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Destiny |OT26| Like a Hat

Yeah its super depressing, would have been his first Lighthouse as well, which made it even worse.

Always happy to help, but Trials can do my head in when stuff like that happens.

You doing any trials tonight tears? I have a mate who has never been to Mercury and is desperate for a hand getting there.
Yeah its super depressing, would have been his first Lighthouse as well, which made it even worse.

Always happy to help, but Trials can do my head in when stuff like that happens.

Too true, but if Trials didn't "do my head in" when I lose, it wouldn't be so sweet every time I win (and still an impossibly good thrill every time I see that Mercury cutscene).

Void anything is all I want! I've had a solar messenger so far and that's it.

I have a Void Scholar, and it's easily the best Void Primary in the game. Sharded my Word of Crota as soon as I put the Scholar through the paces. Perfect Balance+Outlaw make it a killing machine, especially with it's high impact for a scout rifle.

I want to love my Void Messenger, but I'm not good enough with it to activate that emotion.


There are so many things we should have in pvp. Instead we have what we have. Where are the custom games? Where are no super playlists? Where are the no thorn playlists?

Lack of custom mode is the most puzzling decision ever. Makes no sense especially coming from Bungie.
Lack of custom mode is the most puzzling decision ever. Makes no sense especially coming from Bungie.

Only reason I can see no custom games is the way it will split the player base. Less people will go into the standard playlists. But even still the player base is big enough to handle that.


I'm still amazed that to this day, ppl are still killing me from ridiculous distances with a shotgun yet when I use it, they still live.

This fucking game.


Only reason I can see no custom games is the way it will split the player base. Less people will go into the standard playlists. But even still the player base is big enough to handle that.

Other games do fine, including Halo. Their decision when it comes to game modes often makes no sense and the reason that it will split the user base is not really an answer. If that was a legit reason then no game would have more than one or two modes...lol

Look at Elimination mode for example, the entire reason why anyone would want that mode is so as to play Elimination when trials is not on...it makes no sense to make an alternative to a limited event limited in itself.


Just realized I got a Vision of Confluence from the VoG raid last night. First time having that drop, is it worth keeping or has it been made obsolete with the newer weapons?


Reading the salty tears stories. Its so hilarious!

I'm a veteran and I won't stand for this!

Lol ok breh. Its OK for you to cheat since your a vet.
Noob question to get on topic a bit: how hard is it to actually get to Mercury? I haven't even touched Trials, didn't have anyone to play with before and I only loosely know how it works.:

The answer here depends on a lot of factors. Most importantly:

-Team skill, experience, communication: For a team with 3 Trials virgins like you, Mercury would be basically impossible unless you're extremely skilled. For a team of 2 very experienced players and yourself, Mercury is very reasonable. These "carry trains" depart the station frequently and generally prioritize Mercury first timers.

-Lucky match making: Most Trials teams average ~50% win rate and ~1.0+ K/D. Some a little better, some a little worse. If you match against scrubs 7 times in a row, Mercury can be a breeze. If you match against Triple Wreck 7x it ain't gonna happen.

How many people have every exotic weapon leveled up already?

Currently doing Hard Light. Next weapon will probably be Monte Carlo.

Yeah every exotic weapon and armor (excluding Bones) has been maxed for a while now. On one hand it's a "waste" of resources for a huge amount of gear I never use. On the other hand it's a video game and I enjoy having the collection, haha.


Just realized I got a Vision of Confluence from the VoG raid last night. First time having that drop, is it worth keeping or has it been made obsolete with the newer weapons?

It sucks
all the awesomeness from every other PVE primary and forms the greatness known as Vision of Confluence.


Just realized I got a Vision of Confluence from the VoG raid last night. First time having that drop, is it worth keeping or has it been made obsolete with the newer weapons?

Just shard it, totally worthless now...
FWIW, I have 3 ascended, it was the first weapon I spent an e-light on. Keep it, level and ascend it, and love it. Awesome gun :)


Nope....The two hunter supers are the best PvP supers in the game by a mile ! only nova bomb is something that comes even remotely close....with Golden gun being the best because of the safety, easy and high average kill count. With Bladedance you can rack up a lot of kills but there is a higher risk and quite a lot of time you only end up with one kill or so because you can't find anyone or it runs out or that you get taken down.

Both Nova bomb and fist of panic are more used as a defense super which ends up in the user only getting one kill or two most of the time....this does not happen with Hunter supers both of which cannot be used in panic and as such cannot be used defensively. Also on a side note radiance is an offensive super too as long as you don't use fireborn (which has no reason to be used outside of trials)

I actually switched to Defender on my Titan last night and my average number of kills per game didn't go down at all. Having the bubble + sticky grenade + Blessing of Light means that I could usually get a kill or two while the bubble was up versus anyone who was foolish enough to get close. I am soooo looking forward to the third sub-class for Titan's so that they will finally have an offensive, movement based super. Hopefully Bungie makes it as good as Bladedancer or there will be much salt.
Other games do fine, including Halo. Their decision when it comes to game modes often makes no sense and the reason that it will split the user base is not really an answer. If that was a legit reason then no game would have more than one or two modes...lol

Look at Elimination mode for example, the entire reason why anyone would want that mode is so as to play Elimination when trials is not on...it makes no sense to make an alternative to a limited event limited in itself.

I completely agree. I was just playing devils advocate. But I remember many of Titan falls playlists being empty very quickly. No one wants to spend ages matchmaking. Even if they rotated custom games in for 1 week a month it'd be better than what we have now


Anyone else super excited for the Necrochasm buff? I just have this feeling it's going to be a great weapon.
I've been running strikes with it daily in anticipation, lmao. Did omnigul last night and got 190 kills with it. My teammates got 36 and 88. It's so OP~ All kidding aside it will be so fun to use my auto rifles again.


Got my nechro like 2 days before they announced the buff: I'm super excited! ^^

Got my Crux on Monday, just need them to fix the Husk drop so I can get it ^_^

Gonna get double and triple kills in PVP with the explosion perk. I can feel it.
I'm highly variable. Sometimes I can have awesome games ranging from 3-5 k/d, and others .68. I'm on now and will probably play for another hour or so. It be awesome if I could get some help :)

Sounds good, I'm sure we can find some people to get it done. Not sure if you have to get offline soon but I'll ask around and see who's available. I could do some more matches myself a bit later today or tonight or tomorrow depending on everyone's schedule.

Yeah its super depressing, would have been his first Lighthouse as well, which made it even worse.

Always happy to help, but Trials can do my head in when stuff like that happens.

Trials is really tough like that. So fun but so stressful. And it's always hard to play with new people if you're trying to help them. There's such a high skill ceiling that can really leave inexperienced players behind. Much stricter skill requirement than any PvE activity.

Blaze, DirtyAquaticApe and me just lost our final boss twice with 5-4 flag captures, it's disheartening :(

Reading this was physically painful to me, seriously. Gave me PTSD flashbacks to when I tried to help Kadey back on Thieves Den and we lost two final bosses, one to crazy laggers and one to a 5-4 flag capture. Maximum BibleThump.

The Ocho

Neo Member
I would absolutely love to either kill Skolas or get to the lighthouse. My regular group is hesitant to take me on a 35 PoE cause I don't have a horn, and I just cannot seem to put together wins in trials. I tend to top out at 3 or 4.


Sounds good, I'm sure we can find some people to get it done. Not sure if you have to get offline soon but I'll ask around and see who's available. I could do some more matches myself a bit later today or tonight or tomorrow depending on everyone's schedule.

Trials is really tough like that. So fun but so stressful. And it's always hard to play with new people if you're trying to help them. There's such a high skill ceiling that can really leave inexperienced players behind. Much stricter skill requirement than any PvE activity.

Reading this was physically painful to me, seriously. Gave me PTSD flashbacks to when I tried to help Kadey back on Thieves Den and we lost two final bosses, one to crazy laggers and one to a 5-4 flag capture. Maximum BibleThump.

I can hang around a bit if we can get a group
Needs shot package and rifled barrel.

Do you have aggressive ballistics? And shot package is a very important perk for super competitive shotguns.

So what do you recommend as a really good roll?


I actually switched to Defender on my Titan last night and my average number of kills per game didn't go down at all. Having the bubble + sticky grenade + Blessing of Light means that I could usually get a kill or two while the bubble was up versus anyone who was foolish enough to get close. I am soooo looking forward to the third sub-class for Titan's so that they will finally have an offensive, movement based super. Hopefully Bungie makes it as good as Bladedancer or there will be much salt.

That's because fist of panic is a shit super outside of panics and certain situations where enemies are unaware of you and in a bunch...so you weren't getting that many kills with your super anyway.


Don't you dare dismantle that beauty.

It sucks
all the awesomeness from every other PVE primary and forms the greatness known as Vision of Confluence.

Just shard it, totally worthless now...
FWIW, I have 3 ascended, it was the first weapon I spent an e-light on. Keep it, level and ascend it, and love it. Awesome gun :)
Sounds like a keeper then! Bungie please increase vault space :(


Feel like another trials run after the incredibly unfortunate Mercury denial with Tears earlier, need me some swag for my titan now...

Anyone wanna get a run going? psn is Langoit

E92 M3

I can hang around a bit if we can get a group

So what do you recommend as a really good roll?

Aggressive Ballistics, Shot Package, Rifled Barrel and Knee pads for best possible setup. Though, you really need SP and AB at the least.

Our OT titles should just be pleas to Bungie at this point.

OT27 pls don't ruin TLW in pvp

Bungie doesn't care about our feelings, Todd. They love to see us suffer and endure the agony of the unknown.


Aggressive Ballistics, Shot Package, Rifled Barrel and Knee pads for best possible setup. Though, you really need SP and AB at the least.

Bungie doesn't care about our feelings, Todd. They love to see us suffer and endure the agony of the unknown.

Oh I got one! Welcome to the bungle

Like welcome to the jungle song.
I can hang around a bit if we can get a group

I got a spot for you on the Wicked-Rubenov train. One of the nicest, most reliable and most luxurious of DGAF transportation services.

What's your PSN? Are you ready to roll now? Be sure to get a fresh Passage at the Reef and buy all 3 boons.


I got a spot for you on the Wicked-Rubenov train. One of the nicest, most reliable and most luxurious of DGAF transportation services.

What's your PSN? Are you ready to roll now? Be sure to get a fresh Passage at the Reef and buy all 3 boons.
Are you doing a 24 hour stream?


I completely agree. I was just playing devils advocate. But I remember many of Titan falls playlists being empty very quickly. No one wants to spend ages matchmaking. Even if they rotated custom games in for 1 week a month it'd be better than what we have now

The difference is though that Titanfall didn't have as big of a playerbase as Destiny, not even close.


I got a spot for you on the Wicked-Rubenov train. One of the nicest, most reliable and most luxurious of DGAF transportation services.

What's your PSN? Are you ready to roll now? Be sure to get a fresh Passage at the Reef and buy all 3 boons.



Thanks so much!

Aggressive Ballistics, Shot Package, Rifled Barrel and Knee pads for best possible setup. Though, you really need SP and AB at the least.

Bungie doesn't care about our feelings, Todd. They love to see us suffer and endure the agony of the unknown.

Awesome. I'll vault it for now until I have more weapon parts :)
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