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My 6 yr old just asked me what is religion?


just replace man with religion.


You could tell her that religion is a convenient way to describe someone's worldview.

We all have core beliefs about where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going. Those elements are the foundation of our values and ethics.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
You could tell her that religion is a convenient way to describe someone's worldview.

We all have core beliefs about where we came from, why we're here, and where we're going. Those elements are the foundation of our values and ethics.
She's 6 she doesn't know what a worldview is. I don't take a position on the existence of a "creator" I'm not saying I'm agnostic I simply dont care one way or another. Just try be a good person and enjoy the ride while it lasts.


I was studying the Bible at age 6, because of that my reading comprehension and interest in history has always been significantly more advanced than my peers even to this day.

I'd advocate for at least an introduction study into the Hebrew worldview, which never proposed the asinine "gods of nature" of other groups at the time like the Egyptians, Babylonians, et al.

I'd argue that all of modern science and legal theory stem from Europe studying the Bible.


I would probably add a a system of rules based around a group of beliefs.
We should only rely on a simple adeism, deism and polydeism faith without the need to have a group with rules determined, that's for every individual to choose their own faith, but should not be influenced or forced by group and also their own not to be forced and influenced onto others
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*crickets* Any suggestions? Obviously I can't get too deep with her. She has no concept of God.
The easiest way?

"There are people that believe in God, an almighty being that looks over them and listens to their needs and prayers, even though they cannot prove he exists. Other people disagree. It's a complex subject, I think in the next few years you will be able to make up your mind where you stand on it. Remember to respect people no matter their conviction, and you should require them to do the same to you."

One and done. No need to bring your adult edgy interpretation to the conversation, a 6 year old will not be able to understand it anyway.


You could be like my dad and just leave me with the illustrated My Book of Bible Stories. The fact that he had the accompanying set of tapes in the house meant that I started teaching myself to read with it. Frankly, I wish it had been on something else. I'm seeing people getting turned into salt for turning around and swallowed by whales and shit.


2 people have a different imaginary friend, and they disagree on who has the better imaginary friend

So they kill each other
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The most sensible and mature response would probably be to say that religion is the way humans have tried to explain things they didn't understand in the past, but as we've got better at science and our knowledge of the world around us, those religious beliefs aren't needed so much, which is why less and less people are religious. The more we know, the less we need belief. Also, that people who are religious should still be treated with respect, even if what they believe isn't true.
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My dad handled it pretty well when I was young. He explained that people from the beginning of civilization tried to explain things they didn't understand. First they worshipped fire. Then they worshipped the sun. Some people worshipped animals, or the weather, or the seasons. Eventually, people get more knowledgeable and grow out of it as they learn how things actually work. That's a good starter base that's not really insulting to anyone to start out with. I think I was a bit older than 6 though.
That is basically what I told my daughter when she was 7 and told her that it is important not to mock people who believe in this even if you don't. She gets it. She has a friend who comes from a religious family and overheard them discussing it. After a quick back and forth on what is true and what is not, they moved on discussing Pokemon battles.


My daughter is 7 and asked me the same question. I just told her it is a story that some people believe in but that she doesn’t really have to worry about it at her age.


Gold Member
The old way of explaining things before science existed. Gods came and went with different societies.
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Shame to see so many edge lord comments in here.

Christian values and law and order remain the two pillars of a civilised UK. Whether you have belief or not, the alternate that we are gradually being exposed to is an absolute nightmare culturally and safety-wise.

I’m glad my son, who’s younger than OP’s daughter, goes to a Church of England school.

Eh. Other religions in other regions of the world also have civilised because of/despite/with said religions.

The only real difference is that 'Western' Christian nations have managed to get killing others and each other out of their system. It only took 19 centuries.

Honestly, the only thing has really stopped us is technological and scientific innovation.
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Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Shame to see so many edge lord comments in here.

Christian values and law and order remain the two pillars of a civilised UK. Whether you have belief or not, the alternate that we are gradually being exposed to is an absolute nightmare culturally and safety-wise.

I’m glad my son, who’s younger than OP’s daughter, goes to a Church of England school.
I was only joking but can see why you would think it’s “edge lord”

I’m not going to teach my kids to believe in something that I myself can’t believe in but I can still teach them to be good people without putting them in a box and telling them all other religions aren’t correct. I have respect for people who have a faith and do think it’s important to keep kids away from a lot of stuff in society now. No offence was meant.


Simps for Amouranth
The most sensible and mature response would probably be to say that religion is the way humans have tried to explain things they didn't understand in the past, but as we've got better at science and our knowledge of the world around us, those religious beliefs aren't needed so much, which is why less and less people are religious. The more we know, the less we need belief. Also, that people who are religious should still be treated with respect, even if what they believe isn't true.
Except the Mormons, they need to be constantly mocked and Jehovah's Witnesses, Evangelicals also, young earth creationists definitely on that mocking list, maybe not so much the Islamists as they get a bit stabby head cutty... All the other ones, yeah they're grand


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Fairy tales that caused millions of deaths throught the course of history.
Same as non religious people that have started wars. Nazi Germany was atheist, so is China, and many more including communist Russia. They alone have killed 100s of millions, I believe MAO alone for himself 70 million.

Humans are flawed, greedy, narcissistic little shits and it doesn’t matter if there is religion or not.

I do not do sky fairies or anything else, but there is nothing wrong with religion. It can teach children faith in the unseen, that no matter there can be a better tomorrow, to have faith in humanity when all seems bleak.

My wife doesn’t do church, but I believe she has some religion. My children and grandchildren all go to church and love life. I see nothing wrong here.

To the gent or lady who posted, don’t listen to morons. There is nothing wrong with religion as long as the people are using it as a way to help better themselves and the ones around them.

Edit: Out of the seven Marines that I witnessed and was with taking their last breaths (there were many more on litter patrol that instantly gave their last devotion of duty) not one mentioned they were glad they were atheist and were just dying. Most of them cried for their mothers and two asked if they were going to heaven no matter what. It is tragic and even though I have my own beliefs they deserved peace in those moments. Nothing wrong with that.
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Gold Member
Same as non religious people that have started wars. Nazi Germany was atheist, so is China, and many more including communist Russia. They alone have killed 100s of millions, I believe MAO alone for himself 70 million.

Humans are flawed, greedy, narcissistic little shits and it doesn’t matter if there is religion or not.

I do not do sky fairies or anything else, but there is nothing wrong with religion. It can teach children faith in the unseen, that no matter there can be a better tomorrow, to have faith in humanity when all seems bleak.

My wife doesn’t do church, but I believe she has some religion. My children and grandchildren all go to church and love life. I see nothing wrong here.

To the gent or lady who posted, don’t listen to morons. There is nothing wrong with religion as long as the people are using it as a way to help better themselves and the ones around them.

You are right about communist China and Russia.
But Nazi Germany was Christian. A few examples for consideration.
The first treaty that the Nazi signed when they got into power was one that force the teaching of Catholicism in schools, and in exchange the Church would validate the Nazi regime.
The rat lines, that allowed thousands of Nazi war criminal to escape, were operated by the Red Cross. And many war criminals were assisted by priests and bishops.
Even the buckles for the German army had the written "Got mit Uns".

And let's remember that the creation of the state of the Vatican was done by Mussolini, Hitler's biggest ally in Europe.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
You are right about communist China and Russia.
But Nazi Germany was Christian. A few examples for consideration.
The first treaty that the Nazi signed when they got into power was one that force the teaching of Catholicism in schools, and in exchange the Church would validate the Nazi regime.
The rat lines, that allowed thousands of Nazi war criminal to escape, were operated by the Red Cross. And many war criminals were assisted by priests and bishops.
Even the buckles for the German army had the written "Got mit Uns".

And let's remember that the creation of the state of the Vatican was done by Mussolini, Hitler's biggest ally in Europe.
People in Germany were religious, but Hitler infiltrated the churches with their propaganda. The State Reich Church was led by Ludwig Muller I believe. Any churches that would not fall inline with the Reich had their Pastors thrown in concentration camps to push them into being servants to what they believed. Pastors of churches in camps alone were over 800 or so. After many arrests is when they signed the concordat with the Pope.

Hitlers views were not religious. I’m sure we can go back and forth on many points and we can if you want to PM me.

My point is that it doesn’t take religion for people to murder people in masses, or to start wars. There is nothing wrong with basic religion for those who wish to partake.
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Gold Member
People in Germany were religious, but Hitler infiltrated the churches with their propaganda. The State Reich Church was led by Ludwig Muller I believe. Any churches that would not fall inline with the Reich had their Pastors thrown in concentration camps to push them into being servants to what they believed. Pastors of churches in camps alone were over 800 or so. After many arrests is when they signed the concordat with the Pope.

Hitlers views were not religious. I’m sure we can go back and forth on many points and we can if you want to PM me.

My point is that it doesn’t take religion for people to murder people in masses, or to start wars. There is nothing wrong with basic religion for those who wish to partake.

Hitler had many priests and bishops willingly collaborating with him. And the Nazi regime strengthen the power of the Catholic church.
Yes, some priests opposed him and were beaten and killed. But that was the exception.
You might not consider the nazi views were religious, but that does not matter, because the catholic church of the time, thought it was. And that is why, even in defeat, the Catholic church and the red cross, assisted the nazi regime.

And your idea that religion does not cause war is completely wrong. At least 25% of all wars in human history, have a direct religious cause.
FFS, all you have to do is look at the Crusades. Or the 30 year war. Or the Muslim conquests. Or the Rwandan genocide. And so many conflicts in human history.
Even in the case of many wars that had political or economic reasons, religions still played a part, even if it was just to convince the populace to fight.


Gold Member
People in Germany were religious, but Hitler infiltrated the churches with their propaganda. The State Reich Church was led by Ludwig Muller I believe. Any churches that would not fall inline with the Reich had their Pastors thrown in concentration camps to push them into being servants to what they believed. Pastors of churches in camps alone were over 800 or so. After many arrests is when they signed the concordat with the Pope.

Hitlers views were not religious. I’m sure we can go back and forth on many points and we can if you want to PM me.

My point is that it doesn’t take religion for people to murder people in masses, or to start wars. There is nothing wrong with basic religion for those who wish to partake.
I never said that people doens't kill each other for other reasons, but religions just added even more reasons to kill each other, so i see it more as a negative than a positive thing.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Hitler had many priests and bishops willingly collaborating with him. And the Nazi regime strengthen the power of the Catholic church.
Yes, some priests opposed him and were beaten and killed. But that was the exception.
You might not consider the nazi views were religious, but that does not matter, because the catholic church of the time, thought it was. And that is why, even in defeat, the Catholic church and the red cross, assisted the nazi regime.

And your idea that religion does not cause war is completely wrong. At least 25% of all wars in human history, have a direct religious cause.
FFS, all you have to do is look at the Crusades. Or the 30 year war. Or the Muslim conquests. Or the Rwandan genocide. And so many conflicts in human history.
Even in the case of many wars that had political or economic reasons, religions still played a part, even if it was just to convince the populace to fight.
Brother, I never said people do not start wars over religion. It is the people that start their wars and use religion. Just as those who start wars without religion in sight. Wars can start just same without any religious reasons.

Most of the church was under threat of being murdered and we do not know the nuances of what was going through individuals minds in the middle of the Reich steam rolling people.

Humans have a natural need to stay alive and barely give their lives willingly and are easily corruptible under the stresses and threats of war. Along with helping people escape, many nazis escaping used fake names to get out of the country. We cannot even check with countries now for background checks, as again we do not individual nuances.

I’m not here to argue with you, because I didn’t say there have never been wars fought over religion. Religious and non religious people kill others because we are flawed, that’s it.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
I never said that people doens't kill each other for other reasons, but religions just added even more reasons to kill each other, so i see it more as a negative than a positive thing.
I agree wholeheartedly and was just going off you saying it was religion without saying it doesn’t matter, people can be monsters and use anything to justify war and the mass murder of populations.

My apologies.


Gold Member
Brother, I never said people do not start wars over religion. It is the people that start their wars and use religion. Just as those who start wars without religion in sight.

Most of the church was under threat of being murdered and we do not know the nuances of what was going through individuals minds in the middle of the Reich steam rolling people.

Humans have a natural need to stay alive and barely give their lives willingly and are easily corruptible under the stresses and threats of war.

I’m not here to argue with you, because I didn’t say there have never been wars fought over religion. Religious and non religious people kill others because we are flawed, that’s it.

There was no threat whatsoever to the Catholic Church, from the Nazi regime.
Not only the vast majority of Nazi officials were Christians, but a lot of German priests and bishops agreed with the Nazi party.
But also, in a letter by Himmler, to another Nazi official, they contemplate that if they ever were to attack the Catholic Church, there would be an immediate revolt of the German people and the Army.
That idea that you have that the Catholic church was under thread by the Nazi regime, is false. That never happened.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
There was no threat whatsoever to the Catholic Church, from the Nazi regime.
Not only the vast majority of Nazi officials were Christians, but a lot of German priests and bishops agreed with the Nazi party.
But also, in a letter by Himmler, to another Nazi official, they contemplate that if they ever were to attack the Catholic Church, there would be an immediate revolt of the German people and the Army.
That idea that you have that the Catholic church was under thread by the Nazi regime, is false. That never happened.
Bud, they dismantled catholic schools. They killed over 1000 priests in Germany and occupation zones.

Many of the church didn’t go along with the Nazis at first and many were under the threat of death. Like you would probably do, they more than likely shit themselves and preserved their own lives.

All over history books and peer reviewed papers on JSTOR if you wish to read.

The church did not live up to their own moral standards. Like I said you have never been under the threat of thinking a certain way or death, so we do not know.

As I stated, non religious people kill just as many.
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Gold Member
Bud, they dismantled catholic schools. They killed over 1000 priests in Germany and occupation zones.

Many of the church didn’t go along with the Nazis at first and many were under the threat of death. Like you would probably do, they more than likely shit themselves and preserved their own lives.

All over history books and peer reviewed papers on JSTOR if you wish to read.

The church did not live up to their own moral standards. Like I said you have never been under the threat of thinking a certain way or death, so we do not know.

As I stated, no religious people kill just as many.

Yes, and there were many more priests and bishops collaborating with the Nazi regime.
Even in defeat, the Catholic Church and the Red Cross, were helping nazi war criminals. This is not just some accident of exception.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
Yes, and there were many more priests and bishops collaborating with the Nazi regime.
Even in defeat, the Catholic Church and the Red Cross, were helping nazi war criminals. This is not just some accident of exception.
Right there were outliers in the high church and even around the world that wanted to preserve their lives and the church. Germany was steam rolling people. However, most clergymen fought against and were murdered.

I never said there wasn’t any complicity at all, just that a human under stress will act in ways they normally would not. I was in plenty of villages outside of the Al Assad area in Iraq and we would be attacked and when we recovered their bodies there were people we had just built water systems and small hospitals outside of their areas.

They were under constant threat to be beheaded, their wives breast chopped off, and their babies left alive to slowly die eating itself alive and is one of the most painful deaths imaginable. Once we kept finding these folks and capturing them, this is what they would tell us

Just like any normal person would understand the threat of your family being murdered, yourself, or God forbid your children.

A person isn’t a religion and the ones who used religion as a means to help are pieces of shit. Humans are flawed and under duress they are scared animals that will agree on anything to preserve one’s life. The nuances of war.
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Gold Member
Right there were outliers in the high church and even around the world that wanted to preserve their lives and the church. Germany was steam rolling people. However, most clergymen fought against and were murdered.

I never said there wasn’t any complicity at all, just that a human under stress will act in ways they normally would not. I was in plenty of villages outside of the Al Assad area in Iraq and we would be attacked and when we recovered their bodies they were people we had just built water systems and small hospitals outside of their areas.

They were under constant threat to be beheaded, their wives breast chopped off, and their babies left alive to slowly die eating itself alive and is one of the most painful deaths imaginable. Once we kept finding these folks and capturing them, this is what they would tell us

Just like any normal person would understand the threat of your family being murdered, yourself, or God forbid your children.

A person isn’t a religion and the ones who used religion as a means to help are pieces of shit. Humans are flawed and under duress they are scared animals that will agree on anything to preserve one’s life. The nuances of war.

It was not just an outlier.
The first law that the Nazi passed was a deal with the Catholic church, to reinforce the teaching of Catholicism is public schools.
And it was just some bishops that created the rat lines. It was a large group of members of the Catholic Church and the Red Cross.
But the most damning thing was the lack of a proper condemnation from the Pope, against that atrocities that Nazi were committing against the Jews.
And let's not forget that the State of the Vatican was signed into law, by Mussolini and the Fascist party.

You can say all you want about not all priest and Catholics supporting the nazi regime. But the reality remains that most of the Catholic Church sided with the Nazi. Even in defeat, they helped thousands of Nazi war criminals escape justice.
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Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
It was not just an outlier.
The first law that the Nazi passed was a deal with the Catholic church, to reinforce the teaching of Catholicism is public schools.
And it was just some bishops that created the rat lines. It was a large group of members of the Catholic Church and the Red Cross.
But the most damning thing was the lack of a proper condemnation from the Pope, against that atrocities that Nazi were committing against the Jews.

You can say all you want about not all priest and Catholics supporting the nazi regime. But the reality remains that most of the Catholic Church sided with the Nazi. Even in defeat, they helped thousands of Nazi war criminals escape justice.
Yes, most under the threat of decimation from the Reich. You would probably do the same if the US or your country of residency was invaded and you knew we were going to be wiped out and you had to make decisions based on the safety of your family and yourself. This isn’t a movie and this isn’t Red Dawn, this is reality.

If everyone had the nutsack to stand up against tyranny and murder squads, we wouldn’t have had those in history that risked it all for the Jews, or other wars for that matter.

I believe we have run the course of our debate and than you for some of the information as I enjoy reading this stuff. I always took religious classes in college for most of the electives I could, because I am atheist and do not believe in the sky fairies of any religion. I enjoy seeing how others live their lives and the faith they use to push on through adversity. It is amazing to watch.

Have a good day and than you again.
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Gold Member
Yes, most under the threat of decimation from the Reich. You would probably do the same if the US was invaded and you knew we were going to be wiped out and you had to make decisions based on the safety of your family and yourself.

If everyone had the nutsack to stand up against tyranny and murder squads, we wouldn’t have had those in history that risked it all for the Jews, or other wars for that matter.

I believe we have run the course of our debate and than you for some of the information as I enjoy reading this stuff. I always took religious classes in college for most of the electives I could, because I am atheist and do not believe in the sky fairies of any religion. I enjoy seeing how others live their lives and the faith they use to push on through adversity. It is amazing to watch.

Have a good day and than you again.

There was never a threat to the Catholic Church. That is completely false.
We have letters from Himmler and other high ranking Nazi officers, clearly stating that attacking the Catholic Church would probably mean a revolt of the German people and the Army against the regime.
One thing is to purge some thousand priests that go against the regime in Germany and occupied countries. A very different thing is to start a war against the Catholic church.

And the last thing to consider is that most priest and bishops sided with the Nazi by their own free will.
A good example of this, is that when the regime was defeated, when there was no threat at all that the remaining Nazi could do, that the Catholic Church and the Red Cross, still decided to assist the Nazi escape justice.


Psychology PhD from Wikipedia University
There was never a threat to the Catholic Church. That is completely false.
We have letters from Himmler and other high ranking Nazi officers, clearly stating that attacking the Catholic Church would probably mean a revolt of the German people and the Army against the regime.
One thing is to purge some thousand priests that go against the regime in Germany and occupied countries. A very different thing is to start a war against the Catholic church.

And the last thing to consider is that most priest and bishops sided with the Nazi by their own free will.
A good example of this, is that when the regime was defeated, when there was no threat at all that the remaining Nazi could do, that the Catholic Church and the Red Cross, still decided to assist the Nazi escape justice.
Lordy, ok. When those church people were murdered and imprisoned, other folks got the message.

Again, this isn’t a movie, this is real life. If you are in a group and your group keeps getting murdered and imprisoned, most will pledge fealty.

They started closing schools and hindering priests in 1939 and continued reprisals throughout the war effort. They used the deaths and imprisonments to push others under the control of Nazis and their regime.

I do not understand why you keep saying that Catholics were not persecuted when there is a ton of evidence and peer reviewed papers that say otherwise.

You keep passing over the nuances of war and keep making general statements. That is not how war works, nor humans under duress.

You can even find evidence in Nuremberg trails that Nazis themselves said that they would imprison and murder them and their families to scare churches into submission. Nazis owned all societal functions. They even infiltrated the welfare system ran by churches to push people into Nazism under the fear of not being able to eat.

We have derailed enough, please PM if you want to further discuss.
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