No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
I barely got enough money to get a new member but not enough for the room. I feel like I should just restart and not choose a glass cannon as my first teammate, lol.
I don't have any on. I mean Mars basically 2HKOs me at this point.
I'm just wondering if I'm missing something besides grind more
Ah pay for a room only dont need to buy a person first. As when you rent a new room it comes with a character already.
The 500G fee is for once you fill up all rooms and want to make your 3 extra characters, really. Focus should be on filling all 4 rooms first. Or should I say 3 since you already had your first unlocked for free.
These types of games are stats based, which means generally if you are getting roflstomped that yeah you most def need to lv up.