Thank you sir.
My pleasure
Thank you sir.
I have hard GK if you want it. It's doable solo.
Got a solar scholar on mercury and a dry rot from strikes..only took 4 strikes, happy about thatBoth levelled now...going to see what the fuss is all about.
On dry rot I rolled full auto, reinforced barrel, luck in the chamber.
p.s. happy IB glitch eve
Remind me how to glitch this please.
Anyone up for some no expectations trials?
Can someone link me nghtlys highlight reel video real quick? Can't find it anywhere.
Got a solar scholar on mercury and a dry rot from strikes..only took 4 strikes, happy about thatBoth levelled now...going to see what the fuss is all about.
On dry rot I rolled full auto, reinforced barrel, luck in the chamber.
p.s. happy IB glitch eve
Are we sure Iron Banter is tomorrow?
Are we sure Iron Banter is tomorrow?
Are you still trying? I'm only lvl 33 but I want the fatebringer :/. Only done it once too so I don't really have any experience with VoG, if you don't mind walking me through as well...
What a nonchalant run to mercury with Rene and the dirty ape.
It was fun! The rage quit at the final boss was too perfect.
Thanks for the HawkmoonIf anyone wants hard Gorgons before reset join on me. I'll host the checkpoint for a bit. Psn is Slammin_hammon.
Nightly video please. Please? I'm too drunk to find it.
Yeah, I can't believe PuMa only charged us $99 to carry us to Mercury.
Everyone hit up PuMa for Mercury carries, can't beat that low low price!
We need one more for this R5 32 POE. Not getting enough DPS on Gulrot.
PSN: GibbShift
Here you go Narmer err SgtSlaughter err G..whatever. This is required watching for everyone. Nghtly's power level is over 9000!!!
Nghtly // 001:
Edit: bonus Nghtly's montage that includes ZL_Chris's who's equally beastly. Plus I dig the Ill Bill instrumental Chriss uses.
13 Devils // Trials of Osiris:
How does Nghtly switch his weapons so quickly? Is it from a perk on his Her Benevolence?
How does Nghtly switch his weapons so quickly? Is it from a perk on his Her Benevolence?
Quickdraw on bladedancer. It's an awesome class perk.
Combo of Snapshot on his HB rifle and Bladedancer's QuickDraw perk. I myself have gotten so used to the QD perk it gets annoying to play with other classes Lol.
Hmm, I use quickdraw on my bladedancer too, but the swapping seems much more apparently in his video. I think I don't pay enough attention when I'm in game.
Puma!!!! I've had I tiny bitto drink but I need to finish off this card I'm sitting on. Who wants to run some trials in a bit???ok maybe a lot
Fake Edit: I don't care how this card end just feel like playing trials. I'll be home in 20?
The Bladedancer's QuickDraw perk stacks with Snapshot on the HB rifle.
Awesome! Apparently I have a perfect roll HB:
Ambush scope, hidden hand, quickdraw, unflinching. Need to practice a little, I've been using shotguns exclusively.
Carlos and Slammin, thanks for the run. Took out tubbo in no time.
Idk if double quickdraws stack. So Snapshot might be a better roll for Bladedancer. But the QD will help any class wielding the rifle so umm yeah. I have one with QD but want another to roll for Snapshot.
Looking for one more to run another 34. Last run took like 20 minutes haha. Anyone want in?
I'll join. Mic will be off though but I can hear you guys. Give me a minute to log on.Looking for one more to run another 34. Last run took like 20 minutes haha. Anyone want in?
According to the reddit sniper re-roll guide it apparently does. I have 3 HBs but I think I'll try it out before I decide to burn through my motes re-rolling.
I'll join. Mic will be off though but I can hear you guys. Give me a minute to log on.
How much are IB guns under the new pricing? Want to keep enough glimmer in case it's Felwinter's or Radagast's.
Idk if double quickdraws stack. So Snapshot might be a better roll for Bladedancer. But the QD will help any class wielding the rifle so umm yeah. I have one with QD but want another to roll for Snapshot.