I knew you were good people.
I knew you were good people.
Yeah, despite this matchmaking being all connection based, I'm playing against teleporting players more frequently.
Woke up, bought a Cayde Treasure Map, did NOTHING else, opened no other chest, no other planet material, went to the stash, opened it.
And nothing. Not even a token.
Feels bad, Bungie
Who does the voice for Ghaul? that voice is sexy af.Reinhardt voices Calus VO's.
I think Soldier:76 does Xur VO's. (Might be wrong here)
I'm a fan of the idea of being able to just turn in a number of tokens to buy specific gear for these timed events, even if it's a big number like 30 per piece. It's also an artificial way of extending play, but certainty just feels better since you can budget time instead of just playing and playing and relying on plain ol' luck to get the gear you want.
Who does the voice for Ghaul? that voice is sexy af.
I wish i were you. I want more armor and he gave me weapons in 8/10 boxes.Iron Banner loot has been shit so far, out of the 9 level ups I only got ONE weapon, and the most disappointing to boot: the handcannon.
GG Bung.
We solo Croata ( the whole raid in solo )also but that doesn't prove anything.
Well, he thinks it takes HOURS to finish the Calus face without the glitch.
So either he doesn't know what the glitch is, Or he simply takes hours to finish Calus.
#GetGood bro
Is there a cap on how many packages you can get in IB ala Faction rally?
No limit. One other idea why it isnt working: are you holding the button to make it happen? It isnt just a press and I cant remember if it tells you this.
Iron Banner loot has been shit so far, out of the 9 level ups I only got ONE weapon, and the most disappointing to boot: the handcannon.
GG Bung.
Yea, Iron Banner has been the most unpleasant D2 experience I've had so far. Seems unusually laggy, just getting stomped (And I do pretty okay in standard Crucible), and getting 2 tokens after a 10 minute commitment. Just incompatible with my time availability.
I liked Faction Rally because I could play PVE content and still make forward progress. I wish that was the mindset for all events in D2. Some sort of mix between PVE and PVP content. Especially since the Iron Lords history was fleshed out in RoI, it would have been nice if during Iron Banner, Maybe SIVA enemies began infecting certain lost sectors and clearing those lost sectors got you tokens too?
Instead, I've been banging my head against the Crucible and I think while I found the Crucible fun in D2, Iron Banner has only highlighted everything bad about it.
Maybe I'm just butthurt but I feel very uncompelled to play Destiny 2 for the rest of the week. Just doesn't seem worth it this week. And I think that's a failing.
The Mercy Rule implementation is so silly.
Every solo queue game I played had Saladin shouting "Opponent has made a Power Play!" and as soon as that happened someone on our team quit. Replacements would load in, see the score and quit. I didn't finish one game with the same team I started. (Why there isn't some big warning that splashes across your screen about losing rewards is baffling.)
Anyway, I say silly, because I wind up having a good time as as the only player in the game. I wave and dance and then the other team waves and dances too. We had a dance party. We wound up just hanging out hoping Saladin will call Mercy. We had 1 poor soul join and he started attacking the enemy, and I thought my alliance was over, but they wouldn't shoot me, just my teammate. I started running around with them, 5v1. Fortunately 30 seconds later we got Mercy'd.
I get more friend requests in Crucible this way than I do from playing a good game with a full team. This is silly, Bungie.
I've one plated Calus, and 2 manned it too, that's irrelevant to what i was trying to say to the other user.
If you spent time playing with the clueless player around it will surely take you more than an hour to kill Calus because the average of the most average player wastes his time in trying to make the game easier instead of actually understanding how to do something that's what infuriates me about what he said.
There's no excuse for this, the time this player spends on finding the most clickbait youtube video to learn a glitch can be put to actually understand what to do or worst case scenario, find people to help you do it.
The glitch is so dumb it's not even fun, this is not like throwing Atheon off the stage, that was hilarious and worth doing just for that. This is "let's put the fight in ultra easy mode cause i'm too lazy and i'm tired reviving that noob".
Iron banner is a PVP event, it needs to stay that way, it's not the game's fault you don't have to play. As you said yourself, you already have a PVE event, the faction rally.
This whole mindset and Bungie's approach to it is what has ruined the game, people need to actually stop using this as an excuse.
Why am I playing Iron Banner if I'm ONLY going to get the auto rifle and helmet. For Christ sakes, sometimes it takes an hour to get an engram, and my last 3 have been The Forward Path. Seventh time I've gotten that out of like 10 drops. Other 3 drops were the helmet. Horrible system, or luck....
In a game about repeatable content, it is insane to me that 3 of the best PvE activities in the game have been completely shafted in the endgame. As a primarily PvE player who doesn't have the ability to dedicate the hours a week to play the Raid, I look at the story missions, Adventures and Lost Sectors now and go... why? Why can't I play them again in a meaningful way?
Story Missions and Meditations:
This is by far the most baffling concept. Meditations reset with the weekly reset and yet, it's the only reset activity that 1) doesn't net you any significant reward and 2) isn't even surfaced to you unless you go to Ikora. Destiny 2's story missions are GREAT and having them be completely hidden with only 3 available per week (and gone the moment you complete them for the week) seems like a waste of content.
Adventures are some of the best Destiny 2 PvE content, with their smaller scale stories so vastly interesting and interesting gameplay quirks. However, once you reach level 20? No reason to play them. And once you finish them? No reason to ever go back. Again, another group of amazing D2 content just untouched and tucked away.
Lost Sectors:
The concept of mini-dungeons is fascinating and for the most part, tackling these dungeons, while not as complex or difficult as the pre-launch hype made them out to be, is still fun and interesting. Because Destiny 2 is such a fun game to play. Lost Sectors are enclosed sectors of that. And yet, as with Adventures and Story Missions, you reach level 20 and they are all basically useless.
Long story short:
3 of the biggest PvE improvements from D2? Completely relegated to useless status in the endgame. Ikora as a vendor has zero utility. And let's not forget about Cayde, who doesn't even have his own loot pool. He serves to sell you stuff and give you a reward for the Flashpoint milestone. Ikora and Cayde are both useless vendors. And Story missions, Adventures and Lost Sectors are all useless pieces of great content.
So why not elevate that content to end-game status?
Expanding Meditations:
Power Levels feel more or less meaningless in D2. And while that's a whole other conversation, I do think the reason why Nightfall and the Raid continue to be interesting and challenging is because of the modifiers. And the modifiers work super well with the amazing Destiny 2 gunplay.
So bring back heroic story missions. But attach modifiers to them, 1 or 2. They should still be soloable but challenging. Just a step before Nightfall difficulty, but with the added complexity provided by the Nightfall. Maybe they don't have the time restrictions placed on them.
Also have Meditations launch from the Director. And have them be a playlist. Roll adventures into them as well. And have them be location based, tied to the Flashpoint location of the week.
For example:
This week, we're on Nessus. So the Meditations playlist will have Nessus story missions and adventures with modifiers. You can go in all week and play challenging story and adventure missions, gain Ikora tokens that you can then cash in for rep.
Meditation milestone for the week would work similarly to Call to Arms. Completely a certain number of adventures and story missions a week, you get a powerful gear drop.
Nightfall Lost Sectors:
Let's make Cayde in charge of this. And tie it to the Flashpoint location as well. Every week, the lost sectors on the Flashpoint location are "wiped off" the Director Map, they are literally lost. Cayde provides you with a quest to go find them and conquer them again. Except, for this week, those lost sectors are difficult. Different enemy arrangements, configurations, more powerful, MODIFIERS. They become little combat puzzles. And when you find and complete all the lost sectors on a location for the week, you get a milestone complete and get powerful gear. Doing this also nets you tokens with Cayde which you can then turn in for... Treasure maps. Which then sets you back out onto the planet to find those stashes, a little reward for your help rediscovering the Lost Sectors.
TLDR: Story Missions, Adventures and Lost Sectors are some of the best PvE Content D2 has to offer and are completely useless in the endgame. With minimal tweaking, a huge dirth of repeatable content can be revitalized and turned into part of the weekly endgame grind, giving more things to do and reasons to log in.
Anyone raiding????
Why can't all events be both PvE and PVP events? Faction Rally wasn't a PvE event, and that's why it was awesome. It encompassed all aspects of the game, gave people a reason to touch every activity (except adventures) throughout the event and then you could just do whatever you wanted and still make forward progress on the event.
I'm not sure it's asking too much to have that mindset that no matter what you do, an event can mean something to you. I'm not asking them to dump loot on my head. All I'm asking is for me to have multiple avenues to get that loot. Especially because IB, in Destiny 2, isn't some endgame event anymore. Trials is that and that's good, I don't expect to get anything from Trials ever. I don't have the time to do the Raid weekly either, and that's fine. But Iron Banner, in Destiny 2, is a community event the same way Faction Rally was.
And hey, if Iron Banner remains PvP only, that's fine. I won't get the loot because it's a PvP event and that's okay. However, I just think there is room for expansion and making more inclusive events because these are the things that keep players coming back weekly and staying on till the next reset.
I would be down if you could wrangle a full party together.
Psn: d124
Why am I playing Iron Banner if I'm ONLY going to get the auto rifle and helmet. For Christ sakes, sometimes it takes an hour to get an engram, and my last 3 have been The Forward Path. Seventh time I've gotten that out of like 10 drops. Other 3 drops were the helmet. Horrible system, or luck....
Because it destroys the whole purpose of the event.
What you're looking for is more depth from that event, bounties, a quest, maybe not only 1 game mode, but always based on the PVP side of the game. That's how they need to expand it, by not making it blend with everything else.
By not making it an endgame activity they killed it's purpose, you don't need multiple paths to get that loot if it's just another slot machine in the tower now.
The whole faction rally was just as dumb too, they've simplified stuff so much to the point they've become irrelevant.
I haven't raided in D2 yet so I was hoping I could tag along with another group. Ive been wanting to give it a go for awhile, I just don't have a group...
Why am I playing Iron Banner if I'm ONLY going to get the auto rifle and helmet. For Christ sakes, sometimes it takes an hour to get an engram, and my last 3 have been The Forward Path. Seventh time I've gotten that out of like 10 drops. Other 3 drops were the helmet. Horrible system, or luck....
And saying you hope they patch it so player like me takes hours to finish it is so arrogant and laughable since you had no idea how we play.
"Whole Purpose of the Event"
That purpose is gone now though. Iron Banner is just a Crucible playlist with a different loot pool now.
I think we're criticizing in a similar way with two vastly different perspectives on how to fix it.
I'd say we can both agree that events like Iron Banner (and Faction Rally to an extent) need to feel more involved and more active and engaging to the player so that it feels less like a grind and more like... well, an event.
It's luck, I actually need the auto and a helmet.
I do think Bungie need to tweak IB for next time. At the moment, I don't begrudge anyone qutting a game early if it's going south, especially if it's 4 randos vs a clan. Why invest time and keep playing only to get 2 tokens when you can quit and find a more balanced match?
There needs to be more incentive to keep playing, even if it's a stomp. Maybe something like 5 tokens for every 3 losses, which is a pity bonus that players get twice a day or something. I think it could help.
Notice me Senpai's!
Are PEs the best way to grind for glimmer, or can you get more quicker at the Castellum grinding for glimmer and engrams?
I perfectly do now, you just told me everything i need to know. lol
PEs are the quickest and fun as long as there's a bunch of other guys with you.
I haven't raided in D2 yet so I was hoping I could tag along with another group. Ive been wanting to give it a go for awhile, I just don't have a group...
Will you be around at 8pm BST tonight? We just had someone drop. You would be getting Magic Mike and Tommy-tea as your sherpas
Doesn't matter to me! Just tell me what to do. I haven't looked at any vids or anything at all so the raid will be all new to me.
I'd be up for it too if someone does the organizing, don't have the energy for it myself.I would be down if you could wrangle a full party together.
Psn: d124