Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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i need to play this beta so i can finally decide if this game is far away from cod for me to buy it

i need to play this beta so i can finally decide if this game is far away from cod for me to buy it

hopefully hip fire and life were buffed

Hip fire seems fine to me, at least at close to mid range. I would like the life buffed as well though, kill times are a bit too fast. They should also lower the range of shotguns. I know range is variable with them, but a 10-15 foot one shot kill is overpowered, especially since everyone can have a shotgun. At least they raised the special ammo respawn times I guess.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
i played the alpha pvp, really enjoyed it but i forgot what it's like re: player health. obviously the verticality is a real game changer but i need to really dig into ithis beta.
i played the alpha pvp, really enjoyed it but i forgot what it's like re: player health. obviously the verticality is a real game changer but i need to really dig into ithis beta.

The traversal is what really sets it apart from COD. Hopefully we have access to the blink abilities in the beta, they look awesome.
The traversal is what really sets it apart from COD. Hopefully we have access to the blink abilities in the beta, they look awesome.

*For now. I'm actually looking forward to Advanced Warfare; super jumps and horizontal thrusters have my interest.

We'll see if it can do enough to tear me away from Destiny in November.


*For now. I'm actually looking forward to Advanced Warfare; super jumps and horizontal thrusters have my interest.

We'll see if it can do enough to tear me away from Destiny in November.


I agree it looks better than past games in the COD series, but I just think it's a titanfallesque clone.
oh right. didnt realise i needed to do that for the second acc as well. ok done. thanks ill go see if the code is in the bungie site. (all this for destiny.. i swear i was meh before the alpha..).

If you've pre-ordered Destiny from the PlayStation Store, don't worry — Bungie says that you'll still be getting your beta code closer to release. Explaining the situation on its official forums, the developer stresses that PSN pre-orders are still entitled to beta access. You should get your code either via email or PSN message.
*For now. I'm actually looking forward to Advanced Warfare; super jumps and horizontal thrusters have my interest.

We'll see if it can do enough to tear me away from Destiny in November.

I'm super embarrassed to admit that i'm also looking forward to CoD: AW for the player movement as well! The new FPS trend is def enhanced player movement. I approve.

But Destiny will rule them all... of course!



I agree it looks better than past games in the COD series, but I just think it's a titanfallesque clone.

If you've pre-ordered Destiny from the PlayStation Store, don't worry — Bungie says that you'll still be getting your beta code closer to release. Explaining the situation on its official forums, the developer stresses that PSN pre-orders are still entitled to beta access. You should get your code either via email or PSN message.

ok i ll wait for news on it. i am going to do something else now :p


Advanced Warfare looks good, but in the end it'll end up as being another COD.

Destiny might be a true gamechanger just like Halo and World of Warcraft.



Advanced Warfare looks good, but in the end it'll end up as being another COD.

Destiny might be a true gamechanger just like Halo and World of Warcraft.


I don't know what you're talking about YouTube comments told me it's just another Halo
I'm super embarrassed to admit that i'm also looking forward to CoD: AW for the player movement as well! The new FPS trend is def enhanced player movement. I approve.

But Destiny will rule them all... of course!

I am also embarrassed. I hate the idea of liking a Call of Duty again. Bungie, please show me the err of my ways.


I was gone for a bit and now the withdrawal thread has an extra 30 pages and this is already past 40+. @_@

Sorry if this was already answered as I don't see it in the OP and at the airport right now and for the next two days:

Are the 3 codes you get region locked or just directs you to the closest servers? Like PS4 Americas codes > PSN accounts in that region only?

I'm asking because I'm moving to EU region while my PSN account is US.


I was gone for a bit and now the withdrawal thread has an extra 30 pages and this is already past 40+. @_@

Sorry if this was already answered as I don't see it in the OP and at the airport right now and for the next two days:

Are the 3 codes you get region locked or just directs you to the closest servers? Like PS4 Americas codes > PSN accounts in that region only?

I'm asking because I'm moving to EU region while my PSN account is US.

as long as your account stays US all codes will be fine.


I was gone for a bit and now the withdrawal thread has an extra 30 pages and this is already past 40+. @_@

Sorry if this was already answered as I don't see it in the OP and at the airport right now and for the next two days:

Are the 3 codes you get region locked or just directs you to the closest servers? Like PS4 Americas codes > PSN accounts in that region only?

I'm asking because I'm moving to EU region while my PSN account is US.

It doesn't matter which region you download from and which region account you play on.

It's all the same.

I feel like this should be in the OP or something.
I was gone for a bit and now the withdrawal thread has an extra 30 pages and this is already past 40+. @_@

Sorry if this was already answered as I don't see it in the OP and at the airport right now and for the next two days:

Are the 3 codes you get region locked or just directs you to the closest servers? Like PS4 Americas codes > PSN accounts in that region only?

I'm asking because I'm moving to EU region while my PSN account is US.

When you register your preorder code on, you choose your platform and region at that time. I think those determine the 3 codes you get on the 17th. It makes sense that if you registered PS4, North America, your codes will be for that platform and region. Otherwise, why would they have you choose?

It doesn't matter which region you download from and which region account you play on.

It's all the same.

I feel like this should be in the OP or something.

I think that the SEN store you access to redeem the code and the code itself have to be the same, region wise. You can definitely use the NA store in EU or JP to redeem an NA code. Once redeemed, you can download from wherever you are. Is that what you meant?


think that the SEN store you access to redeem the code and the code itself have to be the same, region wise. You can definitely use the NA store in EU or JP to redeem an NA code. Once redeemed, you can download from wherever you are. Is that what you meant?

Yes sir.


It doesn't matter which region you download from and which region account you play on.

It's all the same.

I feel like this should be in the OP or something.

EU PSN codes for anything can not be redeemed on US store and vice versa. That's a fact. So it's not all the same.


as long as your account stays US all codes will be fine.
Can't change regions on PSN unless you mean I just pick a matching code to my psn account then yeah.
It doesn't matter which region you download from and which region account you play on.

It's all the same.

I feel like this should be in the OP or something.

I get that. I was wondering if it was fine if I just picked PS4 EU instead of NA if the codes are not region locked.

Just read super-famicom's other post. Yeah, like the alpha, which makes a lot of sense actually.

When you register your preorder code on, you choose your platform and region at that time. I think those determine the 3 codes you get on the 17th. It makes sense that if you registered PS4, North America, your codes will be for that platform and region. Otherwise, why would they have you choose?

Yeah, I did the preorder code and already went to to choose the platform. Just haven't really chosen one yet in case I can pick EU codes instead.

I just realized that if the codes aren't region locked, I can pick NA or EU and still be able to give my cousin one of the extra codes anyway. I feel so silly now.

Thanks foe the quick replies all! :)


Sorry for being unclear. If people are worried about which region they select on, then I assure them they need not worry.

On PS3 and PS4, once you redeem a digital product on one of the various region PSN stores, that content can be played on any PSN account, no matter the region or your location.

I downloaded the Destiny Alpha from my US account and played it on my JP account, for example.
Can't change regions on PSN unless you mean I just pick a matching code to my psn account then yeah.

I get that. I was wondering if it was fine if I just picked PS4 EU instead of NA if the codes are not region locked.

Just read the other post. Yeah, like the alpha, which makes a lot of sense actually.

Yeah, I did the preorder code and already went to to choose the platform. Just haven't really chosen one yet in case I can pick EU codes instead.

I just realized that if the codes aren't region locked, I can pick NA or EU and still be able to give my cousin one of the extra codes anyway. I feel so silly now.

Thanks foe the quick replies all! :)

What region are your cousins in? If you pick EU, your cousins will need an EU account to redeem the codes and begin the download process. After that, they can play the beta using any account.

And just to be clear, you can be living in EU, but access the NA store to redeem the NA code, download the game, and switch to your EU account to play. I think that's right?


What region are your cousins in? If you pick EU, your cousins will need an EU account to redeem the codes and begin the download process. After that, they can play the beta using any account.

And just to be clear, you can be living in EU, but access the NA store to redeem the NA code, download the game, and switch to your EU account to play. I think that's right?

He has an EU account and yeah, redeeming was always locked it seems. I play on NA, but you're right in the switching part as my brother (he has EU) played the alpha from my NA dl and he does this with my PS+ games all the time. I may do this, but redeeming in his account this time. Hmm

Yes, I have done that a lot while traveling. They just lock out video content and let you buy/dl games anywhere (i.e. Buy NA games from NA PSN in EU/JP region and vice versa.)

Caja 117

You get 3 codes; one for yourself, 2 to give away to friends or whoever. You could give all 3 away if you wanted to.

Its Funny Because I have exactly 2 Friends with Xbox One and 2 Friends with PS4 that are interested, and I have both system. I will end up choosing PS4 because of the extra days probably, but Im getting it on xbox one for release day.


I hope Sony is good and fast with the beta access codes from digital purchases. I pre-ordered the 90 dollar digital thingy and I'd love to give away the code from Bungie to some needy person, but not if Sony are going to make us wait. At the moment I have 4 definite codes. One for 360, Xbox One, and PS4. And then whatever Sony is doing for the digital purchases. I'll probably end up playing hunter on all 3. That's how dumb I am.
41 pages already? What are you guys even talking about? Hah.

That reminds me, I made a huge info dump post last night since people were asking a ton of questions. I guess I'll repost it since it answers a lot of gameplay questions people may have about Destiny. Maybe Dax might want to add some of it to the OP? (Thanks by the way for adding the YouTube video link!)

Ok, in the past 20 minutes or so, people have been asking questions about the game and I've been doing my best to answer them. I've been looking over all my posts in this thread, and will post links to the informative ones in this one post.

Hopefully, this can help answer your questions you have about the game. If any of my info is incorrect, please let me know and I will revise my posts. And if there are any useful posts you'd like me to include here, I'd be more than glad to edit them in.

First of all, broony's super informative post on PvE:

Now, onto my own posts:

Image of Crucible (PVP) Modes in Destiny (may be incomplete)

Datto Does Destiny (In Depth Analysis on various game elements) A MUST WATCH!

On whether classes have inherent advantages with certain weapon types and if armor differs between classes

Armor: Special Stats

My experience with the 3 classes in the Alpha

Other useful info (non thread links):

Guardian Radio: Destiny Podcast

Class Skill Calculator (from the Alpha)
Warning: While you can play with each classes' skills, only the Titan's calculator will show actual increases/decreases to the Armor, Agility, and Recovery stats)

Trading Card Codes: redeem them on, what they unlock is a mystery for now

Lore: All the Guardians are dead

Destiny Achievement/Trophy List CAUTION: Here be potential spoilers

Edit- fixed DattoDoesDestiny YouTube video link


Tempted to just start reading through the thread on my flight. Speaking of which, later guys!

Oh and Warlocks > Hunters still! :|
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