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December Wrasslin' |OT| This title has been held by all the greats...and Triple H

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Holy fucking shit Cena isn't even waiting till TLC to bury Orton. Fucking hate Cena. Usually something like this means Orton will win at TLC, but knowing fucking Cena, he'll be destroyed for 59 minutes before 5 MOVES OF DOOMing Orton and winning the belts in 1 minute.


Is Cena slamming Randy's face into the steel steps supposed to make me think of him as a face?
That's what faces do in the WWE universe. Behave like entitled jerks.
Whereas you can spot the heels because they always lose and they're chickenshit cowards. Or they're Triple H.
its 2007 all over again somebody let me off this ride

THIS SHOW SUCKED. Watch Punk's singing "don't give a flying fuck" promo, THE AWESOME SHIELD SIX-MAN TAG and maybe a compilation of JBL's worst commentary tonight. This was easily the worst night he's ever had as a commentator. The contract signing took forever and they basically told you this would be the greatest hits version of their past matches, but with two belts on the line...maybe possibly making a unified champion that may or may not be called The Unified Championship based on the app vote. THE MOST HISTORIC MATCH IN WWE HISTORY sure doesn't feel like it.


Screens -

8 WWE Titles, 2 left arms



Cena had a good night tonight. His backstage segment was good, and his promo at the end of the show was alright as well...minus the two or three absolute bullshit comments he made about not being given anything, working for everything, etc.
Cena had a good night tonight. His backstage segment was good, and his promo at the end of the show was alright as well...minus the two or three absolute bullshit comments he made about not being given anything, working for everything, etc.

He always pulls the same promo everytime :/


Pretty crummy RAW.

- Punk and Bryan suddenly don't interact anymore and are in separate stories
- Dolph and Sandow, who should be in the WHC hunt now, are at the bottom of the card
- AJ, the women's champion, jobs pathetically to a rollup, because Total Divas, now on E!
- An entire match about Titus puking, because Vince thinks it's funny and therefore worth devoting a segment of your flagship TV show to
- Twerkingtwerkingtwerkingtwerkingtwerking we're really relevant you know!
- Miz is a heel, no he isn't, yes he is, we don't know! Also the Miz is on your TV!
- and of course, worst of all, all throughout the show "IT'S EPIC AND HISTORICAL AND CARE ABOUT OUR MAIN EVENT NOW!", culminating in a boring main event with boring people, with a bored crowd. Cena/Orton as the main event in 20 and fucking 13, good god.

Thank god for NJPW, otherwise my wrestling fandom would be at a nadir. At least the Rumble is coming up.

Only good parts were Punk being on E, the Shield's match, and Bray's promo. Also Cesaro.



WCW Monday Nitro: New Year's Evil 12/27/99

The final show of this project. Thank fucking Jesus.

TO THE BACK. Jarret, Nash, and Bret arrive. In the very first segment, there is a production error as the director was very clearly heard.

We're shown Goldberg vs Limo. This time in color. Goldberg shredded tendons in his arm. Bill Busch sent out a letter saying that if Hall doesn't show up by 7PM, the Outsiders would be stripped of the tag titles. Hall is missing, so a Lethal Lottery tag tournament will start tonight. How the fuck can you tell the difference between Lethal Lottery and regular Russo tag booking? Also, Scott Steiner will announce his retirement tonight.

Brian Knobs vs Bam Bam Big Yellow Hardcore Match

Kanyon is out for color. This is taking place in the Astro Dome, which seats about 67K people. I'd be shocked if there were more than 10K in the building. It heads to the merch stand. Kanyon follows out with mobile commentary, telling the marks to get out of the way. Can't see any of the match since they don't have a hand held over there, so we just get to see fans standing around and heads pop up once in a while. Knobs wins I guess.

. Sid arrives with Chris Benoit. A monster truck was parked. Elsewhere, the nWo talk with JoJo. JoJo told them about the Outsiders being stripped of the titles. They beat him up. Remember when Sting beat JoJo up in October and absolutely nothing came from it? After a break, the nWo check out their sweet monster truck. They recognize Sid's car, which is still running.

Sid comes to the ring. Sid takes over for Goldberg in the angle with the nWo. Chris Benoit heads out to challenge Jeff Jarrett. Triple Threat Theater. This is a 2/3 falls match: Dungeon Rules: No ropes, pin fall and submission only, if you leave the ring, you lose. Bunkhouse Brawl. And a Caged Heat match, which is a HIAC knock off.

TO THE BACK. The nWo have spray painted Sid's car. Bret clearly did the drawing of Sid on it. Sid and Benoit run out to see the car.

Buzzkill/Mike Rotundo vs Konnan/Dean Malenko

God, Lethal Lottery must have made Russo cum when he realized he could have an entire card full of fighting tag partners. Dean and IRS start out. IRS is covered in sweat in 25 seconds. Leia and Asya got into a fight. Revolution and Animals fought on the floor. Duggan came in and hit Dean with the 2x4. Buzzkill and IRS advance.

The nWo are fucking with the production truck. They pulled something that sparked and sent us to commercial. When we come back (with a fuzzy picture), a limo arrives. Rick Steiner helps Scott Steiner out of it. BUT WHO WAS LIMO?!?! Elsewhere, the nWo are tearing up catering.

Shane vs Tank Abbott

Tank kills poor Virgil. Tank wins via KO in about 30 seconds. Tank leaves when security hit the ring.

TO THE BACK. The Steiners are heading into the arena.

The Steiners come to the ring. Scott breaks down crying and explains why he has to retire. The nWo music hits. They say Scott wasn't that good anyway and let him leave. Bret rambles. Jeff pretends to cry. A PA tries to wrap Nash up. Jeff hits him with a guitar and Nash throws it to break. The nWo is still in the ring when we come back. Whoever took their bats made a bad move. Kevin promises that Scott will be here tonight. Bret is 4-0 against Goldberg. Bret is going to kick Sid's ass. Fuck. Now Jeff gets to rant. The Asshole Dome. Clever. During this, Sid drove to the ring. He and Benoit has bats and ran the nWo off. Curt Hennig tries to attack them. Two guys with ball bats by himself. What a fucking idiot. He's thrown over the ropes and onto the car. Too bad they picked the worst camera angle so you really didn't even see the impact.



TO THE BACK. Hennig is placed in an ambulance.

Harlem Heat vs Lash LeRoux/Midnight

What a surprise. More man on woman stuff. Do you think that Russo's dad used to beat his mom while he was going through puberty? Stevie got pissed that Book took it easy on Midnight. Stevie hit Book and Midnight with the slapjack. Midnight fell on Booker. Lash also got hit with a slap jack and also fell on to Book. Lash/Midnight advance.

TO THE BACK. Bret walks to the ring. Chavo tries to catch up with him when the ninja attacks him.

TO THE REVOLUTION GO TO WASHINGTON. The Revolution are in DC and ask a random guy if he knows the date. The guy does, but didn't realize it was the 200th anniversary of Washington's death.

Bret Hart vs Jerry Flynn WCW Championship

Are you fucking serious? A god damn travesty that one of Bret's last matches ended up being against Jerry Flynn. Fuck. And another Bret title defense that isn't anywhere near the main event. Jerry dominates Bret. Think about that. Jeff and Nash come out. Flynn is wearing jeans and a t-shirt. I'd bet he's going to get spray painted and refused to let it be done on his skin. I bet Nash will do some on his neck or hair. Jeff waffles Flynn with a bat. Bret wins with the Sharpshooter. Title retained. Flynn got painted, but Jeff did it. None got on his hair. I'm sure Nash would have put some in his hair. Tank Abbott walks out, picks Flynn up, and punches him in the face.

TO THE REVOLUTION GO TO WASHINGTON. Shane talks about America fucking up Indians and losing wars.

TO THE BACK. Nash is on the phone with Scott.

PG-13 vs Rick Steiner/Berlyn

Wolfie D has AWFUL flow. Just terrible. Another actual tag team in the tournament. Come on, Russo. This is your chance to go all out. Berlyn leaves the match. Rick Steiner dominates PG-13 on his own. He easily wins, but the decision was reversed when Rick wouldn't stop the beat down after the match. What a way to put over new talent.


TO THE BACK. Saturn tells Duggan that they are partners against Asya and Norman. "Besides, brother, as optically challenged as we are, there's no way that jacked up hootchie or that sissy in a football uniform can blindside us if we stand side by side." Fucking lol. Wacky Saturn is pretty great.

They're hanging out in front of the White House. Saturn catches a guy in a Clinton mask with a net.

Norman Smiley/Asya vs Jim Duggan/Saturn

Duggan's wife and kids are in the crowd. Despite Saturn and Duggan bonding over their mutual lazy eyes, Duggan attacks Saturn at the start of the match. I think one of my favorite things in the last 2 months of 1999 is Norman getting attacked while dancing. Norman's catcher pads blocked a flying elbow. Saturn put Asya down from a DVD. It offended her. She hit him in the Neptunes. Superplex from Asya. She hit Norman. Duggan dropped the Old Glory knee drop on Saturn. Norman and Asya advance. Asya suplexed Norman after the match. Duggan clears the ring and celebrates with his family.


Kidman and Double J head to the ring.

Kidman vs Jeff Jarrett WCW US Championship

This is probably the only thing that has any potential to not suck. The announcers talk about how the nWo is built on anti-establishment, which is not true at all. Bischoff was the master mind and he was in charge of WCW. It was literally the opposite of anti-establishment. And now that The Powers That Be are behind them, it's still the opposite of anti-establishment. There was an edit to the tape. Jarret won after interference from Nash. The nWo beat up the Filthy Animals after the match.

I also missed a Lex as Sting promo, Finlay/Meng vs Harris Brothers (Bros won by count out), 3 Count doing stuff, Evan/Vamp vs David/Stro (Crowbar hit Vamp with a pipe, David/Stro advance), Stacy/Lenny/Lodi debuting as Standards and Practices, and Jeff worrying about Scott not being there. I'm not sad I missed any of it.

Disco Inferno/Big Vito vs Buff Bagwell/Kanyon

JTB is eating a cheese sandwich. Kanyon is mad that Tony and JTB are hitting on his women. He tags Buff in and leaves. I just don't like Vito. I don't even really have a reason. He's not bad at all in the ring, he's pretty charismatic, and is actually usually funny in his backstage stuff. I just don't like him. Maybe the taint of ECW on TNN is on him. Tony gives Disco a chain. He accidentally hits Vito. Buff wins with the Blockbuster. Buff and Kanyon advance. Disco attacks Buff after the match at the behest of Tony.

TO THE BACK. Nash heads to the arena.

Kevin Nash vs The Wall/Sid

Nash asked for a little more time for Scott to arrive. He didn't get it. No way Russo is booking this on his own. Every match has been NOT random and played into existing storylines. Russo wouldn't do that on his own. Nash is claiming he needs to wait due to a gas bubble. Wall is wrestling without a shirt, which he never did before or after until TNA. Jeff and Bret are at ringside, so this is actually a 2 on 3 handicap match. Nash hit Wall with a bat and won. Sid never even got tagged in. Benoit runs in. Scott Steiner hobbles down. He hits Sid with a bat. SWERVE! He takes his back brace and shirt off to reveal an nWo shirt. OH MY GOD IT'S THE BIGGEST SWERVE OF ALL TIME! SCOTT IS HERE!!!!!!!


The last Nitro of the year and of the century ends with an nWo beat down, nWo music, and pamphlets falling from the ceiling. Sid's car is back. Sid is placed in it. They drive it out back. Bret runs over it with a monster truck. The first and last Nitro of the year ends with the nWo. It's like poetry. It rhymes.


DQ Count: Go fuck yourself.

This project is finally over. No more WCW. Maybe some random pre-nWo PPVs, but no more years of shows. No more Thunder. No more Nitro. Ever again. I'm done with it. This show sucked, but was still miles ahead of last week's show. But it fucking sucked. The last 3-4 shows really broke me. The first few shows of 2000 were significantly better, which is not really much of a surprise since Russo wasn't in charge on his own. I'll give my final thoughts on WCW in a separate post.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Russo didn't have any input on the early 2000 shows. They gave him the choice to either be in a committee or sit at home collecting checks and he like others before and after him in WCW decided to sit out.

Evening Musuko

Black Korea
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