Gold Member
I heard about this referenced today and it apparently was from an episode of The Today Show back in July.
While promoting the Manchurian Candidate, Meryl Streep referenced something in the New Testament in an effort to attack the war, and Denzel (a son of a preacher) beat her down and shut her up as she didn't know what the fuck she was talking about. :lol :lol
His beat down wasn't politically motivated, he was just shutting up Meryl Streep when she was talking about something she obviously didn't know anything about.
There's more in the transcript that shows why Denzel Washington fucking rules.
While promoting the Manchurian Candidate, Meryl Streep referenced something in the New Testament in an effort to attack the war, and Denzel (a son of a preacher) beat her down and shut her up as she didn't know what the fuck she was talking about. :lol :lol
His beat down wasn't politically motivated, he was just shutting up Meryl Streep when she was talking about something she obviously didn't know anything about.
Streep: "It was a question about when you put Jesus on the campaign bus to stump for you, you have to really listen to what he says, because he says, If a man smite thee on the cheek, let you turn the other that he may smite it also. And he says, He who lives by the sword dies by the sword. And he says, Love thine enemy. Jesus could have raised an army against the people that persecuted him. He didn't. So that's what I was pointing out in my speech, and I couldn't really imagine Jesus, like I couldn't imagine how Jesus would vote. Jesus was the Prince of Peace. Would the Prince of Peace vote for a war President?"
Washington: "And it's open to interpretation. Jesus also went into the temple and kicked everybody out."
Streep: "That's kicking the money-changers out of the temple."
Washington: "Well, you're right. So"
Streep: "The money-changers should get out of Congress, I agree. And I agree, but he didn't"
Washington: "He didn't. He didn't only say turn the other cheek though. Youve got to read the whole book. That's not what all he said."
Streep: "Oh, I do read the whole book."
Washington: "I do too. And that's not all he said."
Streep: "What does he say that said 'pick up a stick and kill somebody?'"
Washington: "Like I said, he did go into the temple and cleared the place well"
Streep: "Of money, yeah."
Washington: "Okay, well, we're all"
Streep: "Money's bad."
Washington: "We all make money. So does that make us bad? Maybe he's talking about us?"
Streep: "Well, yeah, maybe."
There's more in the transcript that shows why Denzel Washington fucking rules.