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Destiny |OT26| Like a Hat


Yea but the argument was about your statement that all offensive supers are more or less equal when the hunter super is clearly in its own tier. Defender is the better choice for control though due to suppression grenade and weapons of light (whole magazine of final round)

Maybe I phrased it incorrectly but I wasn't arguing with you. I was agreeing with you.

And Suppression grenade? I've not used it much. How big is the suppression radius and how long does it last?


When I first read about the super mode on here I thought then poster was trolling, until I saw the gameplay footage on Dattos channel and I facepalmed. That mode is going to be the biggest ckusterfuck imaginable, and not in a good way. Bungie probably think that everyone getting their supers up every 30 seconds is going to be a fun in a chaotic manner, but just wait until you have coordinated groups of 6 bladedancers getting in there, the whole thing will go to shit really quickly.
I don't think they get it. Halo 3 wasn't really fun until it was fun, but then it was fun. Destiny is more of the, sure it's pretty fun, until it really fucking isn't.

I played a party of bladedancers in IB last night. It was excruciating. They were feeding off each others orbs, running in a big bladedancey pack, just loose enough to avoid eating all of my novabombness. That super duper mode is going to be terrible. Destiny will be more of a complicated arcade fighting game than a shooter lol


How many gaffers here are on Xbox? Thinking of picking a copy up for the bone, but not sure... Don't know if I could handle the grind all over again
How many gaffers here are on Xbox? Thinking of picking a copy up for the bone, but not sure... Don't know if I could handle the grind all over again

There's a sign up list in the OP for all XBox players, be sure to check it out. Lots of folks have recently been starting new characters on X1.

Mistakes are being made. (Edit: this is an inside-ish joke for Jigga Man, not a console wars lol. We love our Boners).
Hello GAF I'd like to try the bubble strat in this weekend. See if it's all its cracked up to be. So if you like PvP and you have a Titan just respond and I'll make a list. We only need 3 Titans really. I guess the other 2 classes can be whatever.

^Golden Guns work really really well as the offensive orb generating complement to Bubble Village. Use Golden Gun as your primary if things go well.
Hello GAF I'd like to try the bubble strat in this weekend. See if it's all its cracked up to be. So if you like PvP and you have a Titan just respond and I'll make a list. We only need 3 Titans really. I guess the other 2 classes can be whatever.

We ran into a team doing this in IB, it did not end well for them, in the end we were the ones chaining the super (all gunslingers). If you really want to cheese: get a Titan with Weapons of Light and rock snipers. Every bullet will be as a Final Round ;)
Yeah, all new players and existing players migrating to a different console, make sure you add ji66a_man on psn and ji66a man on xbone.

He provides gorgon checkpoints 24/7; nightfall and trials carries; and raid parties on both consoles and loves friend requests from random players.

He's waiting...


So what's the consensus on WoL vs AoL for Control, then? Is WoL generally preferred for the extra damage over the shielding of AoL? I've gone both ways but I like the survivability of AoL for capturing control points and defending chokepoints or heavy weapon spawns.


We ran into a team doing this in IB, it did not end well for them, in the end we were the ones chaining the super (all gunslingers). If you really want to cheese: get a Titan with Weapons of Light and rock snipers. Every bullet will be as a Final Round ;)
Yeah it was hilarious facing that team. It back fired for them but if you faced a team of ransoms you could make it work.


10 seconds left. We're winning by 75 points. One guy on our team is still alive. Instead of fucking running out of there, he rushes towards the enemy team. Instead of fucking reviving one of us that we're right next to him, he fucking rushes the enemy team. He had more than enough time to run the fuck out but he fucking rushed the enemy team.


I needed 3 kills/assists for the Iron Wrath bounty so I queue for Iron Banner and I'm dumped into an existing game and sent to my demise by a Bladedancer.



A nice example of some lag shenanigans, I still don't know how he got revived.


I'm shooting in the opposite direction to where you could see the guy, at the very end I fire a shot because he was still running across the back of the map for me as the round ended...this week my shooting has been pretty bad, but not that bad!

Blaze doesn't miss. He just finished off whatever you hit first

Most of those kills in that round were stolen from me, truth.
Bubble village? Lol what is this this strat? Endless bubbles through the whole match? Does it actually work?

Bubble Village is a feast-or-famine strat. Against bad teams its invincibility is matched only by its hilarity. Against good teams it can back fire spectacularly.

Use ~4 Defender Titans and spec Gift of the Void to generate orbs when the bubbles take damage. Wear Crest of Alpha Lupi for extra orbs. Dumb teams will keep shooting the bubbles and spawning limitless orbs. Pop a bubble and your super will be immediately ready again. You can walk around the map chaining bubble to bubble.

The real magic happens when the lucky ~2 team members with offensive supers gobble all these orbs and use their super constantly. The strat works absurdly well as long as enemies keep shooting bubbles and teammates are diligent about gobbling all the orbs. Now I want to go through my old videos to find Bubble Village Iron Banners. Been a long time since I've done one.
We ran into a team doing this in IB, it did not end well for them, in the end we were the ones chaining the super (all gunslingers). If you really want to cheese: get a Titan with Weapons of Light and rock snipers. Every bullet will be as a Final Round ;)

Oh I know coming from my new Strike Titan just run in and let loose. It's not the most sound strat but even if it fails who cares I just want to PvP with gaffers anyway.


Bubble Village is a feast-or-famine strat. Against bad teams its invincibility is matched only by its hilarity. Against good teams it can back fire spectacularly.

Use ~4 Defender Titans and spec Gift of the Void to generate orbs when the bubbles take damage. Wear Crest of Alpha Lupi for extra orbs. Dumb teams will keep shooting the bubbles and spawning limitless orbs. Pop a bubble and your super will be immediately ready again. You can walk around the map chaining bubble to bubble.

The real magic happens when the lucky ~2 team members with offensive supers gobble all these orbs and use their super constantly. The strat works absurdly well as long as enemies keep shooting bubbles and teammates are diligent about gobbling all the orbs. Now I want to go through my old videos to find Bubble Village Iron Banners. Been a long time since I've done one.

I need this in my life.


The Wicked-Rubenov train was awesome! I didn't screw up too bad, and we made it to Mercury :)

Got the summoner and infinite theorem from it.

Also saw the vex remains on Mercury :p
Bubble Village is a feast-or-famine strat. Against bad teams its invincibility is matched only by its hilarity. Against good teams it can back fire spectacularly.

Use ~4 Defender Titans and spec Gift of the Void to generate orbs when the bubbles take damage. Wear Crest of Alpha Lupi for extra orbs. Dumb teams will keep shooting the bubbles and spawning limitless orbs. Pop a bubble and your super will be immediately ready again. You can walk around the map chaining bubble to bubble.

The real magic happens when the lucky ~2 team members with offensive supers gobble all these orbs and use their super constantly. The strat works absurdly well as long as enemies keep shooting bubbles and teammates are diligent about gobbling all the orbs. Now I want to go through my old videos to find Bubble Village Iron Banners. Been a long time since I've done one.

Oh.... oh my god.

This sounds...... glorious


Congrats to the two new Skolas graduates Inco and DeviantBoi! Team no wipe! 59 minutes, that's the faster I've ever done! You guys were awesome and congrats on your completed Year One Triumph! Sorry Voa and DNAbro, I think that was actually faster than our no wipe run (;

Reluctant-hero (courtesy of drizz and el_bomb)
Unknown_Hero (courtesy of Soss and Reign)

Next class at 2PM or sooner after I give my eyes a rest.

Thank you!

That was an amazing run!


Still haven't found a team for Trials, but I did see Antman—the MCU needed a change of pace movie like that.

Any Mercury hopeful teams need a third?


Great. Got to Hunters rank 2 for PvP and my grimoire score hasn't updated. It should be 3630 but it still is 3625. Bungie's site shows I unlocked rank 2.
Heya ruthless! Hope all is well, new OT looks like later today :D

Hey noomi! All good mate, had an incredible 4 days in Prague. I'm coming back here the first chance I get, I'm in love with the city..

Also people in Czech can be a little ignorant. At least 4 times I was asked if I was Mexican. 3 of them by girls. I don't think they know that Asia exists... :p
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