Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

What is your favorite class?

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Why do people keep on thinking there will be a 4th class? I just want to know what hints were given since Bungie seems pretty keen on the number 3.

Also looking at the bladedancer subclass for the hunter and I love it. I feel like a lot of people are going to try to do a sneaky invisible build but I feel like that will be gimmicky and boring.


So yeah, after playing the beta for a handful of hours on the PS4 with the Warlock class, here are some quick impressions:

  • The game is really fun. The gameplay just feels good and satisfying. The various RPG and loot elements are well-balanced with the traditional FPS aspects of the game, which is no easy feat.

  • The art style is absolutely beautiful. I will say that I found the game to be a bit too dark in certain areas though, with crushing blacks making it difficult to see at times.

  • The few story missions available were interesting from a lore perspective, but the actual missions themselves felt a tad bit generic, with many computers needing to be hacked for "intel." However, I believe in Bungie, and am hopeful that the final game will offer plenty of variety.
Overall, I'm having a blast with it. I love exploring the open environments and colorful world, and I can't wait to see what else Bungie has in store come September 9.


Well I guess I'll just stick with the retail disk at launch. Imagining trying to download what will probably be 40+ GB at these speeds from wherever Bungie is hosting their data is frightful.

Also I wish their client would at least display the speed of the download.


Well I guess I'll just stick with the retail disk at launch. Imagining trying to download what will probably be 40+ GB at these speeds from wherever Bungie is hosting their data is frightful.

Predownload, breh

Start on the 7th and should be done by the 9th ;)


The indicators that show where you're getting shot from are absolute dog shit.

This was a frustration for me in the Alpha, along with the overall lack of map system (ie none) and mini-map being a bit basic. But then again it may be intentional because I had similar complaints about Halo. Focus more on map knowledge, which takes time to learn
im only lv 4 hunter atm(havent touched other classes since i got them to the City)

when do you get a fusion rifle, as pulse just isnt doing it for me cause of how it shoots


Played the first couple missions. The intro was great. Just as fun as it was last time.

Dinklage sounds pretty good too.
Since apparently wizards from the moon has been cut, I suggest that we now coin the phase "will it fly?" I would buy that t shirt in addition to my moon wizard shirt that still hasn't shipped yet....


Where are the sound options? Like I want to turn down certain music and sound effects when playing Coop so I can hear my friends mic.


With a nice pair of headphones, this game is a near religious experience. Very impressed with the sound design.. Only played it for 45 mins, but I'm loving it so far.
Problem being that if they use a similar structure as this beta all you'll be getting is a client from which you'll be required to download the actual game. Which given my current experience doesn't sound too appealing.

From the description on PSN, seems like you can actually preload the entire game, then actually play on the 9th at 12AM PST right away.


I've been quite vocal in the past about my thoughts on Destiny, especially from alpha impressions that caused me to really not like the game. I can safely say that this beta has really changed my views on what Destiny is, and what Bungie are doing with it.

I'm literally only just at the Tower now but the first impressions are far more polished, and the voice acting is heaps better. Gunplay feels more exciting, visuals look breathtaking and it just feels like a proper game to me. Far from the Borderlands clique that I had deemed it in alpha, and much more it's own game.


Here to hoping the completed game has some good anti-aliasing. Man the Beta is rough.

Also, major improvement from dinklage' voice acting in the alpha. Sure they just modulated the voice, but now at least it's bearable.
Sorry if this has been answered before but which is a more important stat on a weapon, the attack value or a high impact value. I'm asking because I have some weapons that are about 4 points higher in attack but the impact bar is less than half of the other weapon.

Also as an aside, is the only thing you can do with weapons and gear above level 8 just dismantle them for the beta?


If anyone's looking to do some heavy grouping for Crucibles I'd consider myself a valuable player and would love more pvp friends.

psn: koojay


The Last Array is my favorite campaign mission. I love that encounter at the end with the Hive ships.

Yup. Really left me wanting more. That's why I was so annoyed to see the moon level was locked. I was like WTF!?!?!?! Sept can't get here soon enough. This campaign is so going to hook me.

So Destiny is like a lot of Halo with some Mass Effect mixed in and a Star Wars feel.

To me it really feels like Halo with some borderlands mixed in with just a pinch of COD. It just all comes together well. I was playing with a buddy tonight and he thought the alpha was fun but somewhat boring too. With the difficulty change and the enemies actually doing some damage now, he was enjoying it. Me too. I really think that they've almost got it tuned well now. Take the walkers for example. The walkers really don't stay up that long if you focus on the legs, take out the side mounted canon and keep trash cleaned up.


I've been quite vocal in the past about my thoughts on Destiny, especially from alpha impressions that caused me to really not like the game. I can safely say that this beta has really changed my views on what Destiny is, and what Bungie are doing with it.

I'm literally only just at the Tower now but the first impressions are far more polished, and the voice acting is heaps better. Gunplay feels more exciting, visuals look breathtaking and it just feels like a proper game to me. Far from the Borderlands clique that I had deemed it in alpha, and much more it's own game.

I enjoy how your guardian progress through the campaign (getting the ship, speeder, equipments, etc). It seems Bungie also adjusted the spawn rate when you hop into an explore session. They possibly increased the spawn rate of chests since I've been finding a lot already (only 1 golden chest however :| ).


After finally getting this and playing for a few hours, here's my impressions.

-This game is addictive. Seriously, it was hard to drop the controller after such a long playthrough (as much as my hands cramp), shooting feels fantastic.

-Love how beautiful everything is. I'm here playing on the shitty PS3 and yet it still looks beautiful from an artstyle perspective. Lego shadows, barely any AA, and a bunch of other things sucks but I didn't expect much from the PS3.

-You can get so easily lost in this game, I only did one story mission and then got on my bike to explore, met up with some random dude and joined his fireteam, and went into some cave where all the enemies were above my level (went in as a level 3, with only a 2 man fireteam). It got pretty tough after a while, and I really needed to go so I felt kinda bad leaving the guy by himself. Enemies are sometimes huge bullet sponges, but I don't know if that was because I went in with such a low level, lol. It was okay when playing the story mission.

-Seriously, this game is fun. That Bungie magic is still there and still kicking.

-This was my first FPS with my PS3 (used my 360 for old games) and the DS3 is really uncomfortable for it. For some reason I didn't complain when playing TPS games like TLOU or Uncharted but now I'm hating it more than usual. I'm definitely gonna need to pick up a PS4 when this game drops.

This is the game I'm going next gen for, and it really didn't disappoint. Can't wait to play more, hopefully with a good 3 man fireteam this time around.


How many story missions are there? I just blasted through missions 2-4 with whichever gaffer fooliecooly is and a random. The missions go so fast and easy with a full fire team.
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