maybe it's your aspect ratio? have they confirmed support for it?
Is the character's had supposed to be cut off like that in the select menu? Wondering if it's an ultrawide resolution issue. >>;
maybe it's your aspect ratio? have they confirmed support for it?
Bungie Help‏ @BungieHelp 2m2 minutes ago
Early Access to the PC Beta has begun. We are actively investigating reports of SAXOPHONE errors when attempting to launch the game.
Anybody getting stuck at error Buffalo?
Working fine for me, it's a beta calm the hell fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard.
They're gonna pull this shit at launch too rofl. fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard. fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard.
its a beta. calm down.. jeez
its their first time actually launching this game on PC. if you expected everything to run perfectly then ur out of ur mind fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard. fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard.
Do we need codes for the ”open for all" beta? fucking sucks. Get some real servers Blizzard.
Working fine for me, it's a beta calm the hell down.
1080p, settings maxed out.
But I am calm. Laughing at their incompetence.
specs? is it smooth?
Boy this unending saxophone error loop sure is fun.
i5 6600K @ 4.2, 16GB and 980Ti
Smooth as butter.