Radically change
Thanks man, didn't see the locked subclass.. pressed triangle and saw a different tree.
Subclasses have entirely different skill trees too.
Bladedancer stealths and melee assassinates enemies. lol
Yeah, and I noticed a shield that protects allies. Cool stuff. I hope they consider unlocking this at the tailend of the beta. It's a completely different experience from what we have now. I was discouraged before, but now I am not. I wonder if others feel the same way when it comes to the co-op experience. I assume Bungie will eventually explain/reveal these in guides/videos
You are criticizing the game entirely for something that is has never strive to be: a class based shooter in the traditional BF/KZ sense. That's not what it is or has ever purported to be so why were you expecting that?
Actually, I was mistaken, and this game has class based skills like shields that benefit all members in a team. And it would be a mistake not to, because without these features, the co-op does not feel special.