The general consensus it seems is to get rid of the Nazis by making them feel very unwelcome everywhere they go. I can't imagine any type of actual violence happening between a group that exists mostly behind keyboards and the people who actually spend money to go to cons. There's some overlap between the two occasionally, like with RMFC last year, but even then nothing happened other than some very intense glaring at each other from what I understand. But at this point, someone could definitely get punched with how things have escalated this past year.
"Don't worry, Donnie. These men are cowards." I'd tend to agree. Keyboard warriors.
That perception isn't the fandom's fault. Most of it stems from that stupid CSI episode that aired over a decade ago and that Vanity Fair smear job. The only way the fandom deals with it is by continuing to tell people that the fandom is primarily interested in being part of like minded peers who have a fondness for the same thing, like any other fandom. Yes, there are sexual aspects to it (a ton of sexual aspects really) but it is an adult fandom of people mostly in their 20s and 30s, of course there's some overlap between enjoying the performance aspect/creative works of the fandom and obtaining sexual enjoyment from it as well. That being said, the sex element is not the only defining element of furries. There are many different interests involved here, focusing in on just one aspect because it's sexual ignores everything else about the fandom. But even if you want to focus on the one thing, again, I mentioned this is a place for LGBTQ+ folks to feel safe and be among other people they can trust to experiment with. There's more than just one thing going on when it comes to the sexuality of the fandom.
You know I'm tempted to walk back what I said before about cosplayers not really being implicitly associated with sexual acts because of course there is a fucking ton of cosplay based porn out there (I am reminded of the Overwatch thread). So it can't even be that.
I do think it's fascinating that you have actually traced back what you believe to be the inflection points - a CSI episode, a Vanity Fair article - I am curious but I don't want to actually go looking, can you give me a summary of what happened there? Because I do think these "nodes" can ripple out for decades, much like what happened with cannabis in the 40s/50s.
It's cool dude. All water off a duck's back- pun intended this time. xP
If I had to pick, i'd be a duck. Total land, air, water superiority
Call outs, ostracization, and bans from events are what we do for Nazi scum, as well as people sympathetic to Nazi scum (That "They're human too!" "So much for the tolerant left crap" gets no play). It's a community filled with a higher than average ratio of LGBT people and ethnic minorities. We don't play that shit.
Call them precious snowflakes, they love that.
I'm fascinated how the group can form "white blood cells" like this. Auto-selecting too. I should have been an anthropologist.
It doesn't come to mind because other cosplay communities didn't have a shitty media campaign in the 90s directly linking their hobby to sexual deviancy in the minds of an unsuspecting public so they get away with it, even when they're dressing in skimpy outfits from some video game, comic, or anime that were deliberately created for sexual objectification if not outright porn (Seriously, I can't be the only one onto the irony that anime fans- fans of an industry with corporately supported pornographic material, sometimes of underage people and minors- get less guff for being sexual deviants than Furries do). Dem's them brakes. Nothing we can do now except make a big joke out of it.
Very very good point about anime.
Would you point to the same references mentioned up there a bit - specifically the CSI episode and a Vanity Fair article? Are these known touchstones?
sorry for all the questions but you folks seem to know your shit.