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Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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In PVP, whichever class has the AOE smash special is super cheap.

It requires no thought, and has a wide range.

At least with the Hunter special you actually have to aim.

I agree with this. It's the best special in the game. The best solution is to extend the requirement for the special to be used. I don't like seeing specials used so much, as I feel it really takes away from the competitive nature of having to kill your enemies through more skillful combat.

Specials are there to spice up the gameplay, but that AoE smash is far too popular. The titan is simply the most popular class, and the Golden Gun/Hunter's special cannot compete.

I actually wish the Hunter could go invisible and assassinate players for his special. It's much too similar to the Titan's, IMO.

I also think Golden Gun should give you a speed boost too, and that all specials should require even more XP to use, since it feels too common to see them.

Basically, make it slightly more powerful, but less frequent.


Wait I only use hand cannons and I can shoot without ADS, is this not for other guns?

No, you don't need them 100% of the time for other weapons either. Auto Rifles are a perfectly good short range bullet hose when shooting from the hip, Pulse and Scout rifles can still snap off some mid-range shots without ADS, and Fusion Rifles are also fine without them.
Also, the UI is atrocious, fucking "mouse cursor" on a console game? FUCK THAT!
Yeah, I really don't understand the cursor based design to the UI. Doesn't feel intuitive to use with a controller at all. Kinda weird to toss out all console design sense for something that seems more more tablet/mouse oriented.

I mean, it works, sure, but it feels like its been ported over.

If true it definitely needs some work. Where are the custom modes? Private matches?
Very curious about private matches myself, even if only to fully explore and learn the maps.
If true it definitely needs some work. Where are the custom modes? Private matches?

I wouldn't worry about content considering we're only seeing a small portion of the crucible. I would wait to see the entire package before you judge the multiplayer.

They basically have a ghost that is 5x as powerful as it, and has a rechargeable shield. The only way to take it down is if you have a heavy weapon in your inventory.

And then they put human controller turrets all around the map. It's a joke.

I think the vehicles are kinda meh as well, but it's easier to kill someone than you think. Their heads are exposed, one snipe shot and they're toast. Plus heavy weapons, supers, grenades. I loved Halo but I still disliked most of the vehicles, it just takes away from infantry gameplay balance no matter what.


I'm worried there won't be enough content in the full game to suffice, considering the level cap is so low and you reach it fairly quickly.

That is my worry as well. I was hoping to see more content in the beta to put me at ease. Now that we know there are just the 3 other planets + moon... that's just not enough, unless there are at least 2-3 "Old Russia" sized maps per planet.


i've been begging for over 5 years.
You got the problem in the step 6 ?

No. I didn't get to step 6. I haven't tried to go to the download list through PSN on the PS4 but I will give that a shot here in a few minutes when I can get away from work. Thanks for posting that.
Dang I went to the rocketyard in explore mode and there where a bunch of level 9 enemies that me and 4 other people were desperately trying to fight off.... It was ridiculous lol. I gave up after 10 minutes :p
It's a beta meng!

So the opening hour of the game is going to be different in the full version? Doesn't seem likely. My issue is that they don't set the stage for the game well. They'll obviously add layers of story and exposition throughout the game, but what's there at the beginning does very little to make me invested in what's happening...or to understand why I'm doing any of it.


The more I play this the more worried I get, to be honest. The early story beats are clumsy, and I really hope they reign in the "The ____" stuff as it progresses. The exploration is a lot of fun, but it seems to only yield enemies that one shot you (I imagine that's because this is a beta though, with content locked off) and dead ghosts to pick up. The boss fights are giant bullet sponge trudges because every class is essentially a DPS and there's nothing to do except pour bullets into the boss and fight the adds. The PVP is a messy free-for-all that doesn't really cater to any of the class's strengths.

The class divide is what disappoints me the most, to be honest. I know we're only seeing then through level 8 currently, but there is so little distinguishing them right now.
Man its a beta, on the starter world, and you're capped before subclasses and anything that could separate them.

How would you like the boss fights to go? . In most mmo's I play the boss fights are 'sword/spell/blade' sponges and every so often does an attack that can wipe you if you don't get out the goo. . What would you suggest?


Yeah, I really don't understand the cursor based design to the UI. Doesn't feel intuitive to use with a controller at all. Kinda weird to toss out all console design sense for something that seems more more tablet/mouse oriented.

I mean, it works, sure, but it feels like its been ported over.

I feel the opposite, like this is one of the relatively few console UIs that was designed primarily around the analog stick instead of the d-pad. The way the background shifts and the cursor snaps to icons don't feel mouse-like at all.

It's not particularly amazing or terrible in terms of functionality, just a little different.
The class divide is what disappoints me the most, to be honest. I know we're only seeing then through level 8 currently, but there is so little distinguishing them right now.

Edit: it seems I was mistaken, since there are unique subclasses that help teams

I agree with this...there is nothing that feels particularly special, cohesive, or important. You essentially all can carry snipers, shotguns, and rifles... and the abilities are mostly for your own playstyle and don't contribute in any way to helping your teammates. No AoE shield. No medic (in fact, the whole revive mechanic is as basic and thoughtless as can be). No Reconnaissance ability. No guy to give you ammo. You just run around the map and pick it off of enemies.

I know the game wasn't aiming for any of those things, but it just feels so pointless to run with a gang of players, because what is ultimately happening is you guys are all doing the same thing: Shooting bullet sponges and popping off specials.

The exploration is nice, but there are no NPCs to encounter or sidequests/lore to find (a la Dark Souls).

I largely don't feel much for the co-op experience because of that.

6 player raids are not any more special than 3 player. Compare this to how awesome Resistance 2 was: 8 players, with special roles that played out cohesively on the battlefield


Great beta,

so has anyone been able to meet up with other friends fireteams in the game?

i noticed when joining a story mission that in the "Set Destination" map screen, the mission icon had a friends icon next to it. and in the mission description, it said somethign like , "friends in this location".

Not sure if they were on the same mission, or if they were just in that specific area.

We joined but never saw them. They could have been in their own instanced mission at that point.

just wondering, if say you have friends in 2 sets of fireteams, both do free roam in the main open area, would you be able to meet up with them and possible do free roam missions together?


Met the Hive. The game has started feeling somewhat better. But it has taken way too long, the game should be interesting within 15 minutes of start, not after well over an hour of playing.
Still needs splitscreen, the game is clearly designed to be a co-op game but... well, co-op over the internet is never as fun as in splitscreen.
So the opening hour of the game is going to be different in the full version? Doesn't seem likely. My issue is that they don't set the stage for the game well. They'll obviously add layers of story and exposition throughout the game, but what's there at the beginning does very little to make me invested in what's happening...or to understand why I'm doing any of it.

Lots of stories start off a bit confusing and you don't know exactly whats going on or know much, if anything, about a character and throughout the story you find out more, like you said. Judging the games story and character development off of such a short snippet of the full package seems a bit premature. You usually dont judge the depth of a story or character by watching the first 5 minutes of a movie or reading the first few pages of a book.


You'd be surprised(at least in PvE) how easy it can be to miss with Fist Of Havoc

Forreal. I still have no idea what the fuck I'm doing half the time with that super lol.

Venus is a death trap that usually ends with me flying off the side as I fruitlessly try to super people at Bravo.


Hellk all so i got to play the beta yesterday. Yey my wife not so happy! I like to play loud or i cant hear shit what the characters are saying or just love it loud. So i need to get a headset. Any recommandations? I need somethin that sounds loud enough and has a mic. I live in canada and will be going to bestbuy i assume. I dont buy online. Any recommendations for a great headset in the 80-130$ range?

Thanks in advance oh also one that vould work with my pc would be nice to but if its just ps4 then its no biggie.


So the opening hour of the game is going to be different in the full version? Doesn't seem likely. My issue is that they don't set the stage for the game well. They'll obviously add layers of story and exposition throughout the game, but what's there at the beginning does very little to make me invested in what's happening...or to understand why I'm doing any of it.

I just hope they loosen up that Traveler cutscene a little bit.

All of a sudden the lore went up and jumped up it's own ass with extremely serious, brooding nonsense.
Give me a cutscene like the opening one, with the guys setting foot on Mars. It felt epic and inspiring. The robed dude mumbling on and on about darkness consuming shit and your destiny was so cliché it made me want to skip it entirely.

If that's the quality of writing that we'll get throughout the game then i'll be disappointed. At least the gameplay is still good.
Bladedancer hunter will be amazing. I don't want to do an invisible build but I might have to try it out.

Sol hunter will probably be lame since it needs to be a support subclass.


I meant the ability to actually START the installer remotely(You can do it with a Vita though)

I left my PS4 in standby and started the beta download through the web, and it did install the whole thing. I'm aware that didn't work for some people, however.


I agree with this...there is nothing that feels particularly special, cohesive, or important. You essentially all can carry snipers, shotguns, and rifles... and the abilities are mostly for your own playstyle and don't contribute in any way to helping your teammates. No AoE shield. No medic (in fact, the whole revive mechanic is as basic and thoughtless as can be). No Reconnaissance ability. No guy to give you ammo. You just run around the map and pick it off of enemies.

I know the game wasn't aiming for any of those things, but it just feels so pointless to run with a gang of players, because what is ultimately happening is you guys are all doing the same thing: Shooting bullet sponges and popping off specials.

The exploration is nice, but there are no NPCs to encounter or sidequests/lore to find (a la Dark Souls).

I largely don't feel much for the co-op experience because of that.

6 player raids are not any more special than 3 player. Compare this to how awesome Resistance 2 was: 8 players, with special roles that played out cohesively on the battlefield

yeah i am hoping that latr on you can get some really unique specials or something.

like Titansd can set some sort of trip mines or traps, for when defending against waves, or in boss battles
Warlock, could maybe do a distance revive, etc. I mean you can kinda see these non offensive specials in some of the later unlocks, like i think there is a group heal thing, and a sheild, so those could feel a bit more cooperative once players get deeper into the unlocks.
so ive played this for a few hours now and as a halo player i dont like this game. i hate the emphasis on levelling up, pvp is decent but has many problems and the gameplay is good but they need to make hipfire more effective, add vehicle hijacking and i tried getting road splash kills but i dont think u can wtf + i dont like how the radar is in the top left corner, it should be bottom left


The more I play this the more worried I get, to be honest. The early story beats are clumsy, and I really hope they reign in the "The ____" stuff as it progresses. The exploration is a lot of fun, but it seems to only yield enemies that one shot you

What do you mean by one-shot you? You mean one shot = insta death or you are saying they just take one shot at you?

Whoa whoa! People don't like the UI? The UI is amazing.
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