I said the other day I should give my copy of Witcher 3 another chance..... Now I'm not so sure I will.
It took me awhile to get into it. Let us say, 2 years after it released. I dove in, balls deep up to the esophagus.
Wonderfully packed game. Great loop, great side quests, writing, music... it was an all-round great experience and once I realized I was at the end of all of the content...200+ hours in...I got depressed, lol.
I didn't end up finishing the final battle until after a month. Which, when I loaded TW3 up, I started walking around the world, then finally initiated the final battle.
I regret not getting into it sooner, but I think I would regret not going through it at all. I still have to go through it with the big, new update, on Death March!
I"ve begun a new playthrough a couple of months back, I think I will continue it soon.