Yeah, sure.
For example, it means I can go do mundane activities on say Io, get 20 Tokens, go to Ashir Mir, play a slot machine just to have a chance at possibly getting a piece gear that I want/need and be rewarded with a generic "Additional Reward."
All the while, you see your Legendary Shard count continue to rise because of all the duplicates and useless gear you acquire. Those shards must be important considering they are on the character page, have a name like "Legendary,' etc. Yet, they have next to no use when in the first game you could use them to buy specific gear and later on rotating gear regarding perks. This all stinks of a late development change (Token system taking center stage instead of Legendary Shards being the central Economy/Currency focus) either forced upon Bungie or maybe they did it themselves, who knows? This is all speculation, of course, but when you think about it, it becomes harder to believe that this overall system is what the game actually shipped with as a lot of it simply doesn't jive.