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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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They should have the rubble from last night still at ringside, no matter how little sense it makes, and halfway through the show Kane emerges thinking the match is still going.


more money than God
They should have the rubble from last night still at ringside, no matter how little sense it makes, and halfway through the show Kane emerges thinking the match is still going.
LOL! Then, he pins some random fool, and acts like he won the match.

"Daniel, we did it!"


They should have the rubble from last night still at ringside, no matter how little sense it makes, and halfway through the show Kane emerges thinking the match is still going.

YES! And who cares if it makes little sense, I can think of plenty of things that have been done that make even less.

I am ready to be sad tonight after the show opens and it is just ol Cole and King there, maybe a Justin Roberts with a bruised cheek... and no chair pile =(


Cena, you just lost the main event of a PPV and had your GF turn on you, what is your reaction?


its not like they were together long enough to be in love.


Alternatively, you can have someone tell Bryan he has a tag match later tonight, then he does a doubletake of remembrance and runs out of the room. Cut to the Barclay Centre, where all the WWE stuff is cleared away, except for the pile of rubble and Kane.

Hiroshi and his 'stache are indeed dangerous, but it falls short of greatest wrestling moustache. This has inspired me;

Manliest Moustaches in Wrestling;

1. Rick Rude


2. Magnum TA


3. Stan Hansen


Hansen's by far, because it would often jump off his face and lariat the fuck out of someone.


more money than God
Alternatively, you can have someone tell Bryan he has a tag match later tonight, then he does a doubletake of remembrance and runs out of the room. Cut to the Barclay Centre, where all the WWE stuff is cleared away, except for the pile of rubble and Kane.


Holy shit that would be hilarious.

Then, Kane gets pissed.

"You forgot about me!"

And Bryan unsuccessfully tries to convince him otherwise, which eventually leads to a very touching Christmas moment.
Yeah, come on, dude. We both know what happened. They were going in one direction, then changed their minds last Monday (probably after the Bella thing), and boom, heel AJ.

Don't give them credit, and try to make it seem like there was some long term plan.

What Bella thing?
gonna take a shower
mom making me spaghetti and potatoes cut into pieces and cooked like fries
should leave plenty of time before raw starts
im almost 30 by the way


NeoGAF's smiling token!
gonna take a shower
mom making me spaghetti and potatoes cut into pieces and cooked like fries
should leave plenty of time before raw starts
im almost 30 by the way
His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy
There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti
He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready to drop bombs
Plywood you missed the best one

Wasn't on wwe com
Today's RAW should be pretty crappy day after the PPV they will just throw all the results out the window and act like Cena won the main event



WCW Monday Night Nitro 3/6/00

TO THE BACK. Vampiro and Finlay are brawling all over the back. Vampiro is finally fighting back

Psychosis vs Kaz Hayashi

They are in the ring as the show stars. Juvi says something. I can't understand him. All I heard was that he was back "by the popular demand" and he called Psychosis something like "Psycluuuse". Kaz dumps them out and hits a plancha right away. They mention the Jung Dragons, which I guess has only been on the weekend shows, because the group certainly hasn't been mentioned or shown on Nitro or Thunder. I buy Kaz as an intense little bad ass more than Low Ki. Finlay and Vamp brawl all the way into the ring in the middle of this match. If only Teddy Long were here. We'd get a tag team match, playa. Kaz kicks out of a super frankensteiner. Cyclone suplex from Kaz. Oh good, TAFKAPI and Paisley are out now, too. Mark says that Prince brought credibility back to the cruiserweight division. Oklahoma has more credibility. Hypnosis hits the leg drop, but hot dogs a bit. Prince gets up on the apron and hits him with the belt, leading to Kaz getting a roll up for the win. Psychosis gets his revenge after the match while Juvi just stood around since he's been injured for months now.

Show run down. Jeff Jarrett and Heavy D vs Sid and Vampiro. They are definitely pushing Vamp hard. Pretty awesome. Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig in a return bout from last week.

TO THE BACK. Vamp and Finlay are still fighting in the back and are now being held back by security. The Shittiest NWO talk about their easy match tonight. Mean Gene talks to Disco and the Mamalukes about the tag title match against the Harris Bros again. JTB won't eat another cheese sandwich until Uncensored and when he doesn't eat his cheese sandwiches, he gets very unpleasant. Vampiro is tearing shit up in the back.


TO THE NITRO PARTY. From Friday night. The party was at Duke. I hope no one got raped. Fucking Riki Rachtman.

TO THE BACK. Team Package has arrived. In the very same door Vampiro left out of. But he's in the main event? Will he be back?

Ron Harris vs Big Vito.

Can't wait for this. I've been looking forward to this match my whole life. Vito hits his DDT about a minute in, but the other brother distracts. The old switcharoo happens and Heavy D gets the win with punch with a chain wrapped around his fist. However, Billy Silverman sees the replay in the arena and reverses the decision. Vito is handcuffed to the ropes, Disco and JTB get H-Bombed, security is sent out and the entire group is taken out. Now the cops are out. Holy shit, is that fucking Doakes? I swear to god this cop is Sgt. Doakes. SURPRISE MOTHAFUCKA! Doakes gets pushed off the apron and the brothers bail because they know shit is about to get real.


TO THE BACK. David and Daffney talk about the Wall putting Crowbar out of action. David says on his 21st birthday, he's going to tear down a wall. The Harris Brothers are arrested by Doakes in their locker room.

David Flair vs The Wall.

I think the Wall was doing the sieg heil on the ramp.


Wall slams David on the floor twice and sets up two tables around ringside. They've been on the floor for at least a minute and a half with a count not even started. Someone is going to get chokeslammed. David sneaks up on Wall and hits him with a crowbar. Naturally, he climbs to the corner in front of the tables to only to get super chokeslammed off the second rope through two tables. EMTs are out, Daffney is crying. Arn, Funk, and Hennig are out as well. Perfect asks Arn where the old man is, because he should have been out here for this. Happy birthday, David!


MOMENTS AGO. David was stretchered out.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam confronts The Wall in the back. Bam Bam was something of a mentor/trainer to The Wall and chastises him because you don't get over breaking people in half. Wall decks Bam Bam, who goes flying off the stairs and bounces off a Japanese table.

Evan Karagias vs The Dog

The is actually more like a 3 on one handicap match. Now Finlay and Knobs are involved. Knobs is wearing his sunglasses at night. Just give me Fit vs Shane/Shannon. They're the only ones I care about. The Dog wins with a super powerslam. Then bites Evan's ear.

TO THE BACK. Gene is with Team Package. Lex hasn't been able to find Sting. That pussy. Ric doesn't give a shit about David. He's 21. He can take care of himself. Jeff is pacing in his locker room, he's leaving I think. Sid is begging and making sure that Vamp will team with him tonight. Vampiro agrees to stay.

Jeff Jarrett brings the girls out just to send them back to his locker room. Inbred cops took his trained pit bulls away. Well, if he had kept them on a fucking leash that probably wouldn't have happened. He thinks it is unfair to wrestle with out a partner, so he's going to find one. He brings out his new partner....THE WALL! Really pushing him hard for the past few weeks, too.

TO THE BACK. Lenny and Lodi are talking about rats when they come upon the Demon's casket. Curt Hennig and Ric Flair head to the arena.

Ric Flair vs Curt Hennig.

Perfect said he'd streak if he lost last week. Flair grabs a mic and shits all over Chapel Hill. An update on David: He's been taken away. That's the update. I don't know why Hennig's streaking stipulation isn't mentioned. It was even in the recap video on Thunder. After this match we'll have an update on the stipulation for the Lex/Sting match at Uncensored. Flair and Hennig are brawling on the floor. Actually, on the table. Flair is now working on the leg. Perfect can't quite do the flip bumps for that anymore. Madden was upset that Perfect called him fatso earlier and is now says "yeah, you'll get fatso". It made me sad since he didn't get a chance to get fatso. I miss Mr. Perfect. The crowd chants for Hogan, which even Tony comments on how it is probably the first time that NC has chanted for Hogan. Flair has the figure four on. Hennig gets it turned over. Lex is out. Hennig fights both men off. PERFECT PLEX for the win! They beat on Perfect after the match and attempt to break his arm before Arn Anderson comes out to stop Ric. Arn just stands there while Lex Pillmanizes Perfect's arm. What the fuck. He came out to stop it and didn't even make a move. Lex was behind Arn about to hit him with the bat, but Flair told him not to.

TO THE BACK. Lenny and Lodi are welding Demon's casket shut. But he wasn't in it. They attack him and run away.

TO THE NITRO PARTY. More Riki fucking Rachtman. Fuck him.

TO THE BACK. Hennig is in the ambulance. Team Package celebrate and gloat over it.

Lenny Lane vs Norman Smiley

Oh boy, Lodi is on commentary. There is a ginger ref! Lodi just wants to leave so they can chase more rats. Lenny does another plancha where he more or less powerbombs him self on the floor. Mark keeps trying to get Lodi to explain what a rat is. Big Wiggle was interrupted with a kick to the wiggle. Oh shit. Ms. Hancock is out! I hope we get some more table dancing. Norman wins with the chickenwing. She didn't even dance. No music, either. Fuck this company. Demon comes out to save Norman Smiley.

TO THE BACK. Sid chats with Gene. FINAL JUDGEMENT DAY FOR JEFF JARRETT. Tank asks some fat dumbass where the lockerroom is.


Tank is out in the ring. He's in a bad mood. Sid is a big white headed oaf. "He couldn't hold a candle to my jock strap". I don't think that is how that goes. The only reason he tapped out last week was because they were going to take him off TV. He's not leaving the ring. He's holding the show hostage. They are going to go ahead and have the next match even with Tank in the ring.

La Parka vs ___ doesn't happen

Parka is wearing an awesome jacket with skulls on the shoulders.


He gets in the ring and gets punched in the face. Hard. Doug Dillinger comes out but sends his crew back. Out comes....MENG! Oh fuck. Security is holding back Meng. JJ Dillion is out and tells Meng that he'll get a 60 day suspension without pay if he gets in the ring. Crowd is chanting for Meng. Crowd is not happy about this. They want to see Meng vs Tank. Tank is done holding the show hostage now, I guess.

Hulk Hogan with the real Yavapi strap match promo. Hulk's arm is healed and he has two weight belts. This looks like an XWF promo. It's all about getting your opponent in the right position for proper "strapation", dudes. Strappage, flesh bubbling, Strap Master Jimmy Hart. This is concentrated crazy. Imagine 80s Hogan promo, but more subdued.


Kidman vs Stevie Ray.

No Big T or Cassius. Mark Madden I think makes a gay joke about Hogan have flexible wrists. Oh shit. Now Ahmed and Swoll are out. Kidman doesn't care for this and brings out his partner...but is attacked before he can. Kidman is wearing pants and sneakers instead of shorts and boots. Booker T is Kidman's partner!

Kidman/Booker vs Harlem Heat.

SPINNAROONI! This was before Midnight stole the rights to it. J. Biggs is on color. Book End on Ahmed is followed up by a top rope elbow from Kidman. He has the match won but Swoll pulls the ref out. In the ring, Stevie Ray slapjacks Kidman to get the win for Harlem Heat 2K INC.

Jarrett tells The Wall that tonight is the night for him. Cowboy Dustin Rhodes is on his way to the arena. A sweet Top Gun promo aired.

Dustin Rhodes is out with a spool of barbed wire.


He has new music again. Dustin almost calls the crowd ungrateful faggots I think. "These marks, these internet freaks, these smart cheat sheet writing...y'all make me sick." Funk comes out with a trash bag. Terry Funk does a Foghorn Leghorn impression. For real. Funk tells Dustin he's just like his old man, "An overbearing, fat, obnoxious, eeeeegggggg suckin' dog!" Funk says he has Dustin's baby brother in the bag. Cody Rhodes is about to make his in ring debut! He doesn't need DNA to prove that this is his daddy's baby and pulls out a headless chicken with a diaper on it. That chicken is so dashing.


Then he hits Dustin in the head with it. He goes on to say they can have a barbed wire match right now. Funk throws cocaine in Funk's face and piledrives him twice. I swear he calls him an old fuck. Supposed to be old fart, but it was fuck. Funk body slams Dustin on the barbed wire and wraps him in it. Dustin runs off wrapped in the "bob" wire.

The main event competitors make their ways to the arena. Sid and Vamp fist bump!

Jeff Jarret/The Wall vs Vampiro/Sid.

Jeff gets the girls out to the ring...just to send them back again. Such a dick head. Finally the update on the Lex/Sting match. It will be a lumberjack match with all the lumberjacks being guys who had their arms broken by Lex. An hour after they sid the update would be "right after this match". Sid and Wall pair up on the floor, Jeff and Vamp in the ring. I wish Jeff had been doing the Double M-A gimmick in 2000. Sid chokeslams Jeff. Vamp hits his top rope spin kick. Wall and Sid have each other goozled. Nick Patrick gets knocked over, Jarrett hits Sid with the guitar, Wall hits a the chokeslam and Jeff gets another pin over Sid. Wall then chokeslams Vamp on the apron while Jeff celebrates with both titles to end the show.

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