Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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Sonic handles my blue balls
I checked the OP and I'm still confused. Why would anyone want to be anything that's not a Warlock?


Titan is the Juggernaut.

Really, The Warlock reminds me of Gambit more. Especially when he throws the three projectiles at once. Plus, ya know, trenchcoat.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
any future ps4 destiny guys/gals gonna dive into the last of us mp next month?

add me on psn so we can crew up! pm
me your psn name or add me cool_calm_jon

Well I'm gonna go boating and maybe a little tubing as well.

Wanna come?

No warlocks allowed

i wish i was on a boat


Holy crap at the number of DestinyGAF members. This game is going to be bananas! I'm expecting it to beat Watch Dog numbers. Easily.
So to piggy-back off of a discussion from the Alpha Withdrawal thread, it looks like there will not be any vehicle boarding. The reason given was that they thought it was overkill considering how much harder players were to hit due to their mobility and how many more tools they had to take out the vehicles. Given that angle, I agree. You can either be a deadly force in a vehicle in Destiny, or get taken out really quickly, especially if you stay idle for a while.

Also, Lars shot down gravity effects on the different planets. The in-universe explanation is that The Traveler created a light atmosphere and gravity on the planets, which really only means they wanted to keep player physics consistent.

I preferred Rusted Lands to First Light in the Alpha, but First Light was still a very fun map (especially when you were in a vehicle), so I'm looking forward to playing on it again!

I think that's it for the Beta maps. I'm curious now though, I think they'll announce Twilight Gap next. Exodus Blue seems like it's going to remain a mystery until closer to launch.
Oh... well that explains it then...

I was never into comics or their cartoons. I honestly thought it was that Captain Planet show for a second lol.

I watched a lot of the X-Men cartoon when I was young and was always interested in them, but didn't get into comics until a couple of years ago. I think it was a combination of the Marvel movies and this thread that pushed me over the edge.

On topic, IGN's latest video is up, if you hadn't noticed. Tour of the Moon Base map:

If there was anything that could've made me abandon my Warlock brethren and join the Hunters, it'd be that.

But no, I'll just pretend that never happened.

We've pretty much figured out that Warlocks are Rogue from the X-men. Always getting captured, always having to be rescued...
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