Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Titan Best Class


Here's where you're mistaken - if a Devil Walker for example hurls a shell towards those Brave Guardians, you know who's the least likely to die? The Hunter.

-Titan will put up his shield.
-Warlock doesn't care; will just resurrect.
-Hunter will triple jump the fuck outta there.

And while the Hunter flings his tiny little knives and struggles to even leave a scratch, the Warlock soars majestically through the air blasting down a massive blast of pure fucking space magic, blasting the devil to pieces
Alright, another noob question:

All classes can use all gun types. Do certain classes have advantages with certain gun types, either innately or through abilities?

Is the fact that the three classes all have a recognizable armor style (titans are heavily armored, warlocks wear trench coats, hunters look to be wearing leather or something) purely cosmetic? Or do the armor drops for each class differ in their properties as well?
Applied for DestinyGAF.

Bungie: CitizenInsane
PSN: DevilDude909

Applied to DestinyGAF ID is Uthred

I've been looking forward to Destiny but haven't been keeping up with everything, so I have no idea what I'll be doing. But I just pre-ordered!

DestinyGAF application = Applied
Bungie: Stillmatic
PSN: Stillmatic

Is there a good start-up video guide? Or was the first phase of the beta NDA'd?

Approved. Welcome Guardians.

Also will only be popping in and out every half hour from now on because it looks like the rush in apps has died down significantly (at one point i think we were getting 2-3 apps a min for about 10 minutes there).

If you want to apply go ahead, i or another admin will be there accepting as soon as possible.
And while the Hunter flings his tiny little knives and struggles to even leave a scratch, the Warlock soars majestically through the air blasting down a massive blast of pure fucking space magic, blasting the devil to pieces

And who was it that Golden Gunned those legs and sniped those Vandals on your six so that you could steel your gaze upon the nape of the Devil and maneuver in to deliver the killing blow?

The silent guardian. The watchful protector.


Imru’ al-Qays;120453268 said:
Alright, another noob question:

All classes can use all gun types. Do certain classes have advantages with certain gun types, either innately or through abilities?

Is the fact that the three classes all have a recognizable armor style (titans are heavily armored, warlocks wear trench coats, hunters look to be wearing leather or something) purely cosmetic? Or do the armor drops for each class differ in their properties as well?

Not really a noob question at all, but no. Weapons do not appears to have specific class advantages. The armor styles do appear to be cosmetic, however it's the amount of defense on each piece that will make you more defensible.


I've been looking forward to Destiny but haven't been keeping up with everything, so I have no idea what I'll be doing. But I just pre-ordered!

DestinyGAF application = Applied
Bungie: Stillmatic
PSN: Stillmatic

Is there a good start-up video guide? Or was the first phase of the beta NDA'd?
Not really a noob question at all, but no. Weapons do not appears to have specific class advantages. The armor styles do appear to be cosmetic, however it's the amount of defense on each piece that will make you more defensible.

Hmm. So if I'm understanding correctly, the only actual gameplay differences between the classes are different super-long cooldown special abilities and various minor variations in things like grenades and jumps? In terms of the core gunplay mechanics, HP, defense, etc they're all identical?
Imru’ al-Qays;120453268 said:
Alright, another noob question:

All classes can use all gun types. Do certain classes have advantages with certain gun types, either innately or through abilities?

Is the fact that the three classes all have a recognizable armor style (titans are heavily armored, warlocks wear trench coats, hunters look to be wearing leather or something) purely cosmetic? Or do the armor drops for each class differ in their properties as well?

Nope. It's cosmetic, defense rating will be the same for armor with the same level requirements (though there'll probably be a range; a level 10 helmet for any class can have anywhere between 24-32 armor, for example). Uncommon armor can have extra stats on them that can help improve the handling of certain gun types (A helmet can have a stat that allows you to reload a scout rifle faster, or chest armor can have a stat that lets you carry more hand cannon ammo, etc).

No class has an inherent affinity with any particular gun. The trailers just choose to present the Hunter with a hand cannon because that class was inspired by The Man With No Name and Han Solo, and the other classes with different guns, partly because of what they were inspired by, and to give each class some character.

For more info:

D i Z

Imru’ al-Qays;120453646 said:
Hmm. So if I'm understanding correctly, the only actual gameplay differences between the classes are different super-long cooldown special abilities and various minor variations in things like grenades and jumps? In terms of the core gunplay mechanics, HP, defense, etc they're all identical?

I do believe that there are statistical differences between classes.

Edit: The thread always knows exactly when to stop moving so that my posts are never spaced.
I dunno. That looked really rehearsed to me. Like he saw the poll and has something to prove.

I'm a sucker for the palette of that entire shot. The white and orange with the red of the sash fits the reddish orange of Mars in the backdrop. It's a beautifully framed analogous capture, and it's as if he embodies decades of NASA probes roaming the surface of the red planet. His quaint stockiness is the cherry on top. Then again, the underdog is usually adorable...

I've been looking forward to Destiny but haven't been keeping up with everything, so I have no idea what I'll be doing. But I just pre-ordered!

Is there a good start-up video guide? Or was the first phase of the beta NDA'd?

Not a video, but if you're going in raw, this should help:

I thought it might be helpful for people who didn’t play the alpha if we could give some general gameplay tips. Especially for people who are coming from a FPS background and may not be familiar with some of Destiny’s gameplay mechanics. Maybe the better ones could be organised and included in Dax’s Beta OT. (Don’t want to tread on toes here though! Ha.)


Ammo packs
Something people seemed to miss is that the gunsmith in the tower sells single use ammo packs. It is always worth picking up a few of these to use on strikes and mission bosses. Especially heavy ammo. To use them in game, open up the inventory using the options button, hit R1 (on PS4) and select a pack. You have to wait 5 minutes to use another so pick the best times to use them.

Super and Gear Upgrades
I missed this for so long. Each item in your inventory can be viewed by hitting triangle (on PS4). Most items, including all of your guardian’s abilities can be upgraded. When ready you will get a flashing triangle icon with the text upgrade next to it. For Focus abilities you will unlock super modifiers, new grenades new movement abilities. For weapons you unlock new weapon sights and damage modifiers. Also look out for gear that boosts your abilities. In the Alpha there were gauntlets that boosted things like reload time for hand cannons, boots that increased your agility and so on.

Enemy levels
Each enemy will have a number above them indicating their level. In general you should be able to take down enemies who are around three levels above your own, but obviously the higher their level, the longer it will take. Once enemies are four or five levels above your guardian, the number above their heads will be replaced with ?? indicating they are too tough for you to do any significant damage.

Shooting these guys, even with your highest level upgraded gear will only make a scratch. Bungie have said they are going to use these guys instead of locked doors to keep players out of areas until they have progressed further in the story / strikes / guardian levelling. So these enemies will actually have a real level behind their ?? number, I think people said most in the Alpha were around level 12 – 15, so once you have progressed more in the full release, you should be able to come back to these guys, clear them out and head into the territories they were guarding.

Saying that, in the Alpha you could get past some of these guys by simply running past, or getting on your sparrow. Behind these enemies in some places were whole new areas to explore, notably the

Dry sea > Grotto > Blast area.

You could also use you sparrow to push these guys off cliffs if there were any around.

Explore mode
Just to mention, some people didn’t realise that explore mode has no end objective. It is designed to allow the player to keep playing in the area endlessly.

There are radio beacons placed around the destination that will give you short mission, these will never run out, after a while the beacon will become active again with another short mission for you to take. The idea is that these missions give you small rewards to help you level up for the missions / strikes and also take you off into the world, helping you find new areas to explore.

On any mission, strike, or in free roam, you will have objective markers in your field of view. Move towards these and they will disappear when close and another will be drawn. You can also get out your ghost to check what objectives available. What some may have missed though is that the current objective will also appear as an arrow on your radar, giving you the direction you need to head in. This can save you opening up your ghost constantly.

Mission / Strike select Screen

On the lobby screen for Strikes and Story Missions, you have a button to select different difficulties; Brave and Legend, Legend being the more difficult of the two. When you select either, you will see some numbers appear with negative or positive values.

At first I though these were modifiers to your stats, making things harder for you, but in fact they are a comparison of your current stats with what would be recommended for that particular difficulty. So if you see –25% Armour, it means your armour rating is 25% below what they would recommend.

These stats will greatly help you avoid starting a mission where the enemies, especially the bosses, feel like bullet sponges.

Mission and Strike level ratings.

Each mission or strike is given a level. In the Alpha for example the Strike was a level 6 strike. You could attempt the strike if the party leader was level six or above, even if they were playing with a couple of level 4 players. This would be hard though. As mentioned in the tip above, when you are under gunned, the mission can feel like a slog, with even regular enemies taking a lot of hits to go down. It is much better to approach a strike will all of your team meeting the level requirement as a minimum. I had most fun on the Strikes using level 7 and 8 characters who had spent time buying / finding higher level gear and upgrading it.

Strike Bosses
Bosses can feel like bullet sponges if you are under gunned. They can also take a long time if you are not coordinating properly with your team and employing the right tactics. There are certain strategies that will help you take the bosses down much more quickly.

The Devil Walker / Spider Tank
Get the team to concentrate fire on one leg. Once the armour is down, the ‘neck’ of the tank will be exposed for a short time. Hitting this exposed area does a very high amount of damage. Hit this area with supers, grenades and heavies to do a very high amount of damage in a short time. Once the ‘neck’ retracts, the leg you had been shooting will take much less damage, move everyone onto targeting the next leg. Repeat the neck blasting each time you take the leg armour down. You can also take out the tank’s turret to make things easier.
Sepiks Prime
The eye will always face the person dealing the most damage. If you coordinate with your team, you can keep switching it’s focus around, reducing the amount of heavy fire it delivers in each area, giving each guardian time to recover. It can also help to have a levelled up titan who’s main task to obliterate the drop ship grunts that will be dropping in periodically.

Supers and Orbs of Light
Each guardian has a super, in the UI at the bottom left you can see your super bar filling up as you kill enemies / complete objectives. Once full, your super is activated by hitting L1 and R2 (on PS4).

A successful super will generate ‘Orbs of light’. The more enemies you take out with your super, the more ‘Orbs of light’ you will generate. You won’t actually see these orbs yourself, but they will appear for your teammates. When they pick them up it will boost their own super bar, allowing them to get closer to using their own super.

So the gameplay mechanic is to use your super to kill enemies and to feed your team mates supers. Once they have a full bar and use theirs, they generate orbs for you on a successful super. So you can chain your supers together, throughout the team, feeding each other more supers. This is especially helpful with bosses.

What else can people think of for new guys?


Not a video, but if you're going in raw, this should help:

That will do perfectly, thank you!


If you, or anyone else reading this, want to learn more about Destiny, watch Datto Does Destiny on YouTube. This guy goes into a lot of detail and explains things you might want to know about.

Of particular note, watch these (Dax, maybe you should add these to the OP!):

PvP Class Comparison
PvE Class Comparison
Class Breakdown: Hunter
Class Breakdown: Titan
Class Breakdown: Warlock
PvE Exploration and Public Event Gameplay

Great stuff, thank you too! Will definitely give them a watch.


Imru’ al-Qays;120453646 said:
Hmm. So if I'm understanding correctly, the only actual gameplay differences between the classes are different super-long cooldown special abilities and various minor variations in things like grenades and jumps? In terms of the core gunplay mechanics, HP, defense, etc they're all identical?

Different classes definitely have different defensive attributes, for example Warlocks typically have less armor than Titans, but a higher health recharge rate. Hunters I think are the weakest but have the highest speed (not sure honestly, I didn't play one in the alpha)? These can also be influenced by how you manage your upgrade path, for example Warlocks eventually get the option to further sacrifice armor to get even better health regen. I don't know exactly how armor will influence this stuff, but I don't think it'll alter the natural natural attribute balance too much.


Haha man I'm loving the competition between the classes, it's like a rivalry has been formed and the game isn't out yet. Destiny looks to have a pretty good community (hopefully)
Different classes definitely have different defensive attributes, for example Warlocks typically have less armor than Titans, but a higher health recharge rate. Hunters I think are the weakest but have the highest speed (not sure honestly, I didn't play one in the alpha)? These can also be influenced by how you manage your upgrade path, for example Warlocks eventually get the option to further sacrifice armor to get even better health regen. I don't know exactly how armor will influence this stuff, but I don't think it'll alter the natural natural attribute balance too much.

Huh, OK. So there is more going on than meets the eye. Haven't been able to find any of this stuff on the Destiny official site or the Wikia.
I've been looking forward to Destiny but haven't been keeping up with everything, so I have no idea what I'll be doing. But I just pre-ordered!
Is there a good start-up video guide? Or was the first phase of the beta NDA'd?

If you, or anyone else reading this, want to learn more about Destiny, watch Datto Does Destiny on YouTube. This guy goes into a lot of detail and explains things you might want to know about.

Of particular note, watch these (Dax, maybe you should add these to the OP!):

PvP Class Comparison
PvE Class Comparison
Class Breakdown: Hunter
Class Breakdown: Titan
Class Breakdown: Warlock
PvE Exploration and Public Event Gameplay
Alpha Strike Mission (3 man Instance) Gameplay

I've been posting a lot of answers to your questions, I'll try to compile them into one post so you guys can read them in one place.
When Peter Dinklage is higher than you in the preferred poll, you know you've got problems.

the poll was lame the moment the knife was chosen to represent hunters over the cloak or u-turn jump

For that calculatr, only the Titan's stats change when turning on the skills. For Hunter and Warlock, you can turn on the skills but they don't change the Armor, Recovery, or Agility stat. But it's still a good way to get a good sense of the classes.

yup, am aware of this. its creator probably never got around to updating it, but it still gives a general idea of how the skill trees and foci will behave.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Have they said if different MP modes will be in the beta? I want to see if this can live up to Halo 3 CTF.


Yay I got the beta code from EBGames and now I have to wait til it's enable for Australian gamers to redeem the code.
Feel free to add me.
Bungie: Goldenhen
PSN: Goldenhen (PS4)


I am eagerly anticipating the beta, yet I am also afraid to play the game again. After how impressed I was with the Alpha, I don't want to go back into the stage of not liking my other games. I don't know what it is about this game, it just makes my other stuff feel dated and boring. At least I always have my Steam backlog.
Ok, in the past 20 minutes or so, people have been asking questions about the game and I've been doing my best to answer them. I've been looking over all my posts in this thread, and will post links to the informative ones in this one post.

Hopefully, this can help answer your questions you have about the game. If any of my info is incorrect, please let me know and I will revise my posts. And if there are any useful posts you'd like me to include here, I'd be more than glad to edit them in.

First of all, broony's super informative post on PvE:

Now, onto my own posts:

Image of Crucible (PVP) Modes in Destiny (may be incomplete)

Datto Does Destiny (In Depth Analysis on various game elements) A MUST WATCH!

On whether classes have inherent advantages with certain weapon types and if armor differs between classes

Armor: Special Stats

My experience with the 3 classes in the Alpha

Other useful info (non thread links):

Guardian Radio: Destiny Podcast

Class Skill Calculator (from the Alpha)
Warning: While you can play with each classes' skills, only the Titan's calculator will show actual increases/decreases to the Armor, Agility, and Recovery stats)

Trading Card Codes: redeem them on, what they unlock is a mystery for now

Lore: All the Guardians are dead

Destiny Achievement/Trophy List CAUTION: Here be potential spoilers

Edit- Fixed the Youtube video link
To everyone who have applied for membership with DestinyGAF but have not yet been approved. Fret not, my Admins are working round the clock in getting those membership application verified & approve. We currently have a quite a large amount of pending requests. Thus, we are taking extra caution not to approve any lurkers. Thanks for your patience and to all the newly accepted members.

Welcome to DestinyGAF
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