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Denis Dyack in 1up yours. NeoGAF is "hurting society," justifies having it shut down

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Pristine_Condition said:
The rest of the guys aren't even there. Nice work fellas. Way to participate.
I wouldn't have blamed them if they'd just let Denis talk to himself for an hour.

Would've amounted to the same bullshit either way.
I guess DD got personally offended by my cat gif :(

I am awestruck after listening to that podcast. He definitely has more than a few screws loose. After listening, then reading most of this thread, and reading the blog, I really have no idea where to start. But I'll share a few of my most immediate thoughts.--

To GAF--

Anyone of you who are even mentioning 'technology' and 'social interaction' and 'anonymousity' are falling for Denis' trap of deflecting attention away from his game and his actions onto subjects that have nothing to do with it. And it seems that people who are awed by these 'problems of the internet' and think it's 'deep stuff' are either internet newbies, since it's been discussed a lot before everywhere on the internet; and/or have never opened a book to see that these 'problems' have been around and have been debated about long before computers existed.

To 1up Shawn--

Awesome blogpost, though I wish it was a bit longer and would go over more of DD's points. I wish you were there alongside DD on the podcast so you could stop his ranting and call him out on his BS.

To Denis--

-NeoGaf RARELY has a hive mentality (only on a handful of certain subjects), and is pretty much the opposite - a very wide range of opinions that are all over the place, and no real majority. Pretty much like people, life, and the universe - chaotic. Randomness. Not bad things, not good things either.

-NeoGAF is NOT a non-profit organization. It is a private website. Its posts are public in that anyone on the internet can see it, but its membership is private. And I can imagine that, even after expenses, the owner/owners still making a little side money off of the site, because of all the ads and visitors. It has no obligation to moderate anyone of its members, or even to have a Terms of Service in the first place. You know - freedom of speech and all that. The mods and admins can moderate how they please without restriction from outer influence, unless something illegal or threatening is taking place. Most people who make personal attacks get banned. Mods moderate pretty well for a place with this much people and this much variation. I LOVE how NeoGAF is set up. NeoGAF's members have no collective or hidden agenda, because they are so much people with so much different opinions. Its owners and mods have no agenda for the same reason. That's why NeoGAF is so valuable. We all just realize that this is a great place for gamer's gathering to disuss and inform, while having fun. NeoGAF isn't meant to be serious business, which is what you assume. Often there is discussion on serious topics, but no one takes them as serious as you. And most here don't really gives a fuck about their tags, they are only for fun, and always have been.

- Threads and posts from someone about something can change someone else's opinion on that thing. Games get criticized or raved about for any specific detail from any poster. From now loving Samba de Amigo Wii game because the maracas now have weight in them, to now hating Too Human because of its maker's stupid rants.

- People want to read other's opinions about games. It's not bad, it's not lazy - it's just that no one has unlimited money to buy every game and unlimited time to play every game. Yes NeoGaf is a 'water cooler' place to discuss games. You know, open and free opinions. Not fake opinions that viral marketing posters post (which get banned when caught), but real ones. Even trolls have opinions, though they're never trusted and others rarely take it personally (you being one the rare cases). This is how I see it - If I trust the person writing an opinion of a game, then I take what they said into account when evaluating on purchasing it or not. If I don't trust them, I ignore their viewpoint. Like you, if I don't like something, I say it. This is my personal basic thoughts when reading impressions/previews and watch videos of games. Like you, if I don't like something, I say it. Except you only complain when it's your game being trashed. Yes, the number/letter grading system for rating games is stupid. You are not special because you thought of criticizing it. This idea isn't something new and this system has been hated in the game and film industry for a long time. There are some publications and websites from both industries that don't use a grading system, just the review itself. You are just trying to 'prepare' yourself and gamers for the inevitable bad grades, by blaming the system.

- You have made hating on Too Human a self-fulfilling prophecy. This can not be stressed enough. You wanted it, and you rightfully deserve it. When media or gamers have criticized certain parts or areas of the game that need fixing, you not only have not listened to them and fixed them to improve your product. But you actually blame them for the negative impression of your product. Umm, no. The ideas of research/constructive criticism/focus group testing is lost on you, and you actually push away fans and potential customers with your childish "woe is me" mentality. You taunt gamers (i.e. trolling) to 'rate' your game without a way for them to play it, then hypocritically hate them for saying what they think of they have seen, saying that it was a 'social experiment'.

-If you don't want bad impressions of your game, then don't give previews or anything to media, or even a demo to gamers. Just silently release the game, and we'll find on the spot if it's good or not. The quiet path would have gotten more sales than this childish shitstorm that you made.

-Your repeated 'warnings' to NeoGAF is more self-destruction waiting to happen. They can even be taken as threats, to someone of your nature. In the future, more blame by you will only ensure more lols from GAF and more tears from you.

-I feel sorry for your team, since your loud mouth has lost some sales of the game, which will hurt them. They had no control over your rants and experiments; and they finish your game for you, while you wax philosphical about internet message boards.

-NeoGAF doesn't have a social responsibility. It's here to have fun and discussion, period. No more or less. You and your team have a responsibility to make a good game. Not only to you and Microsoft, but to your fans. You know - the people who buy your games, and pay your salary. But you arrogantly taunt and make fun of them for criticizing your product from previews and videos instead of fixing the problems. Very smart.

-You say that Neogaf is evil and headed in the wrong direction. But NeoGAF is straight-up, to the point, and honest with its criticisms. And if we make some funny gifs and laughs, even better. You want NeoGaf to get closed by Al Gore and the secret Internet police? Because of our free speech ragging on your game?? Get real. You criticize people hiding behind names, then criticize people being internet detectives, but then you become a detective and do a search to find out where a NeoGAf poster lives?? Hyprocrite. Then you make flat out lies about the StarWars kid story, to make some kind of comparison to you/SK like you're some kind of victim? Pathetic. You're showing that YOU are a disgrace and a downfall to the industry. You definitely lost a customer here because of your rants, even though I was still thinking of buying it before then just for the story. And I'll tell my gamer friends not to buy it. Actually, maybe even those books you were quoting lost some random sales on Amazon (and around the world) because you enjoyed them. :p

Radiohead said it best:

You do it to yourself, you do
And that's what really hurts
Is that you do it to yourself
Just you, you and no-one else
You do it to yourself
You do it to yourself


'invention' of clocks? :)lol) WTF?? First of all, saying clocks were invented is like saying fire was invented. And attributing it to a certain time period or a certain group of people is hilarious. I wonder who was the first person to stick a twig in the sand and see the shadow move, or notice that the fucking sun looks like it's moving in our sky. Humans have a natural biological 'clock' built-in our bodies for crying out loud.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
Pristine_Condition said:
Just finished listening.

Garnett gets a few props from me.

Shane comes off as a fucking weak yes-man. I've totally lost respect for him as a voice for gaming culture.

The rest of the guys aren't even there. Nice work fellas. Way to participate.

Denis is just the same old Denis he was in March 2007, when he was pulling the same old "I'm so much better than you" stuff on NeoGAF. I said everything I wanted to say to him, directly to him, way back then, so I'll leave it at that.

If anybody cares:


Damn son...


In the end, "GAF hype" is not a good barometer..
Boom Blox, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus are games praised by GAF, yet ignored by many..
Mortal Kombat, Assassin's Creed..are in general hated by GAF, but multi-million sellers..same applies to Carnival Games, Boogie which sold over a million copies..

But, what kinda worries me about Too Human is that outside online forums/websites, the game doesn't exist...yet, that same online community is the one rejecting the game and kinda being attacked by the director of the game..

The game is going to be released next month, yet there's no kind of advertising for it and considering Microsoft spend a good amount of money on it, they should be worried on at least earning something back...and contary to a Ninja Gaiden II, which barely received any advertising, there's no brand name/recognition that is a guarantee for sales.


has calmed down a bit.
I haven't read the thread, but I assume it's broken up into three groups:

-Those who agree with Dyack's psychobabble
-Those who are in between and think he made some good points and filled it with useless psychobabble.
-Those who think it was nothing but crap psychobabble.

I'm in the last group. Most everything that came out of his mouth was garbage. And I own and love both Twin Snakes and Eternal Darkness.

I haven't even touched Too Human either, and I will safely say the trailer looked like trash and the gameplay videos look like trash. It's not rocket science that explains why many gamers are NOT excited for it. If the single player gets good reviews, I'll check it out, though.


Junior Member
Dennis Dyack PR GENIUS!!!

6 weeks before your game, which you have spent 10 YEARS making, comes out start shitting on your customers.

What I don't get is that it seems Dyack understands teh Internetz. He posts on IGN forums, and it's obvious he reads GAF. You would think a business man who has his hand on the pulse of this community would be showing a clip of Baldar fighting the pedobear, or some secret orange and grey armor called NeoG.

Instead he runs his mouth and creates a 50 page bash thread on him, his company, and his game. I'm sure Microsoft PR is shitting themselves right now.

NeoGAF is easy to manipulate. You throw them a bone they worship you. You bash them they make animated .gifs of you.

I'm still looking forward to Too Human, as I've loved every Silicon Knights game I've played, but Dennis WTF are you doing? Why spend time in the forums, if this is the end result?


ggnoobIGN said:
LOL wat? Going into release, AC impressed everyone with it's awesome trailers and won tons of e3 awards. It did receive backlash(including from myself), but this is not even close to being the same thing.

I'm just saying we all put way too much stock into what not only GAF thinks, but reviewers in general. When it comes right down to it, reviews don't have a ton of effect on overall sales (nothing a little bit more marketing can't fix) and the opinion of message boards has even less.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
I can see his point personally.

But it's the same everywhere, the ones making the most noise are the ones that are heard. Unfortunately, those same people are usually the dumbest of them all as well.

I hope most people think for themselves when getting a game, and don't let themselves be affected by other people's opinions no matter how loudly they are shouted.

Personally, *gasp*, I listen to the people who make calm, arguments with little emotion attached to it. The people who are showing signs of WANTING Dyack to fail, those people I couldn't care less about.

And Dyack is right, this forum has allowed too much slandering towards Dyack that they don't seem to have allowed against other people.

Come on people, I urge you to think for yourself. Simple example; if you like bunnies then fucking own up to it. So what if it's not what the group thinks is cool or acceptable, you are who you are and you like what you like.

Most of you will hopefully learn this as you go through experiences in life. Fitting in with the crowd (negative, or positive) is equally dumb. Just be who you are and what you like.

It doesn't make you less "wrong" (unless you decide to take action with your opinions and take away other people's freedom to be who they are).


I listened to the Dyack segment this morning during my commute, and I almost got myself run over because I was so engrossed in how ridiculous his statements were.

His general points are valid and important, but they're nothing new.

His specific points are completely ridiculous.

Denis, just stop being butthurt about what "we" (and GAF is not a hivemind) think about you, and start focusing your energy on attracting the consumers who could give a rat's ass about who you are and what you think, the people that don't post on GAF, the ones who will see and judge your game by its marketing in mainstream outlets - they'll make or break your game. Not us.


keanerie said:
Denis, just stop being butthurt about what "we" (and GAF is not a hivemind) think about you, and start focusing your energy on attracting the consumers who could give a rat's ass about who you are and what you think, the people that don't post on GAF, the ones who will see and judge your game by its marketing in mainstream outlets - they'll make or break your game. Not us.

Better yet: He should simply keep his damn mouth shut, make his game, and let it sink or swim on its own merits rather than espousing his views like he's a damn prophet of the industry.
The guy really just seems hyper sensitive and childish. Those who didn't see it from the EGM preview with Mark McDonald might have seen it with the lawsuit against Epic. And if not there then hopefully the past couple weeks on GAF has been educational.


mikekennyb said:
The guy really just seems hyper sensitive and childish. Those who didn't see it from the EGM preview with Mark McDonald might have seen it with the lawsuit against Epic. And if not there then hopefully the past couple weeks on GAF has been educational.

I forgot about this. I think I was even on his side back then on this issue. Now knowing the man has a tendency to finger point Im not so sure.
I can see his point personally.

But it's the same everywhere, the ones making the most noise are the ones that are heard. Unfortunately, those same people are usually the dumbest of them all as well.

I hope most people think for themselves when getting a game, and don't let themselves be affected by other people's opinions no matter how loudly they are shouted.

Personally, *gasp*, I listen to the people who make calm, arguments with little emotion attached to it. The people who are showing signs of WANTING Dyack to fail, those people I couldn't care less about.

And Dyack is right, this forum has allowed too much slandering towards Dyack that they don't seem to have allowed against other people.

Come on people, I urge you to think for yourself. Simple example; if you like bunnies then fucking own up to it. So what if it's not what the group thinks is cool or acceptable, you are who you are and you like what you like.

Most of you will hopefully learn this as you go through experiences in life. Fitting in with the crowd (negative, or positive) is equally dumb. Just be who you are and what you like.

It doesn't make you less "wrong" (unless you decide to take action with your opinions and take away other people's freedom to be who they are).
But his point is bad for the industry, all of his efforts to 'change the industry' simply remove all forms of criticism or possible negativity (including fan opinion) until the actual reviews hit, and by then the pre-orders are already sent out.

He wants to shut down trade conferences because games can have bad showings, previews because they can be judgemental and fan opinion or speculation because it can be negative.

This doesn't help the media, it doesn't help good developers and it sure as hell doesn't help gamers. The only people it would help would be those with a bad product to sell, since the critical structure to allow people to filter out the good from the bad would be gone, and even if they get bad reviews, the pre-orders are sent out and people have had their fingers burnt.

That's why people are so sceptical about him, for someone to argue so strongly for such a cause would seem to be an admission that the product they are trying to sell is sub-par, and a pre-emptive damage control or laying of blame for its lack of quality or sales.

I think Dyack cares deeply about the games he creates, and putting all of the bluster aside, I think he knows there's something a bit rotten with Too Human.


has calmed down a bit.
Vinci said:
Better yet: He should simply keep his damn mouth shut, make his game, and let it sink or swim on its own merits rather than espousing his views like he's a damn prophet of the industry.

To be fair, his argument seems to be that his game may not be allowed to sink or swim on its own merits because of the current gaming culture climate. He just adds a bunch of crap around that argument and sort of pre-supposes that his game will be good and those who disagree are haters or misinformed.


VanMardigan said:
To be fair, his argument seems to be that his game may not be allowed to sink or swim on its own merits because of the current gaming culture climate. He just adds a bunch of crap around that argument and sort of pre-supposes that his game will be good and those who disagree are haters or misinformed.

But he's growing the hate by doing that. That was my point. Other games have had bad showings at trade shows before. You simply come out and say, "This is an early build, whatever, etc. and so on," and then go fix the thing. When it's shown the next time or there are hands-on impressions, whatever was wrong could be confirmed as being fixed and gamers are like, "Well, he did say it was an early build" and are more openminded about it becoming better.

This constant nonsense he's creating is what's going to keep this game from sinking or swimming on its own merits, not the gaming culture itself.
mildewproduction said:
Dennis Dyack PR GENIUS!!!

6 weeks before your game, which you have spent 10 YEARS making, comes out start shitting on your customers.

What I don't get is that it seems Dyack understands teh Internetz. He posts on IGN forums, and it's obvious he reads GAF. You would think a business man who has his hand on the pulse of this community would be showing a clip of Baldar fighting the pedobear, or some secret orange and grey armor called NeoG.

Instead he runs his mouth and creates a 50 page bash thread on him, his company, and his game. I'm sure Microsoft PR is shitting themselves right now.

NeoGAF is easy to manipulate. You throw them a bone they worship you. You bash them they make animated .gifs of you.

I'm still looking forward to Too Human, as I've loved every Silicon Knights game I've played, but Dennis WTF are you doing? Why spend time in the forums, if this is the end result?

And again, no less.
Reading over the quote I replied to way back in 3/2007 (see my post above) I wonder if Dyack has honestly been thinking about a plan for legal action against GAF for some time. When you connect his vague, ominous (threat?) "In time these comments will be bearers of fruit. Unfortunately for many here, they are going to be very bitter" with his recent statements, I wonder.

Does he honestly think he someone could sue GAF, or does he just hope that this campaign of his where the thought of legal action is put forth will have a chilling effect on his critics that he desires to be silenced?

Either way, it seems he has an agenda. Sorry to say that from listening again to the podcast, Shane from 1Up seems to be all in favor of it.


Pristine_Condition said:
Reading over the quote I replied to way back in 3/2007 (see my post above) I wonder if Dyack has honestly been thinking about a plan for legal action against GAF for some time. When you connect his vague, ominous (threat?) back then -- "In time these comments will be bearers of fruit. Unfortunately for many here, they are going to be very bitter" -- with his recent statements, I wonder.

Does he honestly think he someone could sue GAF, or does he just hope that this campaign of his where the thought of legal action is put forth will have a chilling effect on his critics that he desires to be silenced?

Either way, it seems he has an agenda. Sorry to say that from listening again to the podcast, Shane from 1Up seems to be all in favor of it.
If he gets Ubisoft on board he might succeed, on the other hand the mods could just clean-up the entire board and thus delete any case they might have against GAF.
Denis doesn't want us to stop trolling. He trolls all the time too on GAF.

What he really wants us all to do is to stop trolling anonymously, and start trolling with our real names (like he does) and be attention whores like him. It makes it much easier for him to track where we live, like he did to Kittowny.


Mr. E. Yis said:
What he really wants us all to do is to stop trolling anonymously, and start trolling with our real names (like he does) and be attention whores like him. It makes it much easier for him to track where we live, like he did to Kittowny.

He did what??!
Rummy Bunnz said:
Man, there isn't even anything in that last 100 issues as embarrassing as that Too Human opening. Not even the 30 issues of bible analysis with Woody Allen. Or "men come from semen, women come from eggs" (though that may be post-300). I'll take all that raging against the female void over Nietzsche quotes and bear warriors any day.

Or maybe not. The bear warriors may be funnier than anything post-186.

Definitely. There's some genius Sim stuff post-186. Hell, 210-219 (The "Guys" book) alone is better than the output of probably 90% of the output of most artists in the field.


[Nintex] said:
He said that in one of the interviews I think. He said that he looked up who Kittonwy was and where he lived etc.

And the point of him doing this and mentioning it in an interview was to do what, prove how creepy a fuck of a human being he is? Seriously, what the hell?

Now I want his game to fail.
Vinci said:
And the point of him doing this and mentioning it in an interview was to do what, prove how creepy a fuck of a human being he is? Seriously, what the hell?

Now I want his game to fail.

He wanted to find out who Kittonwy was "close to," whatever that means...

I could have told him. Kittonwy is only close to two things: Beer and GB.



And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
njp142 said:
If someone could make a gif redoing the scene from Annie Hall when that guy in the movie line is talking about Marshall Mcluhan and Mcluhan comes in and says "you know nothing of my work", replacing the guy with Dyack, Woody Allen with Garnett, and Mcluhan with Peter Drucker it would be perfect.
boy, if life was only like this.
Vinci said:
He did what??!

Listen to the 1up podcast. He hypocritically bashes NeoGAF mods for revealing Jeffe Belle info, but soon after nonchalantly says he looked up a NeoGAF poster's (Kittowny) home location, so he can know how close he lives to Silicon Knights, to invite this "humiliated by Denis" :)lol) poster to the TH launch party.


Vinci said:
Better yet: He should simply keep his damn mouth shut, make his game, and let it sink or swim on its own merits rather than espousing his views like he's a damn prophet of the industry.

I'm not sure if he should shut up completely, just know when to and what to talk about. He gets thrown a question about the theme of his game and he starts talking about dark sides of technology. He's asked about mechanics and he starts talking about professors and technology again.


Slurpy said:
48 pages? What the fuck is wrong with you people?


Nolan. said:
I'm not sure if he should shut up completely, just know when to and what to talk about. He gets thrown a question about the theme of his game and he starts talking about dark sides of technology. He's asked about mechanics and he starts talking about professors and technology again.

Honestly, he should shut up completely. He can't seem to talk for more than two minutes without spewing bullshit that no one cares about or attacking this or that. In short, he needs to act like most of the other respectable developers out there who keep their mouths shut.


Vinci said:

Honestly, he should shut up completely. He can't seem to talk for more than two minutes without spewing bullshit that no one cares about or attacking this or that. In short, he needs to act like most of the other respectable developers out there who keep their mouths shut.

I think he has some interesting ideas and some insight into a lot of things. Though a lot of the times they seem misdirected and unimportant in relation to his original point. It also doesn't help that he seems to have a message for the masses everytime that he expresses himself.


I like how the one decent thing he tried to do (apologize man to man) is somehow retold as if he was a stalker tracking a detractor.

Come on, the guy is awkward enough without reinterpreting the story.


Nolan. said:
If that was to me I was more referring to his one console future musings than his ranting on here.
I've seen better arguments for a one console future on NeoGAF than anything Dyack has said. Dyack just manages to get himself a soapbox to lecture from while people on here actually defend their arguments and don't get psychotic when called on to do so.


Nolan. said:
I'm not sure if he should shut up completely, just know when to and what to talk about. He gets thrown a question about the theme of his game and he starts talking about dark sides of technology. He's asked about mechanics and he starts talking about professors and technology again.
At least his...eccentricities.... are not directly affecting the gameplay...I mean...it's not like he's not giving giant mechanical spider enemies names like "The Graceful Kiss Amongst the Snow"


eznark said:
I like how the one decent thing he tried to do (apologize man to man) is somehow retold as if he was a stalker tracking a detractor.

Come on, the guy is awkward enough without reinterpreting the story.

Is this the Kittonwy situation you're talking about? 'Cause I'm hearing this 2nd-hand, but it sounds plenty fucked up the way I'm hearing it.


eznark said:
I like how the one decent thing he tried to do (apologize man to man) is somehow retold as if he was a stalker tracking a detractor.

Come on, the guy is awkward enough without reinterpreting the story.
Kind of a half-assed apology seeing as he's lying about the guy, anyway. Or did kittonwy really avoid GAF for months? Personally, I would rather he not act the arm-chair detective, cyberstalk a poster until he can find a living address, and then show up on their doorstop.

Hypno Funk

I always thought it was the game that should do the talking, any secondary justification or developers notes prior to release show signs of a lacking confidence in a game.

Alternatively, it can show too much confidence in their product, one that isn't shared by the rest of the public.

I haven't played the game, so I can't make a judgement, but it seems we never saw people from Rockstar, Bungie, Valve and a whole host of other developers get side-tracked into the philosphy portrayed in books and so on, and then try and drag that into the games industry, and the way it behaves.

I want to play games, I want to have fun, this is not fun, stick to the games!


eznark said:
I like how the one decent thing he tried to do (apologize man to man) is somehow retold as if he was a stalker tracking a detractor.

Come on, the guy is awkward enough without reinterpreting the story.

he looked up someones address on the internet after complaining about lack of privacy on the internet. So yeah i think it was retold ok


Nolan. said:
If that was to me I was more referring to his one console future musings than his ranting on here.

Not aimed at anyone in partivular. In fact I think some of those posts are coming from posters who really are just trying to contribute some meat to the discussion.

Still, Dyack is so transparent in his motivations that saying "he makes some good points" is like an admission of being gullible.

Not that these "points" are not worth discussion (they've been discuused many times before), it's just that they are inconsequential when the overall Dyack situation is just beyond absurd.


Hypno Funk said:
I always thought it was the game that should do the talking, any secondary justification or developers notes prior to release show signs of a lacking confidence in a game.

Alternatively, it can show too much confidence in their product, one that isn't shared by the rest of the public.

I haven't played the game, so I can't make a judgement, but it seems we never saw people from Rockstar, Bungie, Valve and a whole host of other developers get side-tracked into the philosphy portrayed in books and so on, and then try and drag that into the games industry, and the way it behaves.

I want to play games, I want to have fun, this is not fun, stick to the games!

What I find odd is, why the hell does he have such a soapbox in the first place? He made Eternal Darkness. So what? That's the only thing really of note at all recently, so why does he get more press than genuinely major developers with game upon game under their belts?
eznark said:
I like how the one decent thing he tried to do (apologize man to man) is somehow retold as if he was a stalker tracking a detractor.

Come on, the guy is awkward enough without reinterpreting the story.

He never said what his motives were in tracking Kittonwy. You can't say one way or the other why he was doing it.

So what do you call the lie he told about Kittonwy not posting on the board for months after the tag?

Is that also "reinterpreting the story?"


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
RubberJohnny said:
But his point is bad for the industry, all of his efforts to 'change the industry' simply remove all forms of criticism or possible negativity (including fan opinion) until the actual reviews hit, and by then the pre-orders are already sent out.

He wants to shut down trade conferences because games can have bad showings, previews because they can be judgemental and fan opinion or speculation because it can be negative.

This doesn't help the media, it doesn't help good developers and it sure as hell doesn't help gamers. The only people it would help would be those with a bad product to sell, since the critical structure to allow people to filter out the good from the bad would be gone, and even if they get bad reviews, the pre-orders are sent out and people have had their fingers burnt.

That's why people are so sceptical about him, for someone to argue so strongly for such a cause would seem to be an admission that the product they are trying to sell is sub-par, and a pre-emptive damage control or laying of blame for its lack of quality or sales.

I think Dyack cares deeply about the games he creates, and putting all of the bluster aside, I think he knows there's something a bit rotten with Too Human.

I disagree. I don't think he wants to get rid of all negative opinions. Why are you jumping to extremes?

It's the WAY people criticize that's 90% ignorant. It's pathetic. You can express your negative opinions without hate. It is possible, and if you are a decent person it should be the norm.

All the haters in this thread, and other threads, are pathetic. It's not that you dislike a product or something about a product that's the problem, it's your ignorance. If you expressed yourself like that in real life, I'd have no respect for you and I would just avoid being around you.

Unfortunately you pests are all over the internet so it's impossible to avoid. And yes, it does have a detrimental effect on the internet experience and thus it does affect the games industry (as well as other industries, though this one is filled with the most immature demographic it seems).

I am not defending Too Human. From my point of view it doesn't look very good. But do a search for Too Human in my history, and you can see that I expressed my views in a humble way knowing that I don't know everything about the game. And most importantly, I don't spew hate all over the hard work that people put in, whether I think it's good work or not.
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