Nice, found some poeple over the destiny app and cleared nightfall prestige with 1:24 on third try. First two tries the boss was at 5% left...
Man Tractor Cannon is very weak. Fuck Rahool for giving it to me twice in a row. I'm 296 and still no Merciless or Coil, but two fucking Tractor Cannon. Watch Xur sell it this week as well just to rub it in some more.
Did you miss Xur when he was selling both of those?
The game is actively un-fun with low recovery stat. You literally spend double the time sitting around waiting for HP regen than if you had high recovery. I am very anal about my character's appearance and it kills me that I can't play fashion destiny, but I'm not making the game way less fun over that.
Yeah I had the Ps4 Pro crashing issues until FW 4.74 came out. I didn't know Coil was available through Xur though.
I never really notice/pay attention to that stuff. I guess I'm just used to gimping myself for fashion. Dark souls and nioh comes to mind.
Just go Warlock.....
Don't mind me..
No problem, you're getting an all-star Sherpa crew! What's your PSN?
Been reading alot into the raid and watching a video guide, and most of it seems not too hard to understand, but holy crap that houndbeast garden just blew my mind and had me confused.
ThanksPSN is: Hunter8472
I'd like to give the raid a shot. I've only done the baths and Calus fight. Either Friday or Saturday is fine for me.
LooneyLMD on psn.
I'd like to give the raid a shot on Friday evening.
PSN ArkkAngel007
I just don't understand why bungie didn't drop IB armor from end match boards, and why the engrams Saladin offers isn't 100% IB drops. 7 packages turned in, 0 armor pieces. It also means that if you start a game down a lot, its far more efficient to just join a new game since 2 tokens/loss is bad compared to 5 tokens/win and tokens are the ONLY way to get armor. Everything about IB is soul crushing and all the mistakes Bungie were ones that were in D1 IB but got fixed over time, so the whole thing is just baffling.
As soon as I get the 10 turns in package I am done with IB, and it looks likely I will finish with zero armor pieces received.
How is the nightfall this week?
Don't die to the drill. Kill first phase & third phases of the boss quickly. Ya done..
So glad that could be solo'd. I kept dying, so I stayed back and killed adds, then got pulled through at the boss.
whats the difference between iron banner and crucible (now that pl doesnt matter)?
whats the difference between iron banner and crucible (now that pl doesnt matter)?
I cant get the Enhance quest to show up.
Ive finished the campaign. Finished ever quest on Earth including the blue patrols quest. No Enhance. Not sure what I need to do...
Really want the multi-tool.
Rough. I bet he'll offer either of those again soon. Bungie never offers all the exotics through Xur, so you can bet there'll be repeats.
Here is Xur's history for future reference:
It gets confusing down there, but once you spend a little time in the area it becomes easier. Also, all the dogs are on loop, so you can learn their patterns and it becomes easier. You only need a 36x stack to comfortably kill them, even 24x is most likely enough if you're high level.
Here's a great map!
Sweet thanks for the map! Trying to get as studied up as I can before the newbie raids on the weekends so I don't go in conpletely clueless lol. Dog place feels like something I'm gonna hsve to go through myself before I really get it
So, we would have three "Newbie" raids running this weekend to get more people the ability to experience them, but we need some help from the greater DGAF community. We need both Sherpa's to donate a few hours of time, as well as some newbs that want to learn the mechanics and how to communicate effectively to complete the raid!
Do we have 2 other Sherpas available in the DGAF community to lead the below newbs through the raid this Sunday?
Sunday Newb Raid:
Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)
- Ruthless_Barbarian (need PSN/verification)
- ?
- Mazzbags
- Dark1421
- Hugstable
Noob Raid 9pm EST/6pm PST Friday (10/13):
- Palaniri
- NeoNightmare
- Japanmanx3
- LooneyLMD
- ArkkAngel007
Noob Raid 10pm EST/7pm PST Saturday (10/14):
- Pandora012
- Wiesga01
- Badgerst
- Hunter8472
If you can help lead any of these and share your raid experience, please let me know! Hawkian can get everyone all the time, so this is for him as well, lol.
Also, if you want to be a newbie and learn the raid, post up and let me know and I will reserve a spot for you! Make sure you give me your PSN!
Here is a great video to watch as pre-work for the raid. It will help if you have a base knowledge of what is to come. Trust me, it is still surprising to play through it yourself at full speed, lol.
Sweet thanks for the map! Trying to get as studied up as I can before the newbie raids on the weekends so I don't go in conpletely clueless lol. Dog place feels like something I'm gonna hsve to go through myself before I really get it
Shit, maybe not. Which one is Zavala and where are they located?Picked up your exotic engram from Zavala?
I'm down for the Saturday Raid!!! As a newbie of course. My last raid, WOTM, was with Pandora, Weisga, and you... 😉
Shit, maybe not. Which one is Zavala and where are they located?
I think the most obvious indication of how they missed the mark with exotic weapons in Destiny 2 (especially for Crucible) is that on my Warlock, if I'm not using MIDA I don't even bother using an exotic weapon at all, the legendary options are just kinda better. Pretty sad, since I think exotics are really cool, but most of them just aren't worth the slot.
It'd help a bit if I could at least change the energy type of energy/power exotics via mods. I can pick whatever element I need with my legendary weapons, but my exotics are all locked, makes them much less adaptable when they weren't that strong to begin with.
Exotic weapons haven't been very viable in PVP with Destiny 1 for a long time either.
The only exotic worth a slot probably were MIDA and TLW.
Depends what era we're talking about. Pre-TTK Suros Regime and Red Death were both very strong at points, and I post-TTK got a lot of mileage out of some of the heavy weapon exotics, such as Truth (damn rocket orbiting the earth and homing in on someone hah) and several of the heavy machine guns.
Oh what am I talking about, I didn't even mention the absolute king of all D1 crucible weapons, the god damn Thorn. Thing was so OP people used it in non-trials/IB crucible through most of year 2.
So yea, lots of viable exotic weapons in D1 PvP. There are plenty more that I'm not mentioning. And even more that may not have been broken, but were at least equal or better than legendaries. In D2 most of the exotic weapons are straight worse than legendary alternatives in PvP. Aside from MIDA and maybe Vigilance Wing I can't think of any exotic weapons worth using in D2 crucible.
Vigilance Wings suck Trump balls in the crucible
Vigilance Wings suck Trump balls in the crucible
I'm very new to destiny but can someone explain why last night there were loads of people doing the public events on the rig and tonight hardly any,probably a daft question but it seemed odd?
So, we would have three "Newbie" raids running this weekend to get more people the ability to experience them, but we need some help from the greater DGAF community. We need both Sherpa's to donate a few hours of time, as well as some newbs that want to learn the mechanics and how to communicate effectively to complete the raid!
Do we have 2 other Sherpas available in the DGAF community to lead the below newbs through the raid this Sunday?
Sunday Newb Raid:
Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)
- Ruthless_Barbarian (need PSN/verification)
- ?
- Mazzbags
- Dark1421
- Hugstable
Noob Raid 9pm EST/6pm PST Friday (10/13):
- Palaniri
- NeoNightmare
- Japanmanx3
- LooneyLMD
- ArkkAngel007
Noob Raid 10pm EST/7pm PST Saturday (10/14):
- Pandora012
- Wiesga01
- Badgerst
- Hunter8472
- ori0n378e
If you can help lead any of these and share your raid experience, please let me know! Hawkian can get everyone all the time, so this is for him as well, lol.
Also, if you want to be a newbie and learn the raid, post up and let me know and I will reserve a spot for you! Make sure you give me your PSN!
Here is a great video to watch as pre-work for the raid. It will help if you have a base knowledge of what is to come. Trust me, it is still surprising to play through it yourself at full speed, lol.
Anyone looking to do the Nightfall on PS4?