8 Bit

Jaguar 64-bit
game was pretty great beat it yesterday even had the perfect last screen to quit the game on left the menu screen idle for a bit after i finished the game and when i came back dp was doing a elevator gag and as he was going down his arm came up on the bottom of the screen and did the terminator 2 thumbs up thing god damn it was perfect




Finished the game just now. When it comes down to it, it's a game that's strongest traits is it's humor and ability to surprise and entertain the player through the different scenarios. Your mileage will vary with this game based on your love for the Deadpool character.

Personally speaking I had a lot of fun and am glad that I played the game as it was certainly a memorable experience. I don't see myself going through it again though, the combat and shooting was very poor, level design was bland despite using an iconic X-Men locale, and the enemy encounters / AI (biggest problem with the game IMO) was dreadful.

I could go more in depth about what's wrong with the game and break everything down, but simply put this game is for Deadpool fans who enjoy the more wacky side of the character and are willing to go through a mediocre game for that kind of fanservice. I don't regret playing the game, but at the same time I'm questioning whether it was worth the entry fee even though I had a lot of fun with it. For those that aren't the biggest Deadpool fans I would highly recommend waiting on a big sale for this one before jumping in.
Finished my (patchy) second run last night; Trophy cleanup on Easy. Still managed to miss the Trophy for doing all of "Landed in Prison" without countering any attacks. Not because I countered by accident or anything, rather I did the "get through toxic river without falling into or touching the water and taking damage" Trophy, then completely forgot about the countering Trophy, quit to the main menu and started on the next mission haha.. Anyway, I'll do that again before trying Ultra-Violence difficulty.

Loving the game though, very easy to do another run and I've enjoyed picking the other conversation options this time.


I just sold some items in the Buy/Sell Thread , picked up the game off of Gamefly with the coupon, and ended up paying $23 for the game

I'll tell you guys how I like it tomorrow or sometime this weekend


A lot of people probably missed some of the best jokes in the game by hitting yes.

In particular, on the part where you stealth kill Sinister, there is a HILARIOUS running gag if you keep saying no.

Also the stuff Deadpool says at the end of the game when you don't puss the button.
A customer came in and traded it in, he said it was garbage to him. He did enjoy the writing though. Is this the general thought on Deadpool?


Santa May Claus
Just idling at the title screen, Deadpool changes into at least three different costumes aside from his standard (one of them is the pool party outfit). Is there really no way to unlock these for normal play? That seems... really weird.


Max out the machine guns and lol your way through the rest of the game. You'll rarely ever run out of ammo and things will go down fast.

I got through it eventually. I did not focus nearly on guns enough. Playing for a second time with more of a focus on ranged clears up a lot of problems. half way through the second run of the game I was still unlocking some of the combos for guns.
Should have copy by this evening. I was going to double dip, buy the digital version on PSN and physical on 360, but the price for digital is £50.

Fifty bloody pounds!

They must be crazy. This pricing of digital content on consoles needs to be addressed and soon, digital copies should not cost more than physical, it's bloody insane.


My GF got it for me yesterday for me getting a new job, absolutely loving it. It's a great mid-tier-game. Go in expecting that and you'll have a blast. The humor is great, and perfectly dosed. It's a constant waterfall of jokes, they managed to time them well. Not perfect, but good enough.


Santa May Claus
Finished the game a few days ago, the conclusion a great blend of absurdity. I was expecting more Psylocke, though. :(


Finished the game a few days ago, the conclusion a great blend of absurdity. I was expecting more Psylocke, though. :(

I was expecting to travel somewhere else besides Genosia. It probably helped keep this a low budget game but I would have really liked to have had a shorter trip there and jumped to another spot.


I don't get the bad reviews. The game is fun, the humor is cool and the graphics are nice, too.

same here. i hope i never become such a jaded gamer that i can't enjoy a game as fun and funny as deadpool. sure the mechanics are a little generic. but i'm having a blast, especially with the upgrade system and the cool momentum moves you can pull off. and i may have juvenile humor but this game is straight up hilarious to me. sure it's a matter of taste but it's so off the wall. it's like the monty python of video games. it's so self-referential and really takes the piss out of "serious" video games. i'm loving this title. one of my favorite games of the year. in fact, it's only second to hotline miami (never played the pc version) at the moment for my favorite title of the year. it's the best superhero game i have played since raven's wolverine game. in fact, even though i loved that game dearly, i think this one may edge it out in the long run for my favorite super-hero game. it's just so damn fun and funny.
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