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Destiny |OT27| Nerf Herders

Your lack of faith breaks my heart
Voidwalker for life. I find it so much more enjoyable than SS. I'll begrudgingly use SS if I'm learning something new or soloing a nightfall I'm not super familiar with. Basically insurance against my fails. I recognize its utility, but I kinda hate it...
I don't hate the subclass, but I do resent that I'm expected to play a certain way when I'm a Sunsinger. The folks I play with most know that I'll use my super when I feel like it, just like all the other classes use theirs. I generate orbs for them just like they generate them for me. Reciprocity.
I'm not saying that I've gamed with a celebrity...but I'm pretty sure that Zyzomys and I just finished PoE 34 and 32 (32 is a real bitch this week by the way) with the one and only Peter "Dinkelbot" Dinklage. Zyzomys warned me that the ban hammer could fall for making such a preposterous claim, but I want y'all to make the call once you see the evidence:

  • I can't reveal his gaf name or his PSN account name, but let's make this clear, there is a P in a very important part of both (can't be a coincidence, right?)
  • He refuses to use a microphone when playing online. Who else really needs to hide his identity when playing Destiny??
  • We messaged Mr. Dinklage (We believe that is what he wants to be called) repeatedly and he NEVER once denied being Peter Dinklage. He did give clues however that one can infer that he is the real Peter Dinklage. He said that he's a bit taller than Peter (which everyone knows that tv and movies make you appear shorter
    or is it add 20 pounds?
  • He messaged that he would deny being Mr. Dinklage (we're assuming to protect his anonymity)
  • He has no problem carrying scrubs like Zyzomys and myself. He almost enjoys watching us fail only to pull us through at that very end. The nuances of his playing style are only comparable to the variety of skills exemplified in his acting career.

So what say you DestinyGAF, have Zyzomys and I gamed with greatness??

Oh and for good measure, I'm sure that Mr. Dinklage would appreciate this rendition of him with a space beard that I randomly pulled off of the internet.

and let detective gaf be set loose!

*first we can assume his GAF name and PSN name are not the same
*also doesnt use a mic
*he is a carrier, so must be good

who is it gaf?


Cognitive Dissonance, Distilled
I'm being careful not to equip any of my new Ghorn drops in case they implement a you-never-used-it trading system.
Quodron is twice as cheap and 10x dirtier than a bubble and some Gjallarhorns.

Yup, its annoying when ppl don't go for for Quodron's eye for the jailbreaker buff and when they get it they think it is a times vengeance buff.

Last night he kinda bugged out, we accidentally knocked him of the boss ledge, and he was walking around the centre of the arena at half health. With the adds too this was very hard as well as dodging his aoe attacks and being detained and fireteam members not going to the eye, took twice as long as last week's 34 version.

It was still fun, though I got bones of eao again. I'll be doing more poe next week as I will be doing the elder ciper again to lord of wolves.


Anyone doing Crota HM tonight GMT+2 on PS4?

Would love to kill him this week, maybe get a nice drop off of the bitch finally.
Hey I kind of stopped playing Destiny before HOW came out, so I'm out of the loop on stuff.

I stopped playing on PS4 because everyone quit, but i picked it up again on XBO to play with some friends. Right now I'm level 20 on 2 characters (warlock and hunter, titan soon) after finishing the original campaign.

I'm going to try to do all of the raids and POE on hard to try and get that challenge thingy done before TTK drops.

What is the best way/most time efficient means of aquiring appropriate level gear and weapons? I assume vendor gear right now will get me the closest to getting ready for POE hard? Or do strikes/crucible rng pay out purples often enough to just grind that?

This is a little tricky to answer but I'll throw a few things out:

-Do bounties to grind rep for Vanguard, Crucible or one of the factions. Once you reach level 2, you can buy armor which starts at 36 light (Lv32 equivalent). You can buy weapons at rank 3.

-Lengendary weapons but not armor drop pretty frequently from Crucible matches, sometimes from Strike playlists as well.

-Trials of Osiris randomly drops Light 36 armor but you'll need 2 friends who are willing to go in and lose a bunch of matches with you.

-You'll need Etheric Light to upgrade Lengendary armor to Light 42 (equal to max Lv34). It can randomly drop from Nightfalls, or guranateed from the PoE 34 and 35.

-Do the PoE 32 to get an armor core and buy the Light 42 armor from Variks.

-Buy an exotic armor from Xur this weekend, depending on what he sells. Only costs 13 strange coins (I think) and starts at max Light 42.

I hope this helps! I'm sure I'm forgetting things...



No its not Dinklebot cause Manp leads the clan https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/987175 with the quote "kill shit get loot eat cheese!"

Which i have a hard time thinking he actually wrote.
Also he don't strike me as the Awoken type.

Edit: There we go^
lol, WTH?! :D
Hello Mr.Dinkle


and let detective gaf be set loose!

*first we can assume his GAF name and PSN name are not the same
*also doesnt use a mic
*he is a carrier, so must be good

who is it gaf?


Its Drizzay~
Your lack of faith breaks my heart

I don't hate the subclass, but I do resent that I'm expected to play a certain way when I'm a Sunsinger. The folks I play with most know that I'll use my super when I feel like it, just like all the other classes use theirs. I generate orbs for them just like they generate them for me. Reciprocity.

and let detective gaf be set loose!

*first we can assume his GAF name and PSN name are not the same
*also doesnt use a mic
*he is a carrier, so must be good

who is it gaf?

See. I told you all that Kadey was actually a guy. Nailed it.
Mushrooms are EJ's true final boss.

Food was soooo good.

Also, only EJ and me are from NL and knew each other beforehand. DJ en Nooblet are visiting right now!

SoM meetup is real!
Quodron is twice as cheap and 10x dirtier than a bubble and some Gjallarhorns.

I usually just have everyone equip IceBreaker or Invective because both regen ammo. Five shots with the IB will break the bubble without the eye buff.

We keep a lookout for the eye, if someone does manage to get it great, if not, IB and Invective will break the bubble no problem. I've used this strat at 32 and 34.


This is totally present and valid, but it's not unique to Destiny. It's just really fucking salient with the ubiquity of blink shotgun combinations on top of heavy and supers. But I haven't seen anything other than what looks like a normal distribution in skill metrics with expected extremes anchoring both ends.

Despite all the cheap ways to die, really good players put up extremely high numbers against random competition. Use whatever criterion you want. Guys like Poshy put up over a 5 k/d in Trials. 5. And the best players win over 95% of their games despite occasional disconnects and carries.

And when the best of the best pair up for sweaties, there is still significant separation. I watched part of the last Adamant tournament, and nobody could touch the first place team (WAR, Gabe, and Mgir, I think). They destroyed teams that were previously destroying teams.

I am not defending the state of Destiny's meta. There are a lot of cheap ways to die to inferior players, so I welcome the overhaul. But saying that eliminates or even reduces the skill gap really doesn't survive any scrutiny.
I should clarify my position. I think there is a skill gap in the game and it is fairly large. Having said that, there is also a gear gap. If you compare the high level pvp players to randoms, I can almost guarantee that the high level players have gear that is designed to be high end.

Let's be real on another aspect, Destiny has a lot of stuff that can be exploited, like Gift of the Sun plus Voidfang or Armamentarium with Lightning Grenades. The top level players exploit these things and whether or not you call it skill will vary across players.

Skill is a lot more apparent in games like Halo or Quake where everyone starts the same. Destiny's uneven starts means that the game's meta factors into the skill. It's another thing that can affect people's perception of skill.
I usually just have everyone equip IceBreaker or Invective because both regen ammo. Five shots with the IB will break the bubble without the eye buff.

We keep a lookout for the eye, if someone does manage to get it great, if not, IB and Invective will break the bubble no problem. I've used this strat at 32 and 34.

3/4 shots from found verdict break the shield quickly, though you sacrifice a ranged secondary weapon to have it.
EJ is one of the smartest guys on the forum. im sure hell have it mastered

Did he pull a Blaze?

Lol thanks guys, it was kinda difficult at the start as I've never even tried it but it went pretty smooth. I passed the final test grabbing mushrooms. Food was so delicious and good company!

Also, as already said me and Tears know each other from way back. This is my second meeting with nooblet and ruthles, first one being at Gamescom.
Never imagined this game could be so boring when you don't have na established group of friends. Not really looking forward to Destiny.lfg from what I've heard here. Maybe it's time to change games again?


Never imagined this game could be so boring when you don't have na established group of friends. Not really looking forward to Destiny.lfg from what I've heard here. Maybe it's time to change games again?

I am having a ton of fun playing with GAFers since my two RL friends don't have the DLC.
see, that tag proved useful for once

here, let me show you where to apply for that refund ;)

I'll be issuing refunds through my new 501c3 which benefits actors who refuse to admit that they're gamers and try to hide on the backwater of the internet (DestinyGAF).

Sorry Peter, I was a bit harsh with the "shut up" comment.
What is happening here?
Nothing really. Only that we've proven that Manp is Peter Dinklage.


I should clarify my position. I think there is a skill gap in the game and it is fairly large. Having said that, there is also a gear gap. If you compare the high level pvp players to randoms, I can almost guarantee that the high level players have gear that is designed to be high end.

Let's be real on another aspect, Destiny has a lot of stuff that can be exploited, like Gift of the Sun plus Voidfang or Armamentarium with Lightning Grenades. The top level players exploit these things and whether or not you call it skill will vary across players.

Skill is a lot more apparent in games like Halo or Quake where everyone starts the same. Destiny's uneven starts means that the game's meta factors into the skill. It's another thing that can affect people's perception of skill.
I was discussing this with Drizzay yesterday and really, for all intents and purposes Trials of Osiris is basically a standardized-loadout playlist. With a tiny few exceptions: everyone you face will have:

Primary: One of 5 guns at the most flexible possible stretch (TLW, Thorn, HMoon, Red Death, Messenger/Pilgrim)
Secondary: one of 4 virtually identical shotguns (shot package aggressive range boosted Felwinter's or Matador or Party Crasher); or a high aim assist, high impact sniper.
Heavy: high velocity/blast proximity detonation rocket with Tripod

If someone has a different loadout, they're either exceptionally good and can afford to just joke around with you, or a noob out of his league. Both these cases are super rare.

And yet many teams struggle to get 5 kills, while others win 95% of their matches while carrying (often unskilled) viewers. Despite using virtually the same guns, skill let's high level players destroy. It's why Unstable/Drizz win their matches even when they troll enemies with Necrochasm.

I'll give you another example. A PvP streamer called Nghtly just started an Xbox account this morning. He was streaming Skirmish as a level 7. Basically no class abilities beyond the first grenade and jump. All white armor so the slowest possible super/grenade/melee cooldown. All white weapons so zero aim assistance and piss-poor stability. He averaged 1.8 K/D with an average 14 kills per match.

The game is unbalanced as hell but at the end of the day, skill makes a far bigger difference than gear does in this game's PvP.
I am having a ton of fun playing with GAFers since my two RL friends don't have the DLC.
I usually put 1-2 requests here, but save for the Nightfall, no luck finding anybody who needs to do similar stuf, and raids take too long for me to play them mid week unless I'm being sherpa'ed.

I went in a "me too* grindfest and got a Husk of the Pit after 10 times restarting " The Fist of Crota". So this thing evolves?


This debate about skill gap in Destiny is interesting because whilst some players are obviously better than others at PvP, there's just so many imbalances and broken shit in this game that it can make players look better than they actually are, to the extent that the only skill gap that possibly exists between players is the skill one has in exploiting the imbalances and broken shit in the game better than other people do.

First you have the obvious OP shit like the exotic handcannons, sniper shotguns, aim assisted snipers(not a big deal before but re-rolling made this a problem), fucking heavy ammo etc, but then we have the true cause of imbalance in Destiny, the subclasses. Some subclasses, namely Bladedancer and Sunsinger, are so much better than the other classes for PvP to the extent that they're the only ones you pretty much see being used in sweaties, with the exception of brave Gab and his Striker.

The class perks, grenades and supers the two big subclasses possess are just so much better than everyone elses and the top players gravitate towards them. Shit like Firebolt/Arcbolt, Raidant Skin, Viking Funeral and the big one, Quickdraw in combination with Blink, just makes the game so much easier to play and going back to the other subclasses feels like you're only gimping yourself. Until there's true class balance in Destiny you'll never see Destiny become a truly competitive game because if you have 4/6, probably soon to be 7/9, subclasses in the game not being used by the best players than you have a problem.

Why oh why Bungie haven't been tweaking the subclasses baffles me tbh, they are NOT equal.

E92 M3

Never imagined this game could be so boring when you don't have na established group of friends. Not really looking forward to Destiny.lfg from what I've heard here. Maybe it's time to change games again?

If it wasn't for this board and the friends met, Destiny would have been played for 10-20 hours max. It's all about community. You're right.


I usually put 1-2 requests here, but save for the Nightfall, no luck finding anybody who needs to do similar stuf, and raids take too long for me to play them mid week unless I'm being sherpa'ed.

I went in a "me too* grindfest and got a Husk of the Pit after 10 times restarting " The Fist of Crota". So this thing evolves?

Yes, it does. Into Necrochasm

Husk of the Pit - Evolution 1 - Embalming Orb (x1) - Upgrade HotP to Eidolon Ally
Eidolon Ally - Evolution 2 - Crux of Crota - Upgrade EA to Necrochasm
Necrochasm - Evolution 3

Crux of Crota is a rare Hard Mode drop from defeating Crota.
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