Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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I can't do anything on that screen. Can't move around to different options or anything.

I tried pressing the PS (Home) button and toggling back and forth, but nothing changed.

keep toggling. itll eventually change to download. psn servers are getting killed.
Damn Bungie... teasing us like this. ;(

There's always that mid-beta maintenance update to hope for.

I still think either they'll open it up once the Beta expands to Xbox players on the 23rd, or during that final day on 7/26 where they say that players on that day starting at 2pm PST will earn a special emblem. There is zero point to having the moon selectable but locked as a tease; the rest of the entire game is a tease as this is only a beta, so highlighting the moon-- and really, this beta's install footprint far outstrips (doubles?) the alpha-- as a carrot only seems juvenile. My money is that we'll go there before this beta wraps up.
Behold, the true power that will save the world.


Didn't you need to be like level 6 or 7 to be able PvP?

reach level 5...go to The Tower and speak to the Crucible Master

thanks guys really appreciate the help


bummer, they took out the facial markings that made my female awoken hunter in the alpha look like pris from blade runner. that's my only disappointment so far.

and i may have dreamed that, but i'm pretty sure there was one that covered the eyes like pris.


Douchebag. Yes, me.
I preordered Destiny a few days ago for PS4 on PSN.

I have received no email with my code, I don't see the beta in my download list on the store, and I logged onto the Bungie site with my PSN handle and there are no codes listed under the codes section of my profile.

Am I missing something here?


started playing a lil while ago, and the game is pretty awesome so far, just really really hope the final game has more selection for the character creator that was really the only thing ive noticed that really dissapointed me, the options are just soo shitty lol, and not being able to use the dpad to scroll through options and stuff and having to use the stick is quite a bit annoying but thats just imo :/ and hope they graphical settings are improved in the final game bc so far the world does look beautiful but the shadows are just terrible.

and if found a few dead ghosts so far which is cool, but i would really love hopefully (prob not in this game but hopefully maybe in the next big expansion) if they have more things like that to find and collect in the world and have the environments more intractable that would be really cool.

Also if anyone could help me out, i got to the point on my Hunter where they send you to the weaponsmith and he lets you pick a gun for free. But i have NO idea whats good to use or not, anyone whos played the alpha and played in the beta for a few hours already give me any suggestions on which of the weapons is good to pick? Thanks i'm heading back on the game now to play more ^___^
bummer, they took out the facial markings that made my female awoken hunter in the alpha look like pris from blade runner. that's my only disappointment so far.

and i may have dreamed that, but i'm pretty sure there was one that covered the eyes like pris.

they took out a bunch of faces too :(
Oh so that's why.

Guess I will stay with the same character.

Well technically they are the same, but have much lover poly count, so they are looking altered. And I wish there was ability to rotate head in creation. And don't worry, it's almost guaranty that all beta characters will be wiped after beta, so next time you can create one that you want.
started playing a lil while ago, and the game is pretty awesome so far, just really really hope the final game has more selection for the character creator that was really the only thing ive noticed that really dissapointed me, the options are just soo shitty lol, and not being able to use the dpad to scroll through options and stuff and having to use the stick is quite a bit annoying but thats just imo :/ and hope they graphical settings are improved in the final game bc so far the world does look beautiful but the shadows are just terrible.

and if found a few dead ghosts so far which is cool, but i would really love hopefully (prob not in this game but hopefully maybe in the next big expansion) if they have more things like that to find and collect in the world and have the environments more intractable that would be really cool.

Also if anyone could help me out, i got to the point on my Hunter where they send you to the weaponsmith and he lets you pick a gun for free. But i have NO idea whats good to use or not, anyone whos played the alpha and played in the beta for a few hours already give me any suggestions on which of the weapons is good to pick? Thanks i'm heading back on the game now to play more ^___^

try to pick weapons that do elemental damage (orange, purple or blue symbol beside their stats) and read the bottom to see what upgrade it will have when you level it up. compare that with stats you prefer.


So it took 30mins to get 3% earlier on WiFi, PSN said I had 1.3Mbps. Went ought, bought a powerline adapter. Now at 13Mbps and got 5% downloaded in under 5mins. Fucking WiFi.
Using a floating cursor for the UI selection seems like an odd design choice. Like something you'd do for a bad PC port or something. It's totally useable but I'm not sure why they went that route. Having to "mouse" across the middle of the screen to get to the other side-- I don't get it. It just feels really cumbersome.


try to pick weapons that do elemental damage (orange, purple or blue symbol beside their stats) and read the bottom to see what upgrade it will have when you level it up. compare that with stats you prefer.

thanks, and the thing is tho other than the atk, i really have nothing to base how the other stats affect the weapons tho thats why i wasnt sure. I mean range is i guess pretty basic to figure out, but impact does that knock down? stability (im sure has to do with recoil? but does it really affect that much?) and are rapid fire weapons better than like 1 shot burst weapons. I didnt play the alpha so i really dont have any base for comparision other than the 1 weapon i got at the start. So is there any like class or type of weapon thats better than others right now overall? Thanks for the help ^_^


Anyone else having an issue installing the game once you boot it? Mine is stuck at 72%.


Mine was stuck at 35 and crawling along. I closed the application, turned off the console, turned it back on again, did a network test and then started up the beta again. In 3 minutes I am up to 42% now


Did they buff Hunter's golden gun at all?
I like the Hunter's outfits, but that pea shooter was weak.

On the flip side, I loved Titan's HULK SMASH, but the Master Chief future soldier looks were boring and generic.
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