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The match sucked. Especially after Ziggler was saying how it was going to be his best damn match ever and then the announcers said the same thing. It was sloppy as fuck, had no flow, had no story of any kind. Christian/Shelton had a better ladder match on TLC a few years ago with no build at all.


Is there a gimmick to this match?

Either way, this should be good. This can either be a really solid match, or a great comedy match. Maybe both?


What's the point of the Usos? Tag teams are supposed to have interesting gimmicks, considering tag matches are always so boring
The match sucked. Especially after Ziggler was saying how it was going to be his best damn match ever and then the announcers said the same thing. It was sloppy as fuck, had no flow, had no story of any kind. Christian/Shelton had a better ladder match on TLC a few years ago with no build at all.

I agree. It was a let down.
They need to go full on with this Mizdow gimmick and have him cut his hair and shave his beard. The Masked Man podcast had a great idea for when they eventually split and basically have them have a match with the Miz gimmick on the line, and Mizdow wins.


The match sucked. Especially after Ziggler was saying how it was going to be his best damn match ever and then the announcers said the same thing. It was sloppy as fuck, had no flow, had no story of any kind. Christian/Shelton had a better ladder match on TLC a few years ago with no build at all.

Damn Stro.......I don't want to agree with you but that comparison was below the belt :(
The story was Harper beat Ziggler up for 7 minutes then Dolph looked deep inside himself, probably overcoming some psychological issues, and pulled out a hometown victory. Ziggler got the 6 star match before Okada.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Sandow's gimmick is one of my favorite gimmicks in years, im not even joking
The match sucked. Especially after Ziggler was saying how it was going to be his best damn match ever and then the announcers said the same thing. It was sloppy as fuck, had no flow, had no story of any kind. Christian/Shelton had a better ladder match on TLC a few years ago with no build at all.

I wouldn't say it sucked but I had similar thoughts, something about multiple instances of people just getting pushed off ladders down onto the mat makes it seem more slapdash in execution, like lets have more big drops just because.
There seemed to at least be something of an angle with Harper using ladders more as a weapon for the first half making Ziggler eat steel in a variety of ways but in the end the match was kind of like something you'd see in a Yukes game (glitches excluded).
I agree. There was no story and learning Ziggles is a 5x IC Champion was shocking considering all his runs were not memorable.

There was a time when Ziggler first got a heel push that I thought the guy was going to be a star, but it's clear he's destined to be a mid-carder 4-lyfe
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