Go on.

Go on.
On other self congratulatory news, I earned myself a tiny trophy from my local borough who put me over, Nocturnowl is officially the most inspirational volunteer in my 2016.
And all I could think as I was bestowed this was "boy, this is more prestigious than the Slammies!"
The Last Guardian is out for delivery!
But I'm totally in the middle of The Witcher III. D:
That's great!
I can imagine the conversations now
"Hey...hey, avengers23...look down here."
*avengers23 looks down there. sees a penis*
Damn, Survivor Series 2017 travel packages are already available for sale.
I don't want you spending anymore money on wrestling, Kaladin.
Last guardian
Part of pre-sale?
Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:
Survivor Series Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating Ringside Rows 1-5
Collectible Chair
Sunday, November 19, 2017
NXT Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating Ringside Rows 1-5
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Raw Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating Ringside Rows 1-5
Monday, November 20, 2017
SmackDown LIVE Ticket (only with 4-Night Hotel Accommodations)
Toyota Center
Seating Ringside Rows 1-5
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Sunday Breakfast
Exclusive autograph session with WWE Superstars
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Each person in this group will share one standard hotel room
3-Night Hotel Accommodations
Check-in Saturday, November 18, 2017
Check-out Tuesday, November 21, 2017
4-Night Hotel Accommodations
Check-in Saturday, November 18, 2017
Check-out Wednesday, November 22, 2017
VIP Package Prices 3-Night Hotel Accommodations
1 Person - $1,950
2 People - $1,550 per person
3 People - $1,450 per person
4 People - $1,350 per person
VIP Package Prices 4-Night Hotel Accommodations
1 Person - $2,375
2 People - $1,875 per person
3 People - $1,675 per person
4 People - $1,575 per person
Each person in this group (maximum 4 people per group) will receive:
Survivor Series Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating 100 Level
Sunday, November 19, 2017
NXT Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating 100 Level
Saturday, November 18, 2017
Raw Ticket
Toyota Center
Seating 100 Level
Monday, November 20, 2017
SmackDown LIVE Ticket (only with 4-Night Hotel Accommodations)
Toyota Center
Seating 100 Level
Tuesday, November 21, 2017
Sunday Breakfast
Exclusive autograph session with WWE Superstars
Sunday, November 19, 2017
Each person in this group will share one standard hotel room
3-Night Hotel Accommodations
Check-in Saturday, November 18, 2017
Check-out Tuesday, November 21, 2017
4-Night Hotel Accommodations
Check-in Saturday, November 18, 2017
Check-out Wednesday, November 22, 2017
Gold Package Prices 3-Night Hotel Accommodations
1 Person - $1,475
2 People - $1,075 per person
3 People - $975 per person
4 People - $875 per person
Gold Package Prices 4-Night Hotel Accommodations
1 Person - $1,850
2 People - $1,350 per person
3 People - $1,150 per person
4 People - $1,050 per person
Section, row, and seat assigned on a first-come, first-served basis by Travel Package tier
you skipping lines in that post really simulated the feel of the low FPS gameplay
Why the h would anyone want to go to a Survivor Series?
Excuse my coarse language.
Have you played it?
P.S. My old eyes can't tell the difference between 60 FPS and 10 FPS anyway.
Same thing they do for Mania each year. I think they're extending this kind of deal to the Big 4.
I eventually want to go to one of all the WWE PPVs. Thankfully, living near Atlanta, Orlando and Miami, that should be able to happen.
I never played a game from that team and i'm really not interested, I just love to bait the fanboys because boy are they an intense bunch
Cheers friendo.That's great!
Emmalina next week!
I'm so not ready to be disappointed.
So Meltzer said last night that they are definitely talking about making NXT a live show, and Alvarez mentioned he heard it was happening.
Seems like a weird decision in a lot of ways.
That would have to pull it out of Full Sail and make it a full time touring product.
So Meltzer said last night that they are definitely talking about making NXT a live show, and Alvarez mentioned he heard it was happening.
Seems like a weird decision in a lot of ways.
I guess they want more live content for the Network.
There's no way that's viable. NXT already loses money and that would make it even worse. On top of that, you'd only be able to draw with NXT is very specific markets, so you'd have to run the same four or five markets every week and that'd soon burn those cities out.
You're a big piece of... a human being and I fully disagree...Suda is like the Vader of video games, everyone knows him but no one can actually remember one good thing he ever did. And he has this weird following of people trying to tell you that "he did a great Wii game once eventhough it sold like 24 copies"
All they would have to do is make the live show a part of the touring runs. Film it in the same kind of places they tour nationally and it shouldn't be much more money than it already is.
Ellsworth(c) vs AJIs there any chance we get AJ vs someone who isn't Ambrose for the rumble?
I mean, who is there? Gotta be either big match John or Taker since SD doesn't have a ton of faces.Is there any chance we get AJ vs someone who isn't Ambrose for the rumble?
Which would kill the mystique of NXT as the hot, kind of outsider-y brand.
Which means this is exactly what they'll do because they didn't learn from WWECW debacle.
Not really. You keep it the hot outsider brand by keeping it in smaller venues, just live and on the road.
It would be similar to when ROH started doing live PPVs, the crowds just got hotter because it was live and not taped.
Nobody.So who does Miz drop the title to at Mania?
You would have to bring a film crew, set up ect it would be super expensive for a thong that doesn't bring in any money.All they would have to do is make the live show a part of the touring runs. Film it in the same kind of places they tour nationally and it shouldn't be much more money than it already is.
But that would require they film it on Monday or Tuesday then, and the discussion is apparently about live on Wednesday.
Why would they have to do it Monday or Tuesday? Keep it separate from the main touring rosters and do it in smaller venues like they have been touring in.
NXT's main problem is that it's on Wed. I think if they changed it to either a Friday or Saturday show and made it two hours regularly, they could do it at Full Sail easily live.
I hate how realistic this sounds.Nobody.
They will do a 8 man ladder match to get guys on the card then a fan fav will win and job to a heel the next night to get some heat.