We can wait.
I'm getting on right now
We can wait.
Was watching the SGDQ and someone said kill them dead. Wonder where they got that from.
Well that sucked. Went into trials and our group win our first match. I Did a victory dance since it was the best we've ever done as a team and got crushed the next 5 rounds in a row with the entire rival team tea bagging me because of my dance![]()
That was too close. If my mid range and close range was anywhere near my long range I could carry people.
Strong candidate for MOTY, IMO.Triplewreck's montage was the best one I've seen so far. Highlighted everything I like about Destiny's pvp. And some of the effects it had were pretty cool.
Are you me? This is exactly what I've gotta so far.
38 void points to go... hold me.
38 void points to go... hold me.
Well, first person through Skolas School. Cruised through to Skolas and hit a brick wall for a few rounds, had some unlucky draws with mines appearing super fast but it finally cooperated. No hunters didn't help for the mine section. Thanks HidingMyThunder for joining in. Next run will likely be one more Thursday night and then most of the weekend we'll bang this out.
Skolas School:
1. SheHateMe
2. Boombloxer
3. Sengar
4. Inco (sunsinger warlock)
6. Nightzoor
7. Reluctant-hero
8. matmanx1
9. DeviantBoi
10. Dark1421
Landed a Solar Aegis of the Kell II, just need that elemental Wolfslayer's Claw now. Elder Cipher for Sengar.
Things I want to do:
Level 26 Heroic Weekly
Crota Normal
VoG Hard
Anyone? Haha
I'm down for ps4 trials.
Alright who wants to join us? Need 1 more
Let's do it!
Well, first person through Skolas School. Cruised through to Skolas and hit a brick wall for a few rounds, had some unlucky draws with mines appearing super fast but it finally cooperated. No hunters didn't help for the mine section. Thanks HidingMyThunder for joining in. Next run will likely be one more Thursday night and then most of the weekend we'll bang this out.
Landed a Solar Aegis of the Kell II, just need that elemental Wolfslayer's Claw now. Elder Cipher for Sengar.
You got this!
Just want to say thanks to lt519 and HidingMyThunder for the Skolas run. It's really nice of you guys to be doing this for people. Overall I thought the Skolas encounter was a lot of fun - the lightswitch mod adds a nice element of tension to the fights, and I'm glad to have been able to complete it before the reset.
The only downside: Now I have to actually go out and finish those golden chests.
Thanks so much to ReignofSparrows, lastsonkrypt9n, PrivateWHudson & ms1582 for carrying me and Bolter11 me through our first run on VoG Normal and Reign & ms for carrying me through Crota Normal. Got the boots/gloves/Hunter of Crota from Crota and I did get the Vision of Confluence from VoG so I'm pretty happy about that. Everyone was super nice, and now that I've finally done them it's not nearly so intimidating. Now I've got to to them again on Normal on my other 2 characters to unlock Hard, then I'll need to run them every week for a while on all my characters since I have no gear >_>. Thanks again! Gonna be dead at work tomorrow but totally worth it lol.
Just want to say thanks to lt519 and HidingMyThunder for the Skolas run. It's really nice of you guys to be doing this for people. Overall I thought the Skolas encounter was a lot of fun - the lightswitch mod adds a nice element of tension to the fights, and I'm glad to have been able to complete it before the reset.
The only downside: Now I have to actually go out and finish those golden chests.
Fucking finally! This is the REAL moment of triumph for me, obtain 500 void kill points!
Thanks so much to ReignofSparrows, lastsonkrypt9n, PrivateWHudson & ms1582 for carrying me and Bolter11 me through our first run on VoG Normal and Reign & ms for carrying me through Crota Normal. Got the boots/gloves/Hunter of Crota from Crota and I did get the Vision of Confluence from VoG so I'm pretty happy about that. Everyone was super nice, and now that I've finally done them it's not nearly so intimidating. Now I've got to to them again on Normal on my other 2 characters to unlock Hard, then I'll need to run them every week for a while on all my characters since I have no gear >_>. Thanks again! Gonna be dead at work tomorrow but totally worth it lol.
Well, first person through Skolas School. Cruised through to Skolas and hit a brick wall for a few rounds, had some unlucky draws with mines appearing super fast but it finally cooperated. No hunters didn't help for the mine section. Thanks HidingMyThunder for joining in. Next run will likely be one more Thursday night and then most of the weekend we'll bang this out.
Skolas School:
1. SheHateMe
2. Boombloxer
3. Sengar
4. Inco (sunsinger warlock)
6. Nightzoor
7. Reluctant-hero
8. matmanx1
9. DeviantBoi
10. Dark1421
Landed a Solar Aegis of the Kell II, just need that elemental Wolfslayer's Claw now. Elder Cipher for Sengar.
Got Val and Slender to Mercury. I just need one more to get to Mercury.
Uploading the video now, the panic that hits our voices when a melee captain charges up the ramp when we have Skolas at 10% is priceless. You did awesome, by no means is this a carrying thing like ToO, we're just showing people the ropes and helping put in the time to get it done. If you want to pay it forward this weekend and help with some more runs it'd be good karma! This weekend will be monumentally easier without lightswitch as well.
Congrats to each and everyone one of you for accomplishing all of these firsts! Love seeing all of these posts right in a row.
This community is awesome.
Reddit thread on "leaked" info for taken king and the next big destiny release, unconfirmed. Spoilers if true etc...
Bungie apparently stated that they are not going to continue with DLC's, but instead release free raids, planets, etc. as DLC's.
Reddit thread on "leaked" info for taken king and the next big destiny release, unconfirmed. Spoilers if true etc...
Reddit thread on "leaked" info for taken king and the next big destiny release, unconfirmed. Spoilers if true etc...
thanks for the ToO run, Blod & Ich! 7 wins - got my hunter boots!
How about this hopscotch?
Red dot ORS1
third eye
Single point sling
Secret round
That combo seems appealing, I can't decide if I should keep rolling, wasted so many notes and parts already
Reddit thread on "leaked" info for taken king and the next big destiny release, unconfirmed. Spoilers if true etc...
How about this hopscotch?
Red dot ORS1
third eye
Single point sling
Secret round
That combo seems appealing, I can't decide if I should keep rolling, wasted so many notes and parts already
Always - red dot, reload perk, braced, hidden hand. Replace the reload for third eye if thats your play style
Though rerolling for the perceived perfect perks just plays into confirmation bias, I doubt they really make "that" much difference, not that I'm willing to test it out as I must have the perfect rolls