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Destiny |OT26| Like a Hat

The difference is though that Titanfall didn't have as big of a playerbase as Destiny, not even close.

I don't know. I would have thought the xbone destiny numbers and Titan fall numbers could be compared. Titan fall at launch had some empty playlists. Destiny now probably has the same if not less people playing and is able to fill matches. Probably due to fewer playlists and some modes like salvage only appearing every now and then.

Sometimes too much choice can be a bad thing. But like I say i agree with you and custom matches should be there. I'd love to have a good match containing only Clan mates. Or remove supers. Or remove exotics.


Going to have lunch and I'll be back for some more trials.

Just want enough for Hunter armor.

After that I'm finally starting far cry 4 and giving it all my focus. If I don't beat unless 3 full games before TTK I will have failed.


Instead bungie will give us the complete opposite in TTK, a mode full of supers because fuck everyone.

When I first read about the super mode on here I thought then poster was trolling, until I saw the gameplay footage on Dattos channel and I facepalmed. That mode is going to be the biggest ckusterfuck imaginable, and not in a good way. Bungie probably think that everyone getting their supers up every 30 seconds is going to be a fun in a chaotic manner, but just wait until you have coordinated groups of 6 bladedancers getting in there, the whole thing will go to shit really quickly.


When I first read about the super mode on here I thought then poster was trolling, until I saw the gameplay footage on Dattos channel and I facepalmed. That mode is going to be the biggest ckusterfuck imaginable, and not in a good way. Bungie probably think that everyone getting their supers up every 30 seconds is going to be a fun in a chaotic manner, but just wait until you have coordinated groups of 6 bladedancers getting in there, the whole thing will go to shit really quickly.

Then you throw flame hammers at them. Or bind them with the bow. or lighting blast them.


Man I'm getting unlucky with these public event spawns. The public events website says some of these have an 80% chance of spawning but I'm 3 for 3 in them not spawning.
Man I'm getting unlucky with these public event spawns. The public events website says some of these have an 80% chance of spawning but I'm 3 for 3 in them not spawning.

Are you hanging around 5 mins before timer until 5 mins after its meant to be there? There usually needs to be at least 1 person in the area beforehand to trigger the timer.


Congrats to the two new Skolas graduates Inco and DeviantBoi! Team no wipe! 59 minutes, that's the faster I've ever done! You guys were awesome and congrats on your completed Year One Triumph! Sorry Voa and DNAbro, I think that was actually faster than our no wipe run (;

Reluctant-hero (courtesy of drizz and el_bomb)
Unknown_Hero (courtesy of Soss and Reign)

Next class at 2PM or sooner after I give my eyes a rest.
This game has given me a lot of highs, like beating Atheon and Crota for the first time but, nothing can beat the feeling of going 5-0 with 3 average to good fellow Gaffers with the last two matches being 2-4 comebacks

For those 45mins me, maomao and bigmanny were all unstable and i salute you


Congrats to the two new Skolas graduates Inco and DeviantBoi! Team no wipe! 59 minutes, that's the faster I've ever done! You guys were awesome and congrats on your completed Year One Triumph! Sorry Voa and DNAbro, I think that was actually faster than our no wipe run (;

Reluctant-hero (courtesy of drizz and el_bomb)
Unknown_Hero (courtesy of Soss and Reign)

Next class at 2PM or sooner after I give my eyes a rest.

Yeah good fun, pro players and a pro leader probably did the trick ;D Couple of moments where shit hit the fan but we came out of it alive and kickin'!


Yeah but I hope they don't kill TLW. It's still the coolest PVP weapon in the game imo.

I agree. I'm totally fine with them nerfing the range via increased damage fall-off. At my preferred engagement range it won't effect me at all. I just hope they don't make the stability so bad that it is unusable.

That's because fist of panic is a shit super outside of panics and certain situations where enemies are unaware of you and in a bunch...so you weren't getting that many kills with your super anyway.

Exactly. The number one reason to use Striker in PVP is Lightning grenade, not Fist of Havoc. And as I am discovering Defender might actually be the better choice for Control.


Yeah good fun, pro players and a pro leader probably did the trick ;D Couple of moments where shit hit the fan but we came out of it alive and kickin'!

I haven't had a Skolas run where shit hasn't hit the fan! There's always that moment when adds spawn, Skolas teleports on top of you, mines start and the guy that is supposed to take the essence dies. Everyone here is awesome at handling those tight situations though, DGAF is pro.


I agree. I'm totally fine with them nerfing the range via increased damage fall-off. At my preferred engagement range it won't effect me at all. I just hope they don't make the stability so bad that it is unusable.

Exactly. The number one reason to use Striker in PVP is Lightning grenade, not Fist of Havoc. And as I am discovering Defender might actually be the better choice for Control.

Yea but the argument was about your statement that all offensive supers are more or less equal when the hunter super is clearly in its own tier. Defender is the better choice for control though due to suppression grenade and weapons of light (whole magazine of final round)


Well I haven't heard back from Jigga Man yet to confirm his participation so who knows, maybe they'll be two spots anyway. Always good to have alternates for this kinda thing.
Alright i'll be on anyway, shoot me an invite if you're a player short.
Tried using Nothing Manacles again.

Still haven't gotten a kill with the Scatter grenades. lol

Use a different exotic and stick to Axion Bolts I'd say!
Nothing better than throwing out a preventive Axion, rush up after it and watch the panick in your opponent's eyes.


I got a Payment VI from a Queen's care package with Outlaw and Headseeker, is this thing any good? I don't really use Pulse Rifles outside of PvP (since I don't have a Thorn etc), I currently have an AllFate with Braced Frame/Reactive Reload/Third Eye.


I haven't had a Skolas run where shit hasn't hit the fan! There's always that moment when adds spawn, Skolas teleports on top of you, mines start and the guy that is supposed to take the essence dies. Everyone here is awesome at handling those tight situations though, DGAF is pro.

Yeah, there is a ton of stuff going on so that poor fan is getting shit thrown at it on a regular basis :D

But yeah, playing with fellow Gaffers is pure joy, this community wins at life (and games)!
Things are bad. We're in a new post cheaters world.

Hmm, I read about that in the weekly update earlier. Good that they have taken action but a little too late in my opinion.

Any one from DGAF got warned or banned (by mistake ofc)? :p

4 hour bus ride to Berlin from Prague and 45 pages of DGAF catchup...this should be fun.


Hmm, I read about that in the weekly update earlier. Good that they have taken action but a little too late in my opinion.

Any one from DGAF got warned or banned (by mistake ofc)? :p

4 hour bus ride to Berlin from Prague and 45 pages of DGAF catchup...this should be fun.

Cosmo was revealed to be a dirty lagswitcher. Or something I don't know.
Congrats to the two new Skolas graduates Inco and DeviantBoi! Team no wipe! 59 minutes, that's the faster I've ever done! You guys were awesome and congrats on your completed Year One Triumph! Sorry Voa and DNAbro, I think that was actually faster than our no wipe run (;

Reluctant-hero (courtesy of drizz and el_bomb)
Unknown_Hero (courtesy of Soss and Reign)

Next class at 2PM or sooner after I give my eyes a rest.

Might be able to join

I have a few hours to kill Whats everyone up to?
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