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Demi Lovato opens up about why she's using 'she/her' pronouns again


Demi Lovato, the singer and former Disney Channel actor, has started to use "she" pronouns again.

Lovato, who in 2021 came out as nonbinary and changed their pronouns to "they," said this week on the "Spout" podcast that they've "been feeling more feminine" recently and adopted their former pronouns.

"I'm such a fluid person when it comes to my gender, my sexuality, my music, my creativity," Lovato said on the podcast, a short-form interview series with celebrities.
Lovato now uses both "they" and "she" pronouns, according to her Instagram account. She has also said she identifies as both queer and pansexual.

t's not uncommon for nonbinary people to use gendered pronouns or interchange pronouns: Singer Janelle Monae recently came out as nonbinary and said they would continue to use "she" pronouns in addition to "they."

Lovato said on "Spout" that while "everyone messes up pronouns" at some point, "it's just all about respect."



Bill Murray Yes GIF
On personal level she can identify as potato for all anyone cares but how on earth someone can implement something like this under public policy. Total unhinged lunacy.
at my work if someone says that they want to use "they/them" pronouns (or any others) then we are to do it. fair enough. whatever.

so next time they appear and i refer to them as "they/them" and now they are "she/her" or "he/him" then what am i meant to do? if they tell me then fine but you just know that some people will use this as ammunition. could very well lose my job!

i don't care what people identify as but i think it's a bit shit that people can just change their mind. that's fair to be honest but if you're gonna get offended and cause trouble then how is that meant to be treated?
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at my work if someone says that they want to use "they/them" pronouns (or any others) then we are to do it. fair enough. whatever.

so next time they appear and i refer to them as "they/them" and now they are "she/her" or "he/him" then what am i meant to do? if they tell me then fine but you just know that some people will use this as ammunition. could very well lose my job!
You should declare your pronoun as 'Your honor' and have anyone sacked who refuses to engage in this charade.


To be fair, the girl has some mental illness, she's out there....
She's not the villain here, but the pieces of shit fans, twitter and the entertainment industry enablers.
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Lady Jane

To be fair, the girl has some mental illness, she's out there....
She's not the villain here, but the pieces of shit fans, twitter and the entertainment industry enablers.

Just another victim of fame at a young age. I still and always will put the blame on the parents. They likely pushed the industry on her and didn't put in the extra effort to protect her at a developing age when the world was open to her. That can destroy most without proper guidance.


Obviously mad as a box of frogs, and probably needs to come off social media, and check herself in somewhere nice and quiet, with a good breakfast service.


This information will come in handy if I ever meet her or ever bring her up in conversation, even though this is literally the first time I've ever heard of her.



If you need any proof that Demi is legitimately insane, here you go:

That's amazing and a lot of fun. Was that a graviton phone?

And I'm glad to hear that as a famous nonbinary person she's feeling more feminine and in tune with her physical form. Comfortable enough with being called she/her not to make an issue of it. It's thoughtful for others on this planet at this time, too.


To be fair, the girl has some mental illness, she's out there....
She's not the villain here, but the pieces of shit fans, twitter and the entertainment industry enablers.

A lot do female Disney channel stars grew up to be fucked up or have mental illnesses. I'm guessing they got sexually abused, but who knows.

Conversely I don't see as much about the male Disney channel stars.


at my work if someone says that they want to use "they/them" pronouns (or any others) then we are to do it. fair enough. whatever.

so next time they appear and i refer to them as "they/them" and now they are "she/her" or "he/him" then what am i meant to do? if they tell me then fine but you just know that some people will use this as ammunition. could very well lose my job!

i don't care what people identify as but i think it's a bit shit that people can just change their mind. that's fair to be honest but if you're gonna get offended and cause trouble then how is that meant to be treated?
Man I hope things get better. What a horrible enforcement.


Some times I like to be called lord but other days Dad or king of the castle is sufficient 🤣

She / her can do what ever makes her happy! Good for you!
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How is this person famous? Does anyone actually listen to her music or go to her concerts? I saw she also does movies and I went to see what movies she has done and they're all crap. Why does anyone keep giving this person attention?


I guess we'd better get daily updates about her pronouns after the weather, then.

But, in all "seriousness" whatever.


You could get Anteres autotune back in in the day from Kazaa or other places.

You had to know music to use it though to make it subtle. If you don't the software goes mental trying to match musical notes, mostly funny as well.

I used T-Racks for mastering. Solid piece of kit and was easy to tame it. Dunno what the kids use these days, I'm long outta the game.

Artists used it all the time live, Antares changed the game. Same with Propellerhead's 'Reason'.

Game changers with creating sounds. Things like Cubase were shot into the void as you had to buy plug-ins.

They were only sequencers though.

Edit: back to topic. Autotune. Even Metallica used it live.
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The last 20 years, ex-child stars growing up in Hollywood have it worse than kids in public school because they are raised in a closed environment where ideology can't really be countered and it's easy to get inside someone's head and indoctrinate them. This is why Demi is doing whatever it is they are doing.

Drugs didn't even return the POW's after they won.
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