Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Yep, the 17 codes that we have no idea what they do.

Dax, maybe link his post in the OP?

ya, i just came across that a lil while ago and redeemed them all. Im not to sure what it will be either lol. but if i had to guess some kind of collectible item in the game or maybe like a mini game or some sort of have something to do with the Grimoire. But im pretty sure collecting these and w.e other collectibles they may have like this in the game might allow you to unlock items and stuff which would be awesome, either way just figured id share it and help everyone else out ^__^
Aww yeah

Applied to DestinyGAF

GT: Agent Strange
Bnet: Agent Strange

Ah shoot, looks like I didn't sign up for DestinyGAF correctly. Requested.

Bungie ID: RoKKeR IV

Accepted. Welcome to DestinyGAF.

(Still going through and manually searching usernames on the list. Please be patient guys as we are getting a LOT of applications and quite a few are not GAFers.)


Ah shoot, looks like I didn't sign up for DestinyGAF correctly. Requested.

Bungie ID: RoKKeR IV


Unconfirmed Member
It's uh.. It's pretty bad.. Made it back in middle school. I would PAY Sony to change my username on there.

That's one of my biggest complaint about PSN. I never know who people are cause their IDs almost never match up with their GAF name. Sony really needs to figure out how to make them changeable.
It's ON.


Can someone explain to me what DestinyGAF is? Is it NeoGAF's official clan or something?

It is Gaf's offical group yes. When the clan system comes out, indivudal gaf clans will be formed under the group banner (groups can contain smaller, clans when the new system is implemented).

Thank you for the add CmdrShepard

Looks like you're working hard on this tonight

Ha :p It's good though. The more gaffers the better.

Stated in the other thread, but adding here

Bungie ID: CrimsonGold

Applied and ready to battle the hive

Accepted. Welcome to Destiny GAF

Whoops, I applied to DestinyGAF and seem to have made the same mistake. Bungie and GAF handles are the same: IronRinn.
I formally request to join DestinyGAF. I'll be on the Xbox One if that matters or not.

GT: Bronx_Playboy19
Bnet: ElChino

Still don't see you. Please try reapplying here (unless some other admin has just added you in which case welcome):

At this point i have gone through most of the list with no new hits. If i have missed you please post below again as to what your bungie ID is and i will look ASAP. Sorry for the inconvience.
That's one of my biggest complaint about PSN. I never know who people are cause their IDs almost never match up with their GAF name. Sony really needs to figure out how to make them changeable.

I spent a good hour or so thinking of my PSN ID. I'm happy with it. But I think Sony should allow people to change it, like Microsoft does. I read somewhere that it has to do with the software or code they used when building the PSN infrastructure. They can't allow name changes unless they redo the entire thing, which would take forever and be a huge pain.
I didn't play the alpha.

Question: I can see the ability differences between the warlock and the hunter but I don't have a context for them yet. Beyond the different specials, how differently do they actually play in the game?


Hey I applied to Destinygaf!!! Bungie ID is MGWhat

EDIT: Has anyone been able to select their platform yet? Haven't seen it pop up on the site yet

Hey I applied to Destinygaf!!! Bungie ID is MGWhat

EDIT: Has anyone been able to select their platform yet? Haven't seen it pop up on the site yet


Posted in the other thread, I also apped for Destinygaf

PSN - Sealtested
Bungie name - Sealtest

Yep - Accepted. Welcome to DestinyGAF guardians.

Again just in case people missed my last post - At this point i have gone through most of the list with no new hits. If i have missed you please post below again as to what your bungie ID is and i will look ASAP. Sorry for the inconvience.
How do I join?

Apply here:

And then come back and post your name here so we know you are from NeoGAF and that you have applied.

Just applied for DestinyGAF

Bungie ID: Ronin Edo
PSN ID: Ronin-Edo

Accepted, Welcome to DestinyGAF.

Any news about Update?

Wouldn't be till almost mid-day Friday Bungie time i imagine so at least 12 hours, most likely 16-18. That is if they even will because of the bungie day bombshells (although i think they would since it was on Monday.
Read the OP.
I read the OP. I get that they have different abilities: double-jump vs. glide, etc. but do they actually play differently? Is one, for example, more DPS and the other support (or insert some other gameplay relationship that fits)?

They're both lightly armored but, from what I can gather, the Warlock regens health faster. So would that make the Warlock more midrange and the Hunter long-range?


It is Gaf's offical group yes. When the clan system comes out, indivudal gaf clans will be formed under the group banner (groups can contain smaller, clans when the new system is implemented).

Ha :p It's good though. The more gaffers the better.

Accepted. Welcome to Destiny GAF

Still don't see you. Please try reapplying here (unless some other admin has just added you in which case welcome):

At this point i have gone through most of the list with no new hits. If i have missed you please post below again as to what your bungie ID is and i will look ASAP. Sorry for the inconvience.
I tried again.
Applied to destiny Gaf

bungie: jacob armitage
psn: jacobarmitage


If by apply you mean Join, I just applied.


I signed up for DestinyGaf

XBL GT: Dr ChadMan
BNet: DrChadMan

DestinyGAF on request(I joined, awaiting approval currently) name: Karl2177
PSN: Karl2177
GT: Karl2177

Planning on doing the beta on PS3, full game on Xbox One

Just applied for DestinyGAF

Bungie ID: AQ706
PSN ID: biggy70686

Approved. Welcome to DestinyGAF. Also make sure to check the forums for the group as we have specific time zone threads for easy meet up for Gaffers in your time zone.

I tried again.

Yep that worked. Apologies that you had to redo it. Welcome to DestinyGAF guardian.

Is it strange that I want to play as the hunter just to have a cloak?

And I applied for DestinyGAF id and PSN: Taetrus

Wrex. Welcome to DestinyGAF. I expect much space magic.


DestinyGAF on request(I joined, awaiting approval currently) name: Karl2177
PSN: Karl2177
GT: Karl2177

Planning on doing the beta on PS3, full game on Xbox One


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
Master Chie...I mean Titan! Team Titan here! AND I AM SUPER PSYCHED FOR THIS BETA!!!
Greetings new DestinyGAFfers!

Be sure you hit the group forums and say hey in your respective time zone threads, and maybe friend some of us there!

Mine is -

Bungie/PSNID: lastsonkrypt0n
Time zone: eastern US
Console: PS4

By the Traveller's Light!
Wow the amount of new guardians is staggering. The light of the traveller knows no bounds.

Requested to join DestinyGaf.
Bnet and PSN are the same as GAF handle: v1lla21

Ready to 360-No-Scope the Hive's ass.

Applied to destiny Gaf as well.

Bungie: Balmung421
PSN: Bulmung421

Beta is going to be great
PSN: Northeastmonk is the same too.
I'm applying for a clan on GAF as well.
Approved - welcome to DestinyGAF

One final time for this message: At this point i have gone through most of the list with no new hits. If i have missed you please post below again as to what your bungie ID is and i will look ASAP. Sorry for the inconvience.
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