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December Wrasslin |OT| Dean Ambrose, Muscleless Agent of SHIELD, Every Week :(

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WWE really promoting to download their app though. Jesus. I will download it when I get a chance to. They should still let you vote on their website too.






See how the crowd didn't give a reaction at all to Ryback winning. Because no one gives two flying fucks about him, Vince! Gawd! And I'm so glad to see Big Show with the belt and not Cenis Jr.


Why can't we have storylines? Because fucking aspies chant boring and what at the worst times. For fucks sake you losers, get it together!


Sheamus Brogue Kicks, Big Show. Ziggler comes down to the ring, smacks Big Show with the giant chair and wins!!!! Ding Ding!!



WCW Thunder 3/8/2000

We're getting closer to the reboot. I can't wait for those first few shows. Almost makes me want to just skip the rest of March and get straight into it.

TAFKAPI vs Hypnosis for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Something looks off with the title. It looks like a toy version made of cardboard. That's definitely not the WCW Cruiserweight Championship. It says WCW and Wrestling Champion, but I've never seen that belt before.


Finally Da Juice is back in town babaaayyy. Juvi is going to do color again. Mike Tenay isn't into it at all. Rey Jr is back! For color commentary. Hopefully Rey should be back in the ring in 3 months. Fucking TAFKAPI. I am not into him at all. And having Hypnosis, Juvi, and Rey all out there without masks? Bleh. Ref bump. Juvi counts a 3 count for Hypnosis. They celebrate, but Charles Robinson DQs Prince for the ref bump. Rey asks Brain for a $20 so he can buy some drinks.

Show run down. The fuck, Rey is still at commentary? For the whole show? Gross. Jeff Jarrett vs Vampiro for the US Title. The Mamalukes vs Harlem Heat vs Booker/Kidman vs The Harris Brothers for the tag titles.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam apologizes to David and Crowbar for The Wall's actions. Team Package are talking about Arn. They need an answer about Arn joining Team Package.

The Demon vs Lodi

Despite Lenny and Lodi welding his casket shut on Nitro, he gets out of it just fine. Ms. Hancock comes out, but Lenny won't let her dance. Fuck. This. Shit. She distracts Lodi by kissing him, allowing Demon to hit the full nelson slam (aka, the Love Gun) for the win. Lenny and Lodi attack post match. Norman Smiley makes the save. 2XS get the better of them.

EARLIER TODAY. Curt Hennig is not allowed to wrestle tonight due to doctor's orders, but he will be cleared Monday and he's going to take Lex out.

TO THE BACK. Bam Bam is heading to find the Wall. Jeff talks to the twins.

Bam Bam is out and calls David and Daffney to the ring. They are both in neck braces. Bam Bam blames himself for their injuries since he broke the Wall into wrestling and brought him into wrestling. Wall is the Godfather of his youngest daughter. The Wall comes out. He attacks at 3 men and chokeslams Bam Bam off the apron through a table. David and Crowbar try to fight back, but their neck braces are ripped off and both get chokeslammed. WHO'S GOING TO STOP THE WALL!?! David and Crowbar are stretchered out again.



Another Yavapi strap match promo. Hulk has THREE weight belts now.

The Maestro vs The Cat

Maestro has a weird accent. Cat went for a back drop, Maestro thought it was a flap jack. It was ugly. Cat hits Maestro with the boom box for the win. Maestro was supposed to have to listen and come out to whatever music Cat picked out for him, but he still came out to his Life on Mars? music.

TO THE BACK. Vampiro is still knocking shit around in the back for some reason. He's just got a bat attitude. If you know what I mean. Now he's a boiler room with Nightmare On Elm Street lighting talking to himself about Jarrett and Finlay. He's been with Sid too much.


Lash LeRoux get some promo time with Gene. Legions and Legions of Loyal Lash Lovers. He's attacked by Dustin Rhodes.

Dustin Rhodes vs Lash LeRoux.

This is a match now. They just sent a ref out and rang the bell. Charles Robinson misses another low blow. Every fucking match he clearly sees a low blow and doesn't even reprimand the guy. Bulldog for the win. Funk is out with the chicken! Chicken to the head! He puts his hand inside the chicken and punches Dustin with it. Gives credence to Flair calling him a chicken farmer. Dustin elbow dropped the chicken. Now Dustin is hitting Funk with the chicken before punting it out of the ring. They brawl out into the crowd.


. Team Package are heading to the ring.

Team Package are out. We get a recap of the arm breaking over the past few months. Ric Flair is going to make an apology to Lex Luger for Arn's actions on Nitro. He calls Arn out. Arn is wearing a weirdly tight shirt for a man his age. Arn doesn't appreciate Flair bossing him around and telling him to be subservient to Ric. Arn says that neither of them are good fathers or husbands, but Ric has a chance with David being on the road at the same time. Arn plays to Flair's ego wondering why it is Team Package and not Team Flair. Arn tells him to go home and be a family man. "I've raised four kids. I'm done being daddy." "When I slow down, this company kicks me right in the ass. RIGHT IN THE ASS!" Ric tries to convince Arn to stop being daddy and be the Enforcer again. Lex says he'll give Arn until Monday to change his mind and the 3rd strike for Arn makes a 3rd strike for Ric.

TO THE BACK. Finlay is heading to the ring, but is attacked by Vampiro. Security breaks it up only to get beat up again. Their security is the worst. They get beat up by everyone. Lex and Liz leave.

Meng vs Finlay

Fuck yeah. Someone is going to get hit hard. It lasts about a minute before Tank runs in and tackles Meng. Then Finlay attacks Tank. Then security comes in and Tank, Meng, and Finlay beat the shit out of all of them.

TO THE BACK. Booker is talking to Torrie about Kidman costing them the match last week. The Marmadukes talk with Gene. No cheese sandwich tonight.

The Mamalukes vs Harris Brothers vs Harlem Heat 2K INC vs Booker/Kidman for the WCW Tag Team Championships.

The champs and the Harris Boys fight first. Harlem Heat comes out a little later, and Booker and Kidman come out even later. Kidman comes out much later than Booker. This is allegedly an elimination style match. We'll see if that stipulation sticks. Ahmed accidentally hits Stevie Ray and Booker then pins his brother with a Harlem leg sweep. HH2KI is eliminated. Booker and Kidman were eliminated during the break, PTP style. They cut to an extended "During the Break" and completely ignore the match going on. It was seriously like a full minute. H-Bomb was hit, but Disco slipped in and hit whatever bald asshole was the ring with a belt and the champs retain.

TO THE BACK. Gene talks about the poor performance of Harlem Heat. Stevie Ray isn't playing that shit. He wants Booker, Kidman, and his SQUACKIN YAK at Uncensored. DDP was on the Late Late Show promoting his book. A recap video of Jarrett's run from his return in October 1999 up to now. Knobs has The Dog on the leash while he talks to Mean Gene. Double J and the NWO yaks head to the ring while Vampiro sulks in the dark.

Jeff Jarrett vs Vampiro for the US Championship.

Jeff sends the YAKs back. Again. After he teases them flashing the crowd. Aksana reminds me a lot of Midajah. Sting and Hulk Hogan will be at Nitro! Brawling out on the floor. The Harris Boys are back out. Good. The show was really missing them. The arena is so empty. The first anything past the first 10-15 rows are completely empty. They try to hide it by making the arena dark or having weird blue and red lights, but every few shots you can see a less than half full arena. Doesn't really come across on pictures, though. I tried. Mamalukes come out and take out the Harris Brothers. Vamp had the win, but Nick Patrick was distracted with the brawling. Now a ref bump and Jarret grabs the belt. Vamp hits a sling shot and drills Jeff with the title! Another ref comes out, but Nick Patrick pulls him out before the 3 count because he's the ref. Jeff hits the stroke on the title in the confusion to retain his title. Vamp gets the spray paint job. I'm getting really sick of Double J's ridiculously over booked finishes every show.

This show was just...uninteresting.
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