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I'll see how tonight's Raw is first.Anyone else not watching Raw for the forseeable future after last night's weak PPV follow-up? I need some bitter comrades.
Anyone else not watching Raw for the forseeable future after last night's weak PPV follow-up? I need some bitter comrades.
The fuck is this bullshit?
-- The mood backstage at the TLC PPV was said to be very positive, with everyone loving the new Barclay's Arena. Vince McMahon and Triple H were in a great mood at the show, praising everybody's work.
The fuck is this bullshit?
-- The mood backstage at the TLC PPV was said to be very positive, with everyone loving the new Barclay's Arena. Vince McMahon and Triple H were in a great mood at the show, praising everybody's work.
Anyone else not watching Raw for the forseeable future after last night's weak PPV follow-up? I need some bitter comrades.
I've been a part-time Raw watcher for over 2 months now and it's been a good move. When I read the results and reviews afterwards, I generally feel thankful that I didn't waste my time. I still peek in from time to time, like last night, but every time I do, I'm reminded why I don't watch regularly. It's just...yikes. It especially pales in comparison when I've been watching Dragon Gate, Ring of Honor, and PWG DVDs lately.
I look forward to Shelton's return. Maybe he'll be back for the Rumble?
Speaking of, who do you all think is winning the Rumble?
edit- no one looks that happy when they smoke a cigar.
Why does Pop GAF?
Anyone else not watching Raw for the forseeable future after last night's weak PPV follow-up? I need some bitter comrades.
Raw did a 2.9
Good question.Why does Pop GAF?
What are the odds we get Kurt Angle teaming with Del Rio and Miz tonight?
Watching last week's NXT and it's the first episode from the recent taping. I like how Jinder Mahal is suddenly in his 3MB attire, but there's no reference at all to Rollins being in The Shield.
I just wonder if the Ric Flair segment was really botched and was supposed to be the closing segment, and so they ended up having to write a new one on the fly.
"... he still across town... here you talk to him. *hands Vince the phone*"
"*somebody gonna get they wig split*"
can you hear me Mark?
the show was just goofy. so I liked it.
snore. i hope Dragon Gate and PWG are not as boring, otherwise ill stick with WWE.
What time is wrasslin on tonight guys?
Also, I completely forgot, though it's not a GIF... Del Rio's disgusted face from when he was in a wheelchair.
Oh look a new page
Definitely sand-bagging there by Sheamus. The back probably asked him to do it to test Cesaro's reaction like Tensai did with Ryback. Cesaro is such a beast he still did the move.
Deadlifting is how that move is always done, you can clearly see Sheamus helping with the throw part of the move.
The deadlift is what makes that move impressive.
I guess the Big E. Langston era began and ended in the same night.Eh...
WWE Late Night Smackdown-Live
Wednesday 1am Record
Josh Mathews and JBL present SuperSmackdown live. The Miz speaks to Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee following their actions at WWE TLC on Sunday and the following evening on Raw.
Deadlift German Suplex is one of my favorite moves of all time. Just looks awesome.
This was the first show from the new tapings. Two weeks ago Jinder was still in his old gimmick and they still had the pink middle rope. Last week Jinder was in his 3MB gimmick, the rope was back to normal and Big Show accepted Bo Dallas' open challenge for this week.Would the Shield have debuted at the time that episode was filmed?
I thought the shows from the most recent tapings were a week or two away