It is for both.Wow, so they are just doing it on the xbone? I was looking forward to it. Hopefully we (ps4) get it soon. It would be interesting without radars.
The bounty is only for bone.
It is for both.Wow, so they are just doing it on the xbone? I was looking forward to it. Hopefully we (ps4) get it soon. It would be interesting without radars.
Yeah, it's quite good, isn't it?
It is for both.
The bounty is only for bone.
I'm really considering it. FF gives it a nice twist and can make for some really funny momentsAnyone here getting HellDivers? Looks interesting plus 4 player coop
Anyone here getting HellDivers? Looks interesting plus 4 player coop
You say that now but you'll change your mind later. Everyone leaves someday. My day is coming up soon. Just 21 days left.
I really hate Crucible. Every time I play it I stupidly expect it to not be a terribly designed lag fest nightmare; it's just me wishing there was something fun to do in this game with the Gaffers after our raids are done. Well overdue to just call a spade a spade and be done with it.
Badger CCL for nightfall reward - Has luck in the chamber, hammerforged and rangefinder, worth keeping or toss? Have 3 x Fang already.
I'll pop in from time to time.Are you still gonna pop in to play everyone in a while, or just GG forever?
Will be doing it later, have a number of friends on X1 so should be able to help of you need it.
I had BuckyBarnes and Winter_Soldier in mine several times. I was scared.Man_k1LL1nB1tch is in my instance. I'm scared.
I really hate Crucible. Every time I play it I stupidly expect it to not be a terribly designed lag fest nightmare; it's just me wishing there was something fun to do in this game with the Gaffers after our raids are done. Well overdue to just call a spade a spade and be done with it.
Anybody try Inferno Control yet? Curious to hear what people think about it
It's not out yet.
I had BuckyBarnes and Winter_Soldier in mine several times. I was scared.
Bungie saved your life. You owe them your soul now.They were in the pause screen for a while and then suddenly I was removed from the instance with an "anteater" code. Coincidence? I think not.
I'm really considering it. FF gives it a nice twist and can make for some really funny moments
Definitely picking it up. Hopefully today.
Anyone here getting HellDivers? Looks interesting plus 4 player coop
Anyone willing to carry a lvl 27 hunter on the Weekly 30 or NF?
Psn: mocolos_usa
I can load it up later once more people are looking for it.Anyone willing to share the gorgon cp?
But that 2 mins dance party with music by the famous Dj Scrota!
I've seen almost nothing about it, but from the trailer I watched, it looks cool. Sort of Destiny meets Diablo 3, yeah?
Ok cool we are already friends so if possible just let me know when you are down there.Dont mind doing both. PS4 is the same as gaf.
I can load it up later once more people are looking for it.
Ok cool we are already friends so if possible just let me know when you are down there.
Sent you a friends request if you still have space...Need three more for three HM Atheon Kills. PSN KeanBurke. Join if you want in
only landing on 100 once out of 100 rolls is a .37% chance, where as landing on it on the first roll of 1 rolls is 1.00%Which is almost as likely as landing on it once out of 100 times.
0.000000000005% chanceSo what are the chances of rolling an 18 sided die and landing on any one number 10 times...say out of 40 rolls? Trying to figure out how lucky I am to pick up the MIDA multi-tool roughly 1 out of every 4 times i get an exotic.
Little late to the convo but I jumped on the LASIK train five yrs ago and it's the best money I've ever spent. Last test has me at 20/20 and 20/15. I decided to go ahead with it because I was dead set on becoming a firefighter and didn't wanna ever discover what it'd be like to lose a contact inside a burning building. Learned real quick you can't see shit inside a burning building anyway lol. Doc I went to had done the procedure for 3 ppl I knew and I even got to watch beforehand.
Any scrota runs going on atm?
Same conversation Ive been having with myself lately. I'm really trying to like it but it's just not good
If you're bored, I'll track you down later this week to do a three or four man flawless CE.
Played a match of Inferno Control and I quiet liked it. Too bad it's only the TDB maps meh. Matches are 10 mins long, capped at 15k points and heavy spawned in at the 5 min mark. So there's only one spawn in the match.
You weren't invisible by the time he was half-raised. That is normal.Does Crota seem to act normally here for yall master swordbearers? Seemed like he struck earlier than normal :/
Any Gorgon HM checkpoints going around?
Fake edit: best top post ever
Congrats Reaper! Too bad you never got to experience its full glory, but it's still a beast.
I can load up Gorgons CP now to spare Rawr the suffering, haha