The class divide is what disappoints me the most, to be honest. I know we're only seeing then through level 8 currently, but there is so little distinguishing them right now.
Edit: it seems I was mistaken, since there are unique subclasses that help teams
I agree with this...there is nothing that feels particularly special, cohesive, or important. You essentially all can carry snipers, shotguns, and rifles... and the abilities are mostly for your own playstyle and don't contribute in any way to helping your teammates. No AoE shield. No medic (in fact, the whole revive mechanic is as basic and thoughtless as can be). No Reconnaissance ability. No guy to give you ammo. You just run around the map and pick it off of enemies.
I know the game wasn't aiming for any of those things, but it just feels so pointless to run with a gang of players, because what is ultimately happening is you guys are all doing the same thing: Shooting bullet sponges and popping off specials.
The exploration is nice, but there are no NPCs to encounter or sidequests/lore to find (a la Dark Souls).
I largely don't feel much for the co-op experience because of that.
6 player raids are not any more special than 3 player. Compare this to how awesome Resistance 2 was: 8 players, with special roles that played out cohesively on the battlefield