Again, I'm not saying it's the right call but not immediately handing over the email list is probably so he has some leverage to get the party to make institutional changes and reforms. When Palmieri is out saying that "we shouldn't take protests as a sign to move left and people generally don't want $15 minimum wage" it's another sign that they Don't Get It. With Perez looking mighty close to becoming DNC chair Bernie can try to keep his list as motivation for them to clean house. I don't know if that's the right call or not.
Yeah! It's why he campaigned for Hillary after the primary was over, because he wanted Trump to win so bad!
An email list isn't going to make the DNC do anything. This OP article has given this email list some weird sense of power. It's a list, with or without it the DNC is going to move forward in whatever form that's going to be.