Destiny Beta Thread: Moon wizards make Pet Sounds with space magic in a bottle

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I'm sorry for the repost but I reall need to know.

Sorry if this has been answered before but which is a more important stat on a weapon, the attack value or a high impact value. I'm asking because I have some weapons that are about 4 points higher in attack but the impact bar is less than half of the other weapon.

Also as an aside, is the only thing you can do with weapons and gear above level 8 just dismantle them for the beta?
Being able to pull that off is just stupid luck, everyone is extremely deadly in the crucible, some snipers do 1 shot kills in the chest, everyone has different weapons so its a total crapshoot. I can't figure out how to counter vehicles they seem real OP.

So, it makes no sense at all does it?

Is it possible that the higher level you go the more abilities you will have? Like counters?
Watching my sister play this game is the funniest (as was her playing Wolfenstein). She breathes heavily when she runs out of ammo. Shrieks when enemies come close.

lol My gf gets nervous watching me play things, but breaks out into a cold. sweat. when there is any amount of tension going on and the controller is in her hand. The only thing she's been chill about so far is Doki-Doki Universe. But her playing TLoU, or Don't Starve, TowerFall, or Destiny? Fahgettaboudit. Sweat city.
I don't "not like" it, but it isn't very fun. It has moments. Just very "meh" to me.

I feel the same. After level 10 or so it could either get a lot better like a lot of games in a similar vein or it could stay the same rinse and repeat process.

Considering Destiny is coming out the same time as a ton of other games I'm still on the fence.

It would have been better if you could keep one character and switch between classes. Don't know why it isn't possible.

I did have some fun though and dig the events, only issue is I ended up doing two on my own as nobody was in the same area and it wasn't really dun then.


Man I just don't know. Lots of stuff improved but it just seems to me. Like that magic I was hoping for isn't there. They need to improve the AI which might be the thing I am noticing the most.


So, it makes no sense at all does it?

Is it possible that the higher level you go the more abilities you will have? Like counters?

I can't make heads or tails of PVP yet, it feels like halo but something is off. Its fun but I think I just need better medium range weapons.


Been downloading for 11 hours now and just hit 94 %... Thanks at&t!

Any suggestions for speeding it up? Other apps download much faster than destiny is.


The beta has definitely sold me on the game. Played an hour on the PS4 before bed and switched to Vita remote play for another 2 hours. I couldn't put it down, the Vita control scheme works just as well as a DS4. Best looking Vita game by miles!!
could someone post a ps4 screen looking out over the city with the traveler in the distance? I wanna see how that looks.

Here is a comp I made in the Alpha. Looks basically the same now. A lil less blurred.


Unconfirmed Member
hey guys, so i pre ordered the guardian edition but i can't even download the beta..someone got some information about that? PSN says it can't find the "app"
So is there a way to quit out on the download/install without bricking something or do I need to just let it download overnight. I'd rather not leave it on for that long if possible.


I'm guessing with everyone downloading that it is slow as peanut butter. At least I'll be able to dive in tomorrow night.

I'm really excited for this game altogether. My only problem is that I don't know anyone with a PS4 (I guess it is my fault for being a social hermit all these years) so the multiplayer will be not as fun probably. Doesn't matter because I still plan on buying this.


i'm such a charlie brown. Of course on the day this comes out my internet speed decides to shit the bed and now I'm on tech support with time warner instead of playing /barf


So I went warlock and am sucking in beta. During alpha I went the first one with ground strike thing and raped. Is warlock level 15 power thing a game changer or???
Sorry if this has been answered before but which is a more important stat on a weapon, the attack value or a high impact value. I'm asking because I have some weapons that are about 4 points higher in attack but the impact bar is less than half of the other weapon.

Also as an aside, is the only thing you can do with weapons and gear above level 8 just dismantle them for the beta?

In re: to the stat question... why not see for yourself and see which one "feels" right to the way you like to play? Once you've capped out the only way you'll get a weapon that's demonstratively more powerful is by picking up an uncommon/rare one either via cryptarch or just dumb luck at the vendor. I personally like weapons that have more oomph in the damage dept. since I'd rather not stick around for a prolonged battle (also because I'm usually playing alone and can't rely on a fire team to back me up).

As for your second question, yeah I guess dismantle them? From what's been said officially, nothing is carrying over from the Beta to the final release, so it's all for your own curiosity. I personally like to see what kind of craft components pop up when I break stuff down.


I see they didnt nerf the shotgun at all, one shots everywhere >_> Oh well, still having fun, liking using a sniper rifle in pvp kinda.
I like this game alot but I feel like it can get dull SUPER fast i hope it's stack with tons of story content because im not a PVP guy and i need some GOOD PVE cause right now it feels super bland.
Even assuming a massive overreaction from you, even a mobile internet hub is cheaper than $100 for 10mbps download. Be a bit more realistic even though our prices are awful.

Just upgraded mine on Shaw (west canada) last week. I pay $80 for 50/3. Was previously paying $60 for 20/0.5

I agree they are terrible, but not THAT terrible.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
I really hope the JP beta goes up tonight as promised. I'm dying to play the game...
I like this game alot but I feel like it can get dull SUPER fast i hope it's stack with tons of story content because im not a PVP guy and i need some GOOD PVE cause right now it feels super bland.

PVE fan myself as well. I really like collecting those grimoire cards as they've got gorgeous artwork as well as lore attached to it, and will have some sort of add-on effect for your character after release. A number of ways to gain cards, but a fun (at least to me) one is scouring the nooks and crannies for those powered-down ghosts. Some are pretty out of the way and it rewards exploring that beautiful place.
Being able to pull that off is just stupid luck, everyone is extremely deadly in the crucible, some snipers do 1 shot kills in the chest, everyone has different weapons so its a total crapshoot. I can't figure out how to counter vehicles they seem real OP.

It's amazing... my K/D is floating somewhere around 2.3 right now so.. I don't think it's all stupid luck. Just a feeling.
Just unlocked the Crucible so I'll try that later tonight. I spent most of my playtime doing Story missions and did some exploration. I encountered two special events (one in a story mission, the other during exploration). Both times, I did the events on my own and both times I got two-star ratings. I was close to completing the second special event (think I had one enemy left to eliminate but I ran out of sniper rifle ammo). The first event was much tougher considering my level at the time (Lvl. 3) and I did die once during that event.

All in all, I'm enjoying it. No headaches or eye strains so I guess they fixed the FOV issue from the Alpha


They completely nerfed the Sepiks Prime fight. Waves of enemies are a joke now with no captains showing up on Normal.

Not a fan. Thanks alpha whiners.


Playing on PS3 and loving it. Man this game really makes you feel powerful. As a PC gamer I must also say that the controls are so good. Takes me back to Halo CE and how good it felt. I really want to game to come to PC, but even on PS3 its a great experience.

Seems that Bungie is back on top. This game is gonna sell the new systems.


Just to be clear;

Earth, The Tower, and The Crucible are the only areas available, right? The Moon won't be accessible during the beta?
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