The NF this week is pretty chill compared the other weeks. Was actually able to finish it multiple times with little trouble.
My past 4 exotic engrams have been Nezarec's Sin. What the hell is this?
My past 4 exotic engrams have been Nezarec's Sin. What the hell is this?
Since I have every exotic Ive been saving the engrams for the future. No point on opening them now.
Since I have every exotic I've been saving the engrams for the future. No point on opening them now.
The bad part is you know in 1, 2, or 3 months they will patch the game so the next IB has armor drop every game end scoreboard, SINCE THAT MAKES SENSE AND HOW IT HAPPENED IN D1 Y3, so trying too hard now to get armor just means you will have that armor a few weeks before someone can do it in 1/10th the time.
I played till I got the 10 engrams emblem, got only the boots on my titan, and not playing IB anymore until they patch it.
Its definitely going to be fascinating seeing the DLC plans and release times, especially with PC coming out in 13 days. Will they stick with simultaneous release on all 3 platforms still?
Running a little high on sidearms for IB packages there RNG. Going to need you to dial it back significantly.
To test for yourself, you could preview the pool of items for each engram by pressing triangle.
Prestige Nightfall for my Titan: Actium War Rig.
Crucible Weekly for my Titan: Sweet Business.
when Bungie puts you in an IB match 21-81...this seems winnable...
Not tonight, but perhaps Saturday.doing prestige NF Tonight?
"Hey champ, hey big guy, you showed up didnt you. Here, have these two tokens to feel better."
Don't care about exploits or prestige raids. Where's my damn HDR at, Bungee?
Yo, Bungie Dev team just saved my ass in a solo heroic pub.
I was getting my ass kicked at the glimmer stage.
They were just around nessus. Got the "bungie Dev team is near" thing before the pub. He zoomed off after doing the "has your back emote".You mean someone from the bungie dev team logged in and played heroic pub with you?
This is probably the coolest thing I've done in Crucible between D1 and D2 lol.
This is probably the coolest thing I've done in Crucible between D1 and D2 lol.
Shiiiit. I didn't even notice the other guy loaded up his super. That is good shit. I'd be tweeting that to Bungie.Plays like that are HYPE AS FUCK.
Super battles in Destiny are always awesome.
I hate to keep adding onto this train, but I just got my 4th Merciless. Grumpy.
Also just got a Tarantula. A Linear Fusion Rifle. What the heck is this.
I've been surprised at my good luck solo in Crucible so far. Especially Iron Banner. I just played a quick 4 games solo and won 3 of 4. The last one I played against a group of 4 that had queued up together, and we stomped them rotten. Felt real good. Now I've probably jinxed myself.Playing iron banner solo is such a shit show. I have 8 matches in a row where I have the highest individual score, and lost 7 of those. Once people see me in the lead on my time they all crowd around me on capture]. We don't need 3 people staring at each other, dancing while capturing a point, so I run in the opposite direction, looking for an angle on the lanes as the enemy team starts to converge, and they all abandon the capture < facepalm >. When me and a blueberry start to teamshoot a guy, they stop shooting and watch. WTF. Once they realize they're losing the leave the match - no consolation prize medallions for youpoints [hint: multiple people on a capture point does not help in any way in D2
Well....now I don't feel so special anymore. -tosses gun in garbage-I'm good dor at least 1 or 2 Tarantulas each week from legendary engrams...
Playing iron banner solo is such a shit show. I have 8 matches in a row where I have the highest individual score, and lost 7 of those. Once people see me in the lead on my time they all crowd around me on capture points []. We don't need 3 people staring at each other, dancing while capturing a point, so I run in the opposite direction, looking for an angle on the lanes as the enemy team starts to converge, and they all abandon the capture < facepalm >. When me and a blueberry start to teamshoot a guy, they stop shooting and watch. WTF. Once they realize they're losing they leave the match, leaving it at 2v4 while the score is barely below even - no consolation prize medallions for youhint: multiple people on a capture point does not help in any way in D2
I use to like strikers the most but nerfed skating and shoulder charge makes warlocks better. Wedding dress wagon. Sorry full for now Pity.
Is there any sort of dependable way to go after an epic Kinetic weapon mod? Or do I just have to pray that the Gunsmith gives me one?
Well....now I don't feel so special anymore. -tosses gun in garbage-
What do you get as the Milestone reward after 10 Iron Banner packages? I was trying to keep myself un-spoiled so it would be a surprise.....but I imagine it's just going to be disappointing anyway.